A Letter to America’s Pastors

To America’s Pastors, 

Across the centuries and prior to the founding of our nation, countries have been defined by multiple forms of government, some having implemented over thirty constitutions. This tragic pattern defines most countries except America. America has had one Constitution. Our Declaration of Independence is the most successful government document in the world, but what makes it so unique? English Philosopher, Physician, and Theologian, John Locke, cited scripture over 1,500 times in his Treatise of Government, the primary work that influenced the American Declaration of Independence. He defended Christianity and the Constitutional Republic, the Biblical form of government. He knew it was crucial to any nation’s success. Until America, a Biblical form of government had never been attempted. In America, we are Caesar!

It is amazing what a copy of God’s word can do to change the trajectory of one’s destiny. From the late 1300s to the 1600s, courageous men and women filled with spiritual conviction knew the government systems they were witnessing and oppressed by were not in alignment with Scripture. Much of the population was forbidden to have a copy of the Bible.

A lack of religious freedom led to many Christian arrests and persecutions. Persecution spreads the Gospel. These founding Pilgrim fathers and mothers knew the truth — the rule of Christ in each life was superior to any man-made system or earthly ruler. The Pilgrims understood the sacred principle of Psalm 33:12: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Their purpose was to carry this truth to America. The Bible would become the spiritual foundation on which the future of the United States would rest. Our jurisprudence is based on the laws given to Moses on the Mount, and we must have a solid, moral background to keep tyranny at bay.

The six unchanging principles in our Declaration were inspired by Scripture. The first two speak to profound doctrine:

1. There is a Divine Creator.

2. Unalienable rights come from God. Not even the government has authority over them.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yes sir, the founders sought God for divine providence and guidance, we have lost our way since. Time to seek God and repent, time to pick up our swords and remove this satanic evil from our midst, all of it.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

As was said, the only way to end communism, is to end communists.

2 years ago

Many people no longer expect pastors, preachers, ministers, and whatever else they’re referred to as, to be leaders in a national sense, but rather, to follow state doctrine and implement it as fully as they can, in accordance with varying techniques that reward those who go along with it and are dismissive of those in disagreement, the usual church environment in America.

Men are needed, pastors no, not really.

“The true Church must understand the main areas of cultural influence from a Biblical worldview: Family, Church, Government, Business, Media, Education, Arts and Entertainment while recognizing the false doctrine systems that have crept in to destroy what God intended within those areas of influence.”

Why would they recognize them when they’re taught to submit throughout their entire lives, from the educational system, church and workplace? In other words, others decide these things and are the trendsetters as with gender, alternative lifestyles, economics, and the according policies thereof, and this largely goes unquestioned. This also speaks to the viability of a Constitution in a supposed Constitutional Republic, which to not understand and grasp the above, gives an overview as to why it couldn’t have existed to begin with (particularly in modern times), except for the benefiting of only a select group.

What do churches know about rights? Many of them stand with and partner with abortion clinics. How many had mobile vans, clinics, and applied other sorts of pressure for congregants to get Covid-19 injected? Looking to them to now stand up for cultural and societal forwardness, is overall, with perhaps exceptions of those who were already predisposed to activist causes that were not top-down in origin (dictated to them), is unrealistic and likely to be mild reform-based at best.

chop chop
chop chop
2 years ago

if people sat down daily and read the bible, and prayed to the almighty god threw jesus christ you will come to know what to do and not do. it says we all are here temparaory, and all we own to this goverment is our taxes, and to god we own him our truth, love, and spirit and to follow him in mind and body. not to follow the world or the worldley ways. help the ones that needs help, feed the poor, love everyone as you want to be loved