A Message from Organizing for Action – Thirteen States Down, 37 to Go

Friend —

The Supreme Court’s ruling this morning made history.

Now, the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional — meaning that all couples will be equal in the eyes of the federal law. And California’s Prop 8 is dismissed, clearing the way for same-sex couples in California to marry once again.

For everyone who cares about equality, we’ve come so far in the past few years.

This is a call to action — this is a fight we will win.

We will go state by state if we have to — backed by a broad movement of millions who know a thing or two about making history. And OFA is going to be there every step of the way.

So if you believe that all people should be able to marry who they love, and if you’re ready to fight for it — today’s a great day to say it.

Add your name — stand up for marriage equality right now.

This has been a long-fought battle, and there is a lot of fight still ahead of us. But I’d like to believe that some of the hardest fights are behind us.

We have history on our side, and we’ve never had more momentum than we do right now.

Thirteen states down, 37 to go.

Say you’re a part of this fight all the way:


Thanks — more soon on what’s next,


Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action

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