America is a nation adrift, floating on a sea of change. It is a defining era. The 2016 Presidential election is a reflection of this confused and conflicted society. Terrorism, political correctness, larcenous bankers, rigged economics, runaway immigration and hopeless unemployment swirl about in a stew of discontent and distrust.
There is no institution of the past that has retained its once unquestioned credibility. Banks, with solid walls, shined floors and oak desks in the wake of the economic collapse have revealed themselves as shells of glitter surrounding nothing. Empty promises, empty vaults with the proverbial “next shoe” dangling precariously in the lobby.
There is a sense of being conspired against, but perhaps that is because those conspiracies have been exposed for what they have always been. Politicians have always lied, but not always with such unabashed glee at confounding the public desire. There is a sort of pride in themselves for having played the public for suckers. Never was this on display as with the disclosure of the lies told to conclude the Iran Nuclear deal. Equally dastardly were the lies told by Republican politicians in order to get elected in 2014.
The emergence of Donald Trump is in direct response to those lies. He embodies the backlash of the Republican voters to the great consternation of the old-guard Republican establishment. It is a comeuppance of sorts for people who are not accustomed to being challenged or defied. Worse for them is the fact that they have no clout with Trump. The Republican establishment has already spent their political capital trying to keep him from the nomination and have discovered that their perceived “capital” was as empty of value as their promises.
Friend, Trump is controlled opposition, nothing more.