A Little Help Please on What This Symbol Means

Is Zelensky actually showing a 1939 Nazi Iron Cross on his T-shirt while addressing the US Congress as a thread is stating on the net?

While I doubt even a Biden puppet would be so ignorant, the only time it was shown was at the end of the speech when Congress was giving him a standing ovation. Does anyone know what the symbol on his T-shirt represents in Ukraine?

David DeGerolamo

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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
2 years ago

The Iron Cross Second Class was awarded for a single act of bravery in the face of the enemy that were above and beyond the call of duty. This particular Iron Cross was awarded to 2nd Lt. Felice Figus of the 53rd Stormo.

2 years ago

While the picture is a good close-up, it looks like the Wehrmacht War Merit Cross without swords.

2 years ago

Sorry! I meant to say “not” a good close-up.

2 years ago

Had..Iron Cross, the war merit i s a completely different shape, and issued in bronze.

Connie G
Connie G
2 years ago

Last weeks research…

Ernie Lee Engle
Ernie Lee Engle
2 years ago
Reply to  Connie G

Connie, This the Ukrainian army symbol, not the Iron Cross that the Nazi’s used during WW2. People do a little research….

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
2 years ago

Not the same. Maybe Eastern orthodox?

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Hanna

Maltese cross variant, maybe Templar / freemasons?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

It represents exactly the same thing it meant the last time you saw it worn.
These people are unabashed about their plans and agenda, they tell you straight to your face they want you dead. Dunno why its so hard for folks to grok that.

Ernie Lee Engle
Ernie Lee Engle
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Hey Joe you blow,This the Ukrainian army symbol, not the Iron Cross that the Nazi’s used during WW2. People do a little research….

Gisele Hetu
Gisele Hetu
2 years ago

Zelensky and his commie handlers are telling us right to our face what they are REALLY all about!
His narcissism is obvious as he is showing of ‘bravery’ with this printed version of the iron cross on his Tshirt, and everybody is shamelessly and ignorantly idolizing him with standing ovations, around the world, through lies and propaganda!
He was chosen as President due to his acting skills, controlability and corruption.
The Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross (GermanRitterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes), or simply the Knight’s Cross (Ritterkreuz), and its variants, were the highest awards in the military and paramilitary forces of Nazi Germanyduring World War II.
The Knight’s Cross was awarded for a wide range of reasons and across all ranks, from a senior commander for skilled leadership of his troops in battle to a low-ranking soldier for a single act of military valour. 

2 years ago
Reply to  Gisele Hetu

Forgive my ignorance on this but, I do remember that Hermann Goering wore an Iron Cross from his time serving in the great war a.k.a. WW I.
I’m just saying that he had it, and wore it, before WW II began.

Ernie Lee Engle
Ernie Lee Engle
2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

This the Ukrainian army symbol, not the Iron Cross that the Nazi’s used during WW2. People do a little research….

2 years ago

admitting to ignorance on this and you still take a shot…nice! btw, my reply was to her, not to you, on when the iron cross came into being. WWI, not WWII.

Ernie Lee Engle
Ernie Lee Engle
2 years ago
Reply to  Gisele Hetu

Gisele, you are wrong.This the Ukrainian army symbol, not the Iron Cross that the Nazi’s used during WW2. People do a little research….

2 years ago
Reply to  Gisele Hetu

Your ignorance about Ukraine’s usage of this symbol over time is breathtaking.

Last edited 2 years ago by Survivormann99
2 years ago

“The National Hero of Ukraine in Zelensky’s mind is Stephan Bandera who was a Ukrainian Nazi…”

dennis winebrinner
dennis winebrinner
2 years ago

The cross symbol’s design, black with a white or silver outline, was ultimately derived from the cross pattée of the Teutonic Order and used by knights on occasions from the 13th century.
from wikipedia.
goes back a lot further, and has much more history and meaning, than Nazi Germany.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

It is the symbol of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


Ernie Lee Engle
Ernie Lee Engle
2 years ago

This the Ukrainian army symbol, not the Iron Cross that the Nazi’s used during WW2. People do a little research….

Hammer's Thor
2 years ago

It’s derived from the Christian Cross from almost 1000 years ago. It was adopted by the Knights Templar, was mainly presented as red to represent martyrdom and the sacrifice of Christ. It has been used for centuries to represent bravery and sacrifice. Sometimes it has been used by unsavory tribes, but that does not diminish it’s meaning and origin.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hammers Thor
2 years ago

Ignorant people are always the bane of humanity.
Beyond the symbol confusion, those here who have criticized the Ukrainians who welcomed Germany’s invasion during WWII appear to be blissfully ignorant of history. Try looking up “Holomodor.” For those who are too lazy to do so, just click on this link: Holodomor -- Wikipedia
If your country had suffered millions of deaths from starvation caused by the brutal hand of Joe Stalin and Communist policies, you would likely have cheered the Wehrmacht units rolling down your streets and across your pastures as liberators, at least for a while. What is being seen now in Ukraine would be considered to be a small hiccup compared to the deaths caused by Communist policy makers in Moscow.
Hitler had an excellent chance to use the Ukrainians in his effort to destroy Stalin, but he blew it when the German atrocities began to pile up.

2 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Survivormann99, Personally, I have seen and wonder about the two Ukrainian units using insignia from the world war two “volunteer” division of the Waffen-SS. One is the direct sleeve badge/patch of the 29th/30th Waffen-SS Panzer-Greindiers and the other if the enlongated and tilted “zed” used by the 12th Waffen-SS Mountain Brigade? Any background on this is appreciated. I too abhor ignorance, and wish not to be guilty of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

I think that it is clearly established that the symbol is a Ukrainian military symbol, not a German Iron Cross that goes back to the Teutonic Knights 1000 years ago.
About the Ukrainian Waffen SS, I will say this. SS units were formed in Belgium and Coatia, among several other European countries. There was a 6 or 7-part series about these SS units on the History Channel, the American Heroes Channel, or some similar channel that I watched maybe three years ago.
If you click on the Wikipedia link I provided, you will find the following about the Soviet treatment of the Holomodor:
Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials varied greatly.[13] A United Nations joint statement signed by 25 countries in 2003 declared that 7–10 million perished.[14] Current scholarship estimates a range of 4 to 7 million victims,[15] with more precise estimates ranging from 3.3[16] to 5 million.[17] According to the findings of the Court of Appeal of Kyiv in 2010, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million direct famine deaths, and a further 6.1 million birth deficits.[18]
If you were Ukrainian in 1941, you would likely have seen invading Germans as liberators from Communist oppression and devastation. It was not immediately obvious that the German Army was filled with so many stone-cold killers, and that made it much easier for Ukrainians to flock to the Wehrmacht and SS in the effort to free Ukraine from the Soviet yoke.
As an aside, one of the greatest ironies of World War II is that Britain and France declared war on Germany for invading Poland. A few weeks later, when the Soviet Union invaded and seized the other half of Poland, they did absolutely nothing. Britain, France, and the US later partnered with the Soviet Union and won the war--but then handed Poland over to the Soviet Union’s control for over 50 years. Exactly why was the European war fought again?
It is said that politics makes strange bedfellows. It Eastern Europe, this applies in spades.

2 years ago

Not that this is worth arguing over, but look at this:

Ukrainian Army Cap.jpg