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- The One Man Responsible for Creating the War Profiteering Machine
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- “Do Not Panic Buy”: Officials Urge Calm As LA Fire Crisis Disrupts Main Fuel Pipeline To Las Vegas
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- Steady Steve on The FED Made a Huge Mistake
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Children Running the Government
- Glincoln on “Do Not Panic Buy”: Officials Urge Calm As LA Fire Crisis Disrupts Main Fuel Pipeline To Las Vegas
- Pastor Guest on California-Based Insurer Crashes Amid Billions In L.A. Area Fire-Damage Losses
- GenEarly on “Do Not Panic Buy”: Officials Urge Calm As LA Fire Crisis Disrupts Main Fuel Pipeline To Las Vegas
“Americans have called on us to marshal the forces of decency and the forces of fairness,” President-elect Joe Biden said on Saturday. “To marshal the forces of science and the forces of hope in the great battles of our time.”
Joe Biden, last night.
Have we?
History does Not Repeat, History Rhymes.
I could go into great detail about the coming Supreme Court battle and decisions Rhyming with the Dred Scott Decision of 1857 and many other paralleling rhymes leading up to the CW of 1861, but suffice it to say I’m going to use the Past as Prologue to the immediate and the coming Future.
The exact Timing becomes cloudier the further out in time, and the Alignment of Events is mere conjecture, as “Who” can really “see” the Future anyway?
This is just my conjecture, but One Fact is certain: The “Deep State”, NWO, Globalist Billionaires- Banksters, Oligarchs, along with their paid swine democRats, and Quisling repubs … aka the DC Swamp…..
Whomever “They” are; Have presented Us (with a gun to our heads), A Choice:
Acquiesce to a Clearly Fraudulent Election to Complete the Coup on DJT as President, End the MAGA campaign, Continue the Criminality of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Cartel, Complete the Marxist Transformation of America begun by the Obama Regime, and Restore the China Model of “Capitalist-Communist” but Total Tyranny to the World.
The NWO Bush I & II Dynasty, Established Never Trumper “Conservative” Media, etc. Colluded and Contributed to this as Loyal “Opposition”.
The “Choice”, to be more concise, is Submit or Fight.
Submit is well understood as “peaceful” ProgreSSive Insanity will envelope your lives, but you will be spared Violence as long as You Submit. (and the Submitting never, ever stops Progressing to more and more extremes.)
Fight on the other hand means:
1. Legal (within a corrupt system) ? with political disruptions like the past 4 Trumpian years, including continuing Antifa and Burn-Loot-Murder, possible secession of CA,OR,WA,NY,IL,etc.???
leading to….
2. Failure of Legal and the Ballot Box leading to C.W. and the horrors that it brings.
3. Whatever: The USA is Humpty Dumpty and all the Gov. horses and all the Gov. men cannot Repair the Irreconcilable Differences of the former republic.
The Rhyming of History brings me to the conclusion of Winston Churchill warning of the Socialist Nazi’s and their Soviet Communist cousins, both Tyrannical Leftist Regimes.
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly;
you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”