A Note on Brazil, Peru – And 22 Warning Signs

By J.R. Nyquist

I have actually posted the end of the article here, but it’s important to follow the link and read the entire thing.

The following are 22 warning signs that something big is coming. We may not be responding from a position of power when TSHTF. We may be responding like a cornered raccoon. Dangerous for the attackers, but the raccoon rarely survives.

(1) Communist Chinese violating agreement with UK by absorbing Hong Kong; (2) Rapidly spreading viral pandemic out of China that devastates capitalist economies everywhere; (3) Chinese military mobilizations accelerating; (4) Taiwan threatened with invasion; (5) India under constant pinprick attacks, with a massive Chinese buildup; (6) Russian buildup in Arctic region; (7) Continued Russian drills and exercises aimed at Ukraine; (8) U.S. State Department advising Americans in Russia of downgraded consular services, reduced visa renewals; (9) Russian nationals advised to come home from USA; (10) Hong Kong businessman with sources in Beijing says war is “months away”; (11) 10,000 foot Chinese runway under construction by a PLA general/billionaire in Texas, masked by a fake wind farm; (12) increased Russian submarine activity in the Atlantic; (13) increased air sorties/practices out of China and Russian airbases in excess of what existed during the Cold War; (14) increased communist fifth column activity in the U.S., including arson, rioting, and attacking national symbols; (15) polarization of the country after disputed 2020 election; (16) experimental vaccines being forced on population through threat of job loss; (17) economic attack on dollar; (18) partial closing of port capacity by Longshoreman, with imports unable to reach supply chain; (19) overture-style attacks on energy infrastructure, plus energy shortages driven by climate change policies; (20) Loss of strategic position in Afghanistan; (21) Global Strike Command April 19 notice suggesting possible nuclear war preparations by enemies of U.S.; (22) reports of preparations by Russia to deploy spetsnaz to Mexico.

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3 years ago

And on that happy note, try to have a good night’s sleep….
As it has long been said, “If you want peace, prepare for war.”
However today’s DemonicRats say, “If you want a woke war push forward appeasers.”
I will bet you thought 2020 was an awful year, until 2021 arrived and you realized things went further down….
And now 2022 is saying, “Hold my beer….”

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

The King Who Exalts Himself
43He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and over all the riches of Egypt, and the Libyans and Cushites will also submit to him. 44But news from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will go out with great fury to destroy many and devote them to destruction. 45He will pitch his royal tents between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain, but he will meet his end with no one to help him.
Who is this king? Where is he standing?

3 years ago

Hal Turner ( I don’t trust him, but …) says that the CCP contends all Americans taking the clot-shot are dead folks walking and that once the military is jabbed, it’s over. Assuming he right (for once) and we pay attention to these warnings, it’s beginning to appear that we hillbillies who have refused the clot-shot will be engaging with the Chi-coms in the near future. Lock, load, and pray boys.