A Message from Target’s CEO

In the second quarter, many of our (Inaudible) team members faced a negative guest reaction to our Pride assortment.

As you know we have featured a Pride assortment for more than a decade. However, after the launch of the assortment this year, members of our team began experiencing threats and aggressive actions that affected their sense of safety and well-being while at work. I want to make it clear, we denounce violence and hate of all kinds, and the safety of our team and our guests is our top priority. So, to protect the team in the face of these threatening circumstances, we quickly made changes, including the removal of items that are at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.

Pride is one of many heritage moments that are important to our guests and our team, and we’ll continue to support these moments in the future. They are just one part of our commitment to support a diverse team, which helps us serve a diverse set of guests. As we talk to these guests, they consistently tell us that target is their happy place.




I would not know if Target is a happy place since I stopped shopping there when they came out with their bathroom policy. I know perversion when I see it. I know indoctrination when I see it. And I know our children are our most precious resource.

I do not know why people shop at Target. It is disheartening to see people not standing up for their children’s safety and protection.

David DeGerolamo

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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

Target supports the beast. And the beast feasts on innocence. End of story.

1 year ago

I ditched Amazon three years ago. I now have small business vendors for everything I need and I buy direct.
I never bought much from Target and now I am not near one so all Target does is inspire me with the amount of money they lose on the boycotts:))))))

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Target is a wee bit expensive for many tastes.

1 year ago

Target will never get any of my money. Let them go bankrupt along with the other gay pushing corp. .

Carol Krug
Carol Krug
1 year ago

Spot on.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I have not been to Target for decades, let em burn.

1 year ago

“I do not know why people shop at Target.”

It’s a new Americana. People who are willing to forge their culture get to have and keep it on an existential level. Further, shopping is becoming an ideological pursuit.

1 year ago

I agree. My wife stopped shopping there after the bathroom policy as well. I don’t understand the large majority of people any longer. If it doesn’t stop them from getting their Starbucks Latte in the morning they really don’t care.

1 year ago

The CEO’s speech is what we call “doubling down on stupid”. His petty ego won’t allow him to admit the mistakes he and the board made so they are going to ramp up their efforts to destroy the company. Shareholders should sue him for destroying their investments.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

It may be that money in the sense of how it’s managed in a commerce sense (in terms of the customer base no longer being a requisite, also individual and conglomerate defacto corporate rule abided by in terms of policies, mandates, and their established workplace protocols, as well as the overarching capitalist dictates) are no longer based on people’s spending habits, demands, or how they vote per se, the corporations themselves, or any other number of considerations), but on their future social credit score. This may be why many corporations, churches, stores, organizations and businesses, universities, the scientific and technological communities are not bothered by how much money they lose, or the outcry against types of products they sell, make, promote or their agendas and ideologies. They likely know that money as it currently used in assorted transactions will no longer exist. In turn, by preaching the narratives (much like a 501c3 church, the media and essentially all other institutions) put forth by the establishment, ensures these clingers-on a seat at the forthcoming economic and social mobility table. Effectively, they don’t need the money of the people anymore.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Very true, though I have been reading articles in the financial press walking back some of the ESG guidelines.
I think these companies are akin to the useful idiots of the revolution (and some CEOs may be getting wise…). They have been and will be discarded when no longer useful. There is no bailout coming for AbInBev over their budlight fiasco. I believe target realized this when they had to pull the tuck suits instead of the National Guard mobilizing to defend their parkinglots. Honestly, its a testament to mgmt that they backed off instead of doubling down. Not that I give them a pass, rather see it as evidence they are not as totally blinded by ideology as other corporations.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la Thank Goodness you added the final line in your missive.

Frankly that could have been over half the whole bulk of your message. Lead with that and one example why it is so.

We’ve chatted before about your admitted lack of real business operations. Thus, you understand the glory of destroying a brand because of WOKE.

Z-la just in case you don’t understand me look at the Bud Light fiasco for explanation.

A quote for you to ponder:
“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”
― Ayn Rand

The “Leadership” (need I add a sarc tag here) of the Woke seem to accept that their peons the folks who WORK for a Paycheck from target can suffer the lack of sales and thus employment.

NOBLE of the Leadership who never seem to suffer from their own foolishness.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

“Pride is one of many heritage moments…”
Do you see what they are doing here?
I have pointed this out before. They are laying the groundwork and establishing the battlespace through language.
THEY are the HERITAGE breed now. Whats MAGA?
Grok that…. this is part of their plan. You will see this extended and expanded. I woukd bet real money (gold and silver, not FRNs) you will see more propaganda about how pride is the american way, they’ve always been part of our community, its the bigotry that is a new phenomenon. Watch….
This is how they fight, by placing you on your back foot from the get go. Now you have to fight to prove you were here first! Total inversion…. satans work.

1 year ago

They did just a smidge more than offer the goods. They wanted to force the entire concept on a nation. Who is Target anyway? Brian Cornell is the CEO and he’s a married white man with a son and a daughter.
Does he want his kids changing their sex?? He’s on the way towards finding out after pushing gender issues this year.
Careful Mr. Cornell, you may get what you ask for ( or are selling).