A New Hope

A New Hope.



I do not believe any candidate will be able to save this country from an evil government. Some people still hope for a human savior. Some people believe in the correct Savior. But there are not enough.

We are living in an Atlas Shrugged scenario. The difference is there is no John Galt.

David DeGerolamo

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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

I would suggest WE are John Gault. We would do well to establish a Galt’s Gulch, where we can enjoy liberty and plan necessary moves to bankrupt the beast.

8 years ago

Plenty of Galts but there is no place to hide.

Tom Angle
8 years ago

I agree with the above, we are John Galt. We just need to pick a place to create Galt’s Gulch. I spent my whole life in a community controlled at the local level by a group of like minded people. It can work and if grown, be more that at the local level. The question is how many here are interested in starting it? I am serious when I ask that question.

8 years ago

We are John Galt. We need to Shrug this assimilated and societal acceptance of socialism and church teaching of martyrdom and expectancy for all men to accept the forced roles of servitude and abuse of no representation of our God given Rights, from the government. this is the mentality that we have been brainwashed into believing and forced into accepting, that we must not be self sufficient, adherent to our Creators Laws, resistant and rugged, and self protecting.

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I think we are all talking about standing up to an evil empire. In such a way as Galt did in the book. Gather together and check out as much as possible. The man that you talk about to free us, has already been here. When He returns, He will lead us to the next step in civilization.

Revelation 21:1

21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

Until then maybe it is better to gather together for mutual support. There is strength in numbers that are gathered.

8 years ago

Mark Goodwin’s three fictional books: American Exit Strategy, American Meltdown and American Reset (2013 -14) are well written/researched Christian/Patriot/Prepper/Militia themed novels I found plausible, insightful, and educational on a NEW HOPE plane.

My right thumb up if you haven’t read them.