A Lord in Sarasota, Florida on Pravda

The corruption of America is complete

The corruption of America is complete. The Congress is corrupt. The Supreme Court is corrupt, and the President is both corrupt and a fraud. How can this be possible? Because the citizenry of this nation, for the most part, is the product of an education system that has brainwashed it students for several decades. These “Blind Sheep” only know how to destroy, or pick apart,  any subject or person. They are not capable of logical reasoning. This birth certificate issue is one where logical reasoning would apply.

The case has been made by reasonable persons qualified in the field of document analysis that this document is a composite and a fraud. The press doesn’t listen and then ask questions about the results found, it asks questions and attacks the persons who have presented the creditable evidence. THE GAME IS RIGGED. We have a Republican candidate for President who is aware of this birth certificate issue and is being pummeled in the press to give up more tax returns so that the Democrats can destroy him by nonsense. And yet this coward, Mitt Romney, refuses to attack this fraud of a President on the birth certificate issue.

All this confusion could be ended in one afternoon. President Obama could let Sheriff Arpaio view his real birth certificate in the vault in Hawaii, under the “protective eyes” of the press, so that it could be ascertained that the Internet version of this birth certificate and the one in the vault are one in the same. But this is not going to happen for two reasons: 1. The two versions of this certificate will not match, and 2.This great distraction is a divisional issue between the Patriot’s of America and the Republican, public educated, “Blind Sheep”. It is good sport as we say in England.
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