A Message from John Fetterman

John Fetterman <info@dscc.org>

Tue, Oct 25 at 9:43 PM

Hi David, it’s John.

I *just* got off the debate stage in Harrisburg and I wanted to reach out.

My stroke knocked me down, but I got back up. And now, I’m fighting for everyone in PA who’s gotten knocked down and had to get back up.

If you have my back, can you split a donation of any amount between my campaign + the DSCC right now? Your support will carry me from Debate Night to Election Day + help us hold the Senate, and I’m just so deeply grateful.

Like I said tonight, I’m fighting for real people all across PA + all across the country — from protecting women’s reproductive freedom, to raising the minimum wage, to protecting Social Security.

Meanwhile, Dr. Oz continued his old trend: Lying on TV + taking advantage of everyday people for his own personal profit.

If we’re going to defeat Dr. Oz, defend the Senate + flip PA blue on November 8, I need you in my corner over these next 14 days. Will you split a donation of any amount between my campaign + the DSCC right now?

If you’ve saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately and split between John Fetterman and the DSCC.

Thank you so much for all your support.

I couldn’t do this without you.

❤️ John

John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate

John Fetterman served as Mayor of Braddock for 13 years before running statewide to become Lt. Governor. Now, he’s running for Senate in the #1 Most Likely to Flip race, so he can fight for every community like it were [should be “was”] his very own. But he needs grassroots supporters like you to join this movement.

Chip in now to help John Fetterman flip Pennsylvania blue and expand our Democratic Senate majority >>


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Paid for by the DSCC | PO Box 96047, Washington, DC 20090 | dscc.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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2 years ago

Wonderful, the choice between another brain dead Demonrat and a budding anti 2A RINO. Great job Pennsylvania.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

They need another demented ghoul on the team in DC.

J Rich
J Rich
2 years ago

You’d think PA and GA could come up with some better conservative candidates. Clearly, the Wizard of Oz is a RINO at best and the only reason Walker got the republican nomination in GA was because Trump backed him -- HUGE mistake on his part. It’s pretty pathetic that these two candidates were the best ones that Team Red could put in front of the voters this cycle. It is truly painful to watch this happening in real time!

Last edited 2 years ago by J Rich
2 years ago
Reply to  J Rich

Walker is a Fine Candidate in GA. What’s your problem? Afraid he might Not support Mitchy McCuckold for Senate leader? BTW, I’m in GA and Herschel is going to Win though outspent 10 to 1 by the Bolshevik democRat Warnock.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago