A Letter to Paul Stam – Looks Like Tyranny Is Losing Ground

Presented with no comment although it is hard when it comes to Paul “Skip” Stam.
David DeGerolamo
From: Linda Harper
To: Paul.Stam@ncleg.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:55 PM
Subject: Saturday July 21.

Mr. Stam,

After receiving the following information (from Diane Rufino), we have decided that since we are Citizens for Constitutional Liberties, we want a speaker who helps promote government that is more in line with the Constitution to speak at our Constitution Seminar on Saturday, July 21.  But thank you so much for being willing to come and speak.

  Individual liberty is only protected and enlarged when constitutional limits are respected, the checks and balances work as intended, and the states are diligent guardians of those “reserved” powers referred to in the Tenth Amendment. House Majority Leader Stam has told Founder’s Truth that he doesn’t believe in the state’s power to second-guess or question the powers of the federal government.  What that tells me is that the federal government is our master and our state leadership likes it that way.    North Carolina appears to be a federal cling-on rather than a  sovereign state. Mr. Stam called Nullification (the “Rightful” states’ rights remedy to limit the size and scope of the federal government, as Thomas Jefferson himself articulated) an outdated racist doctrine.  I didn’t know Mr. Stam knew more about the Constitution and founding principles than Jefferson.  I know lawyers can be quite cocky and Stam is a lawyer, but I think his position is more than arrogant.  Especially when one of the most notable times in our history that Nullification was used effectively was by the Wisconsin state supreme court to protect run-away slaves from the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, which it declared was unconstitutional under the Tenth Amendment.  So how could Mr. Stam call it a racist doctrine?

  Rep. Bradley has exerted many efforts to assert the sovereign powers of this state.  As I told them, he is the representative responsible for introducing a State Sovereignty resolution (H.R. 34; “State’s Right to Claim Sovereignty”) and other strong states’ rights (including nullification) type bills. For example, check out his resolutions HR 982 (“Opposition to NDAA”; it declares the “indefinite detention of American citizens” provision of NDAA as unconstitutional and unenforceable in NC) and HR 983 “(ICLEI Noncompliance”; NC will not comply with Agenda-21), which Stam recently made sure would never see the light. Also check out some other bills he has introduced:

— The North Carolina Farmers Freedom Protection Act (HB 65; this bill says that all intrastate traffic is exempted from Congress’ Commerce Clause authority. This means that all foodstuff and other products that are produced and shipped within the borders of NC and do not leave the state are exempted from congressional regulation)

— The NC Firearms Freedom Act (HB 241; this bill says that any guns or ammunition manufactured and maintained within the state will be exempt from Congress’ Commerce Clause authority)

— The Constitutional Tender Act (HB 448; NC would recognize gold and silver as legal tender)

— The Prevent REAL ID Implementation Act (HB 445, which would have prevented a ‘nationalized’ drivers license)

— The Electoral Freedom Act of 2011 (HB 32; makes it easier to register a new political party in NC)

— The NC Jobs Bill (HB 587; NC would enact meaningful regulatory reform to stimulate job growth)

These bills are sitting in various committees, most of them in Judiciary – where they will simply die. These bills are apparently not important.  It was, of course, of highest priority recently to pass a bill adopting the Yellow Swallowtail as the official state butterfly (S 235).

So you can see why, if you are holding an education event named “Camp Liberty” and focusing on the Constitution and its guarantee of liberty, Rep. Paul Stam is not the man you need to soak up the spotlight.  It’s Glen Bradley and leaders like him.

Thanks again for your time, and we look forward to seeing our General Assembly pass  more bills that protect our Constitutional liberties.

Linda Harper

Linda Harper, M. Ed, President  919-751-1090    tl862@bellsouth.net

Citizens for Constitutional Liberties ( Wayne County Tea Party)

citizensforconstitutionalliberties.org;  so-sewdesigns.org

Conservatives must: Do our own research.   Operate on principle, follow the law, respect the rights of others, behave calmly, and trust the God of the Bible.

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Lynn Childs
Lynn Childs
12 years ago

Way to go Linda!!! We need to change the “business as usual” attitude of our elected representatives, starting at the state level. Rep. Glen Bradley deserves our thanks and support. He has worked so hard to reinstate the soveignity of our state and of the people! He should be an example to other representatives--not an exception!

Laura Long
12 years ago

It goes without saying that everything in government moves slow. What the Republican party did to Glen Bradley was wrong. Glen was one of the few politicians who had the courage to stand up and do what is right and Constitutional, and he was pushed out for that. I think the establishment Republicans should enjoy their time in office. If I am right, once the conservatives have cleaned out the progressive liberals from office, they will then go after the progressive Republicans. It is time that we take back our government and put it on the right track, all I can say is that patience is a virtue, but the time will come when those who can’t stand up for right will be voted out, I can’t wait.

Jeff Lewis
12 years ago

Paul “Skip the Constitution” Stam should be ashamed.

As Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence, (paraphrased) “Governments are formed to protect our God-given inalienable Rights.” These Rights include much more than simply the Right to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

It is not enough for legislators to simply not vote for bad legislation. They must fight against it, alert the citizenry to shenanigans and threats to their liberty they witness developing within the halls of government. They must, as they swear to Almighty God, support and defend the Constitution of North Carolina and the United States Constitution.

Those without the character or courage to “put up the good fight” in defense of our Rights need to be put out of office at the earliest convenience. They are not your friends or your allies. They are facilitators of robbing you of your Rights, of emptying your wallets to pay for programs that government has no business being “in the business of.”

Speaker Stam may be a nice guy, but so was Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, and Josef Stalin… to their friends and cronies. Each of them eviscerated the rights of the People. Currently, the GOP elephant just as well be a NAZI swastika. It represents tyranny, not honorable servant-leadership. It represents cowardice. You Dems, don’t you be salivating either. Your leadership in North Carolina was also shameful.

I beseech all of my fellow citizenry in North Carolina to take Governor Zebulon Baird Vance’s advice: “When you find you have scoundrels and scalawags in office, you need to turn them out, and you need to keep turning them out until you send honorable men to Washington [and Raleigh].”

Glen Bradley has my vote for whatever office he chooses next. His public service has been honorable and courageous.

12 years ago

If you’re a patriotic conservative Republican and you’ve been active in the GOP for very long, attended some of their conventions or committee meetings, you quickly realize that it is not just Skip Stam that is the problem. Today’s GOP is made up of a collection of mostly well meaning party members but there is a faction of collectivists that have taken over the party decades ago and has maintained that control by running the good people out.
Only a return of the good people, and lots of them, will stand any chance of the GOP ever being Grand again. Five parties run by crooked collectivists is no better than the two we currently have.
The NC GOP must again develop some teeth and grow a backbone. To do this, more good people MUST become permanently involved! The way to fix this problem is to get 2 or more of your friends and neighbors that live in your precinct to attend your precinct organizational meetings and become delegates and vote out those who will not stand firmly in defense of our liberties. If just 3 people per precinct were to do this, things would change in a dramatic way and quickly!
The NC GOP must also pass governing rules for elected officials that will at first privately excoriate those Republican elected officials that clearly violate the party platform issues while serving.
If uncorrected, I would go further to a public denunciation of our own elected officials who continue voting against stated platform positions. A party that will not enforce its own platform is intentionally deceiving its base into voting for them on the basis that “X” is what we are when we mean never to enforce “X” if they vote for us!
We do need principle over party! Principles must guide and run our party and only good people can fix the work of bad people!