A Message From The Deep State



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4 years ago

It’s time ! Let’s Roll ! Flight 93 !

4 years ago

First blood ! The rest are free !

Frank Lucas
Frank Lucas
4 years ago

So, team hillary suiciders are now operating in Ga. Interesting!

4 years ago

There is enough “plausible deniability” for the vast majority of the sheeple in the US to write this off as a pure accident.

If a video of people pulling suitcases of ballots from under tables after the observers have left and their run-through coincides with the Biden spike does not convince people, nothing will.

Yuri B. was right.

John in Indy
John in Indy
4 years ago

Didn’t see the other two cars with “minor injuries” supposedly involved. Nor have I heard reports from them.
Who am I kidding. Engine block separated, car bomb or missile strike.
Thanks for covering this, snd all else you do
John in Indy

Walter Zoomie
4 years ago

20+ year semi truck driver here. It looked to me like at least one semi truck was involved in this.

It is not uncommon for a 4-wheeler blasted by a big rig (or two) at speed to burn. Big rigs can carry well over 100 gallons of diesel fuel in the saddle tanks, and if it sets off it can be spectacular. Big rigs can weigh up to 80,000 lbs. Your average 4-wheeler weighs, what, 3-4,000 lbs?

I’ve seen a lot…a lot of clueless and inattentive 4-wheeler drivers AND big truck drivers. They don’t mix well, especially in a slow-down or backup on an interstate. A conflagration like this isn’t unusual. Destruction like this isn’t unusual.

Could there have been something nefarious going on here? Maybe. I wouldn’t put it past anyone these days. But, I’m just saying this crash and the damage seen in its aftermath isn’t unusual.