A true Christmas movie that makes you feel good. I highly recommend this family friendly movie.
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Christmas is a pagan inspired holiday, and the truth is Jesus was not born on a December 25th in Bethlehem Israel. Most of Christendom is too ignorant to understand the truth of this Satan inspired lie.
I am Christian, so don’t take this amiss -- but strictly speaking, pagans do not worship Satan. Some include an antlered god amongst the several gods that they worship, but it’s a god that is attached to the earth and akin to wild animals, it’s not Lucifer. The Christmas festival was not Satan inspired -- it was a pagan harvest festival that got co-opted by the Christian churches as part of the process of converting people to Christianity. It was easier to bring people into the Christian churches if they were not made to give up the best holiday of the year -- the one that brought joy into the deepest, dreariest, coldest time of the year.
True, Jesus wasn’t born in December, most likely in September or October. Some even claim it could have been in March. Basically it’s a date for commercial business. Satan copies every holiday in his own form of satanic worship.
I just know that Jesus came to save mankind from sin. But it’s up to mankind free will to accept him or not. I For One Accept Him As My Lord and Savior. I don’t just worship him on Christmas Day, But Every Day!
I think most people here understand the origins of Christmas. If you want to be Scrooge, go ahead. For those of us who want to spread and have joy in our lives, this is a good movie.
Aye. Merry Christmas.