Allow me to explain how the government sanctioned so-called refugee resettlement “non-profits” really work. These are large companies that make more money from taxpayers the more “refugees” the government lets in. It’s another cog in the mass migration racket. They build in…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 26, 2025
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And They are behind it. They are an existential threat to our national security as They are both the financier and profiteer.
It has always been plain as day. The liberal assholes don’t do anything without charging the government huge amounts of money, then they kickback a large portion of their theft to .gov people who helped then steal the money in the first place.
$2100 to illegal + $10,000 for the NPO = $12,100. The NPO then pays their friends in the .gov $$$$.
Total $24,000 per illegal.
These people are f***ing us every day of the year. NGO’s should be outlawed and prosecuted..
USAID is among the worst of the problems, along with the NGO’s. No more federal grants either!
I’ve been saying this for a long time. This isn’t new, at all. $200 billion per year for providing social services for invaders. Every year. Cut off the money and the problem goes away.
+1 to all of the comments. The only thing I’d add is that these NGO’s and their public/state counterparts are major employers of the leftist college scam.
The people staffing these places, from top to bottom, are statist, leftist, globalist opportunists whose entire identity is invested in the underlying moral premise. By the time they graduate college they are fully indoctrinated into this system. Most are women. Many are non-White/Jewish.
This is a jobs program for the spawn of the well-heeled anti-Heritage American progressives.
Unfortunately, these are also people from the sorts of urban ‘elite’ families and power nodes that drive these policies and control public purse strings. It is all interrelated.
To answer the question of “what would anyone do with a gender/queer/international/cultural/african studies degree?” Well, they run these sorts of programs. And the money feeds back into those schools as well.
Names and Addresses …,
the cure.
You’ve said this before Randolph.
Looks like Dave H below gave you an excellent start for your research if your vaguely serious.
The people that bring the refugees in make more than $250,000 each for bringing them here, and then they dump them on the taxpayers in the county that they go too. I know this for a fact, we had rental property right next door to where they placed these people and we saw everyday where they sat on their back porch and did nothing, but were provided free everything. Then one day an older man asked us if we had any rentals available, for children because he was going to be a foster parent for 2 refugee children because their parents were alcholics and drug addicts and could not take care of them
The UN is behind this too -- here is a 2016 memo.
Makes for some interesting reading: