A Good Question

The following comment is the crux of our nation’s usurpation:

Why should I vote when they steal the elections?

Let’s first look at a section of the original 1776 North Carolina Constitution:

VII.(3) That all freemen, of the age of twenty-one years, who have been inhabitants of any one county within the State twelve months immediately preceding the day of any election and possessed of a freehold within the same county of fifty acres of land for six months next before, and at the day of election, shall be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate.

VIII.(3) That all freemen of the age of twenty-one Years, who have been inhabitants of any one county within this State twelve months immediately preceding the day of any election, and shall have paid public taxes shall be entitled to vote for members of the House of Commons for the county in which he resides.

IX.(3) That all persons possessed of a freehold in any town in this State, having a right of representation and also all freemen who have been inhabitants of any such town twelve mouths next before and at the day of election, and shall have paid public taxes, shall be entitled to vote for a member to represent such town in the House of Commons: — Provided always, That this section shall not entitle any inhabitant of such town to vote for members of the House of Commons, for the county in which he may reside, nor any freeholder in such county, who resides without or beyond the limits of such town, to vote for a member for said town.


I remember posting the above information on the GOLO bulletin board in Raleigh over 10 years ago without any comment. I was immediately labelled a racist. Our founding fathers knew that people would steal other people’s assets through the “power” of the voting box. Common sense would dictate that only people who are citizens supporting the cost of governance should be able to vote. In this country, the vote was used to corrupt these simple requirements up to the point where the “government” was able to corrupt the leadership of government agencies in our time. This led to undermining elections through fraud and the eventual usurpation of the Republic by traitors.

Our founding fathers were not alone in the sanctity of the qualifications to be able to vote:


Once the power of the vote was corrupted by the “looters”, the Republic was lost to banks and big business.

After the end of the War of Northern Aggression, the federal government illegally replaced the governor of North Carolina (and other Southern States) without an election and replaced our state’s Constitution with a federal version. Here is John Ainsworth explaining this history to our state’s government officials:

When did Jefferson’s prediction come true? The roots were planted in 1913 when European and American bankers set up the Federal Reserve on Jekyll Island. I could not imagine explaining the concept of the Federal Reserve to our founding fathers. Even Alexander Hamilton would have seen the folly of this root of all evil.

Fast forward to 1960 and the election of John F. Kennedy through voter fraud and the final nail in the coffin was in place.

But voter fraud was not enough to overthrow the Republic, a secondary “Deep State” government had to be in complete power after the CIA killed JFK. Nixon’s removal of the gold standard and the Fed’s insatiable quest to devalue the dollar were just icing on the Bretton Woods I and Bretton Woods II systems.

The critical component of this takeover by the banking system, Western corporations and an undercover government was the corruption of the voting system. Fraud was expanded until Presidential elections were no longer dependent on people (alive or dead) voting. The useful idiots who were part of this treason are no longer needed for voting purposes; they have been replaced by electronic manipulation of the vote tallies. These useful idiots are now only useful (for a short time longer) for creating chaos through violence and crime.

So back to the original comment and purpose of this article: Why should I vote when they steal the elections?

The answer is simple: we should not vote. It only gives tacit approval to an illegal government and the evil it represents. The question should be: How can we have trust in our elections so that our votes represent the will of the people who support our governance through the fruits of their labor? Voter integrity can be achieved by instituting a few changes. Why bother to outline common sense voting requirements when the “government” will never allow them? In fact, Congress condones the evil and still justifies the illegal puppet pResidency of Joe Biden. As well as the rest of the branches of the federal government and their associated agencies.

We do not know the rules of our “government” since they still cloak their evil under the US flag and Constitution supported by the media. If we don’t know the rules, we cannot play the game. And that is the point of not voting in a rigged system with unknown rules.

As the new Amerika is destroying the entire Western culture for the enrichment of the banks and the elites, what options do we have? The question is really simple: what options do we have to restore our children’s liberty? The answer is also simple: pray for Divine Providence to support us in the coming war.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

I will not be voting.
This article is stupendous.

“ The answer is simple: we should not vote. It only gives tacit approval to an illegal government and the evil it represents. The question should be: How can we have trust in our elections so that our votes represent the will of the people who support our governance through the fruits of their labor?”

1 year ago

A simple way to foil the CBDC initiative would be for congress to pass an act requiring x% of the money supply to be issued in physical $$$ or coinage. I’m not knowledgeable to specify that %, but perhaps it could be set as the same % as existed in 1970 or somesuch. THAT should be one of the conditions of raising the debt ceiling.

1 year ago

Guvamint hits us first where we live. Local police and county sheriff have a great deal to do with the freedoms you are allowed to enjoy.

I can see logic in fore-swearing to not vote in national elections, but your voice can make a difference in local elections only if you participate.

Many are focused on growing our community of like-minded and trusted associates and those groups can, when organized, sway elections of local officials.

I would caution all readers to think about continuing to be involved in their local elections, and in the selection of candidates, writing letters to editors on local issues and pushing back against libtards/RINOs who abuse the coffers for pet projects, see their job as giving guvamint jobs to family(nepotism), unequal law enforcement, judges that are untrustworthy, district attorneys who play favorites, etc.

Study Nullification. Jefferson and other Founding Fathers saw local and state guvamints as a way to nullify federal usurpations. Brave Sheriffs all over the country are standing up to federal and state gun controls that violate the 2d.

That alone is why each of us must never stop being involved in local elections !!

1 year ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Depends entirely on the local election, but I generally agree with you and David too. Paper ballots are the game changers and would be the reason to vote in a local election.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

People wishing for peaceful political solutions should work on voter integrity efforts, eliminating mass mail-in balloting, and get rid of those damned computers!

1 year ago

Here are some folks who are passionate about this issue and they are making progress in tiny measure:

They are not wrong about what we can do to take back the electoral process. BUT, as always, it requires individuals to band together, organize and demand change.
As long as folks think they can ‘ride it out’ (many of my more capable friends around the country have hunkered down, done their prepping, bought their ammo and are kicking back)… this kind of change won’t happen on the mass scale that is needed right fucking now.
And boy do they hate to be reminded of the concept of civic duty. It just chaps their asses to imagine getting in their trucks and delivering a bunch of important info to their local sheriff… or God forbid setting up information sharing meetings at their homes where local law enforcement is welcome.
Calling a state rep to alert them on FEDNOW or CBDC at 7:30am -- which is about the only time you can get them -- is completely foreign to these people. I love them anyway, but it chaps my ass to carry their water for them…
And hell no, I’m not going to vote unless something really changes in the way the vote is handled. Thus far, the NC State Board of Elections has been completely underwhelming. The NC SBOE is using US Defense Dept infotech darling Cloudflare (the whole NC state’s government firewall is run by this company) to roll up the results -- so they don’t know what is going on at all.

1 year ago

Very good points!
Here in AR, the voting seems accurate and I will vote, but not in any federal election.
There must be some restrictions on voting even in a republic; the masses will always vote themselves a free lunch, to their demise!

The problem is, it is all beyond our control, TPTB will never allow them selves to be voted out! The only solution is secession or revolution, it will have to come down to a fight, in any event. Other than the USSR, when in history has tyranny ever voluntarily given up power?

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I will not vote, nothing has changed and believing in another one of the many lies is in my opinion delusional. We have a long list of abuses, and that list grows daily.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

I will not vote either in a corrupt system.

1 year ago

It used to be, that they only needed to rig the primaries… get one of your guy’s into both parties, and who cares who wins the national election.

It’s easier to rig primaries: The “parties” are not part of government, they are private entities, and can make and change their own bylaws without regard to constitutional controls that regulate actual elections in goverment. But they screwed up in 2016, and didn’t rig the GOP enough to keep Trump out, and then screwed up rigging the national election for Hillary, in part because it’s harder to hide, and because they had less experience rigging national elections, but also because it wasn’t *that* big a deal, as the process of getting on the ballot in the primaries was rigged enough to ensure that Trump wasn’t *that* far off “reservation”, and they still had deep state controls to hog tie him anyway.

After 2020, everybody who *can* know, knows. There’s no actual backlash, so they’re now in the act of taking down the scenery, moving the tables and chairs out of the way, and pulling back the curtains, so you can see the brick wall at the back of the theater: https://www.azquotes.com/quote/347129

Michael Hall
Michael Hall
1 year ago

this was it in a nut shell. universal suffrage brought us this leviathan. well said David.

Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago

Finally, someone else has said it! Why ratify a corrupt system by participating in one of its shams? Especially as vote totals are used by the Establishment to “prove” that “the people support us” and “our democracy is working!” — ?

Don’t Vote! It Only Encourages Them — printed on a West Coast shopping bag.

1 year ago

Moneyed incorporations. We all know he is referring to the bankers and the institutions that enslave people with debit.