A Message from the President of the United States

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4 years ago

I agree 1,000000% -- Mitch is an opportunist and needs to go the way of the dinosaurs — he’s gutless and will not stand up for the common man so he can move to china with his wives family

4 years ago

Why wasn’t HRC or any others held accountable? Trump=Controlled Opposition.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike


4 years ago

Never make the mistake of believing that the GOP can be salvaged. It cannot. It is NOT the “other party”. America does not had a “two party” system. We have a ONE PARTY system with two faces….the Janus Party. The Demonrats and Donkeys are just two sides of the same corrupt coin. BOTH sides seek to destroy free America and enslave us. The Demonrats are the party of power. The Donkeys play the part of the Washington Generals….they exist to put up token and most importantly INEFFECTIVE pseudo opposition to the commie left…. but not to actually interfere.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dan


Henry Pooler
Henry Pooler
4 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I agree that we have a one party system, but is the facemen, and the gop butt boys. Hopefully DJT can rectify the situation.

4 years ago
Reply to  Henry Pooler

I think we’re all screwed and hopes for a return in 4 years will be much too late! I never cared for voting bc I knew it was BS! Now, over half the country knows it is BS! Eager to see people grow a set and quit hiding. Too scared of this unlawful “list” they are making…WELL, SIGN ME UP!! I don’t care who knows! Thjs HAS TO END!

4 years ago

President Trump I hope you make our country great again . We are praying for you ❤️

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago
Reply to  Vickie

Voting is a sham, all rigged since W. Wilson and Warren Harding onward.

4 years ago

so tell us, Donald, why did you endorse him?

4 years ago
Reply to  swrichmond

No kidding…,Exactly what I was wondering! He did a lot of questionable junk himself towards end! I do feel he is the best chance we have at putting America 1st though…Until I see otherwise at least. I would stand behind him IF he cleared some things up 1st. Lots of answers needed!

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago

Trump quit.

Trump won the election by a landslide and knows it. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.

Stealing the election was an insurrection. Trump could have used the insurrection act.

Trump took an oath to Our Constitution.

Trump could have gone all in, but he didn’t, he quit.

4 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Dowling

“Trump could have used the insurrection act.”
“Trump took an oath to Our Constitution.”
No what he should have done was followed the Constitution and called on the Militia to do it’s duty.
But you are right. He could have made it a lot easier by actually going after Hillary in the beginning. That rabbit hole would have cleaned out the swamp with treason charges. But he did what he was told to do, Since they did not get the armed response they are wanting, he was directed to stir the pot a little more.

4 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Tangle, very valid point, as always sir. Where the hell can I find my FL boys though? They Really make it hard!

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Dowling

The globalist controllers told him to quit and retire.

4 years ago

We need to keep in mind how dirty these people play though..How do we know they didn’t show him multiple pics of times they could have taken his kids or grandkids out…? There is SO MUCH we can all question, but he actually tried the best I’ve seen in my lifetime. One day I might look back and say “YOU IDIOT, How did you not see that”…oh well!

4 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Or the pictures from when he flew on the Lolita Express.

4 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Dowling

I have the exact same view. But we weren’t there in the WH and knowing Trump’s record of Fighting it seems he decided on a Strategic Retreat.
When you don’t control the government, even Bush the Younger admitted as president that he didn’t control events, and He Was a Swampster!!
So what was the level of blackmail / Threat against the country by the Deep State???
We most likely will never know. Have We lost our country? Yes most definitely. Eisenhower warned us in 1960 as he was leaving, a former 5 Star General, and he made his mention going Out the door, in 1960!!!!
Then Kennedy bucked the CiA and their Mafia friends and that was that.
60 Years ago we lost the country. To blame Trump now is a waste of words, imo.

George Wilson
George Wilson
4 years ago

Right on! But Team Trump is preaching to the choir. And… the communist democrats, with no cause and effect genes, are incapable of recognizing they are being led by the pied piper of bidenturd.

John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

And THAT’S what made President Trump so great! He cares about America and Americans!!

4 years ago

Trump could have done something as well. He could have siezed the ballots and voting machines in the contnested states for forensic examination. He didn’t. Like McConnell, Trump did nothing.