A Message from Brian Reilly

Dear Mr. DeGerolamo,
Thank you for your reply.
I can assure you that I am the “Brian Reilly” who posted the original information back in 2012, on your NC Renegade website. I also asked for donations for the investigation.  I thought it was my responsibility to your readers to post my current thoughts about the outcome of Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation that I requested back in 2011, and that I worked on as a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse member in 2012.  I requested the investigation back in 2011 to hopefully quell the ongoing debate regarding then President Obama’s birth certificate as depicted as a computer generated PDF posted on the White House website April 27, 2011. And yes, I still believe that God gave me the idea for the investigation.  However, the investigation ended up going in a direction that I never expected regarding exposing the inner workings of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office which I believe ultimately contributed to the defeat of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in his reelection bid in 2016.
Here is a link to a news article that the Arizona Republic (AZ Central) did just prior to the November,  2016 election.  My wife Denise and I were interviewed for 4 1/2 hours at our Sun City West home by Mr. Richard Ruelas.  The article gives a complete picture of how my idea came about and what I currently think about the so called investigation.
I am a longtime conservative Republican, and I campaigned with my father for Richard Nixon in 1960 and Barry Goldwater in 1964.  In 2016, I supported and voted for Donald Trump.  I am also a Believer in Christ. I did not support President Obama’s politics.
Personally, I think your readers might be interested in my observations in 2017.  But, then again, it is your website and your decision, which I respect.
To prove to you who I am, I have included a picture of me being sworn into the Cold Case Posse by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  I have also included a letter to me from Maricopa County Prosecuting Attorney William Montgomery regarding the “evidence” accumulated by the Cold Case Posse back in 2012.  He considered the Cold Case Posse “evidence” as only “speculation” and would not take any action regarding President Obama based on the lack of evidence.  On December 7, 2016, I again spoke with Maricopa County Attorney William Montgomery and I asked him if the Cold Case Posse or Sheriff Arpaio had ever approached him again since 2012 with any new evidence regarding the birth certificate investigation.  Mr. Montgomery’s reply was “No.” It’s my understanding the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office also never assigned a case number to the investigation.  This became just one more of Joe Arpaio’s many dog & pony shows and publicity stunts.
I’ve also included two Verifications of Birth issued by the state of Hawaii to Secretary of State Ken Bennett and to the Mississippi Democratic Party for use in a Mississippi court case regarding President Obama.  In reality, these Verifications of Birth issued on May 22, 2012 (to Arizona) and on May 31, 2012 (to Mississippi) should have ended the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office / Cold Case Posse investigation, but it didn’t. It continued for another 4 1/2 years.
So there you have it.  Regardless of what you decide to do with this information regarding your website and your readers, at the very least, you as the Editor, know the outcome of the “investigation.”
I thank you very much for your time and your consideration and I thank you for allowing me to post my thoughts back in 2012.
Brian Reilly
Former Surprise Tea Party Patriots Board Member
Former Sun City West Tea Party Board Member
Former Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse Member
Former Waking Up America Board Member
Former Republican Precinct Committeeman Arizona Legislative District 22

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7 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

So Reilly are you saying God was wrong then or is he wrong now? Why would God lead you to persuade Sheriff Joe Arpaio to investigate Obama’s birth certificate and turn it over to a complete fraud like you claim Zullo was? Are you saying God plays games? Pardon me but my God wouldn’t play games like that. You sound like an Obot plant to me. Please don’t blame God for your stupidity.

6 years ago
Reply to  vinceqveritas

I happen to know Brian Reilly on a personal level and I can tell you he maybe many things on a personal level, however I personally believe every word he is saying based on my research in the last couple of years. also Brian I assure you has done his research in regards to this issues. Its funny politics is much like soccer, (Brian) its all a game, some lie cheat and others play to win, I voted for Trump as-well

Shawn Allyn

Reality Check
7 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

What proof can you offer that PDF’s with layers don’t exist? That is a sweeping statement since an untold number of programs and machines create PDF’s. Have you ever heard of MRC compression for example?

8 years ago

Then the critical thinking as employed by the snowflake is fraudulent, but not an indictment of critical thinking fairly applied.

Tom Angle
8 years ago

So he is saying that he has never seen Obama’s actual birth certificate? I also did not see the explanation of the layers in the document either. I am no expert but a scanned image should be one layer I assume. I could go on, but then again, why will the state of Hawaii not show the actual birth certificate?

8 years ago

These are things legends are built upon… real or unreal.

8 years ago

In relation to the Trump Derangement Syndrome video of the woman being thrown off the plane:

Right after Obama was elected in 2009 I was on a plane sitting next to a young Collage Professor (he had just gotten tenure) who engaged me in conversation as I was reading the book below and he was curious about the cover.

Save Me from Myself: How I Found God, Quit Korn, Kicked Drugs, and Lived to Tell My Story

I was 59 and in formal business attire and I think he was also curious about the difference between my appearance and the cover. After we discussed the book and I explained the author’s powerful Christian testimony we drifted into politics and the recent election of Obama…who the Professor was elated over, almost giddy, of him being in office.

The professor considered himself a moderate Democrat…a centrist…in reality I felt he was far left of center as in my opinion the center has actually been moved progressively (every pun intended) to the Left during the entire 20th century and into the 21st (one of my core beliefs).

Now, I’m a business fraud investigator and was actually on the plane to visit a client to bring a bad guy into The Room With No View…who I had successfully investigated. I had also conducted an in-depth investigation of Obama, his family, his mentor (Frank Davis) his career to date (it wasn’t much – voting PRESENT too many times) his ties to Saul Alinsky and Rules for Radicals, his church attendance with a Preacher who hates America, both his books (they scared the crap out of me) his history with Acorn (that led to another investigation) that scared more crap out of me!

Then we got into abortion and Obama’s infanticide beliefs and record and you could hear a pin drop in the plane as I gave the detailed explanation of the procedure used to murder the unborn.

I don’t like to deal in stereotypes (but sometimes they are real) the manicured, metro-sexual, Pillsbury dough boy, late 30’s cardigan sweater wearing, Socialist Professor was (like most Liberals) dismissive of the details of the murder of the unborn as he was the details of the Radical Leftist now in the White House…who like the Professor…was posing as a moderate. I’m sure he saw my Christian, old white guy, former military, Ronald Reagan devotee appearance as just as much of a cartoon as I thought he was?

Unlike the video of the woman attacking a Trump supporter our three hour discussion stayed civil and I knew I was witnessing to everyone within earshot as was the Hope and Change – Yes We Can Professor.

After we landed and shook hands over a spirited and civil debate and even though I wasn’t finished with it, I offered him the book…he smiled broadly and accepted it!

I prayed for him that night and that maybe the book would lead him to the one who could: SAVE HIM FROM HIMSELF.

If I could say anything to Barack Obama today it would be…GO AWAY and NO YOU CAN’T!