A Powerful Message


This video is why I voted this year. I did not vote just for Trump: I voted for team unity. I voted for a better future for our children. I voted against tyranny. I voted because it is an election that is clearly defined: good vs. evil.

I am not so naive to think my vote will make a difference against the fraud in our election process. I know it is a small price to pay to vote for us but I also recognize the price others have paid so that I can vote.

If this election is stolen, we will have civil war. And I am preparing for that contingency also.

David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
3 months ago

If Trump wins this election and we are able to avoid civil war, we MUST find a real conservative party to support in 2028. The Democrats are socialists, I really can’t figure out the Republican Party but they are NOT conservatives. I would first suggest looking at The Constitution Party. The Libertarian Party once seemed to be quite conservative but they turned into a party of chaos. If nothing else maybe someone out there can come up with a political party that is truly committed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and support them unequivocally. Just my opinion, anyway.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
3 months ago

I believe a new wave of a party is coming that will not be either of what we have now.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
3 months ago

AMEN……Lead by example has always been my trademark in my business affairs and by fatherhood for my children.
This is why the Trump campaign took a
Turn to be the largest landslide victory to date in any political race

3 months ago

I too have been so persuaded cast my vote to futility…. even before Ron Paul threw his hat in (or was it pulled in?)

I wonder how many thought the Declaration of Independence was a waste of time as an act of futility. It *was* an act of futility, but it was *not* a waste of time.

As has been pointed out elsewhere, Trump is not running agains Kamala, that contest was won long ago. This is now Team Sanity against satanic corruption. (whether there *is* a Satan or not does not change who they worship, or their actions)

This is not plan A. This is the declaration. This is due diligence. Now the *real* fight begins.

buckle up.

3 months ago

Excellent post, with one exception. You said your vote won’t make a difference against the fraud… in reality it’s absolutely needed (and many more are needed) to help overcome the fraud. Sad and unfortunate reality.

3 months ago

I don’t understand why you think you’re not voting for Trump. The only way you can vote for team unity, a better future for you children, vote against tyranny, and vote for good vs evil is to vote for Trump. It drives me nuts that people split hairs in order to say I’m not voting for Trump. Jeez!

3 months ago

I voted for Trump. I am praying for peaceful solutions to our nation’s problems, but I am preparing for the worst.

3 months ago

“If this election is stolen, we will have civil war. And I am preparing for that contingency also.”

The following essay identifies T R O U B L E, almost any way we interpret it.
Prepare for the worst, indeed:


3 months ago

Your vote matters, your life matters! I believe that everyday that I am on earth I have the opportunity to make life better for me, my family and the world(community, state, nation, world), by what I do and who I am. This belief literally drives me to take care of my self and family(Scriptures states that we must take care of our families) and outside of my immediate responsibilities makes interacting/planning necessary for individuals to participate in what ever is necessary to achieve that goal.
I get frustrated with Americans in general as we are entitled, lazy and not willing to do anything not just for others, but even for ourselves. I do not understand that and as a result I have few people that I consistently interact with as if a person is not a positive in my life, I am gone from theirs. This strategy keeps me happy and motivated to continue.

3 months ago

Voting-for me there is only one logical choice-Trump for president, it’s obvious the other major party cheats and steals to get their deep state candidate even on the ticket. Trump has the best solutions for our problems and the personality to persevere through the obstacles.
I have been dissatisfied with the quality of representatives I see and know-it’s either the power or money trip for them (all the parties). Neither party seems interested in actually upholding their constitutional oath as a taker of it myself; I find that reprehensible. At time I attend in person events or on calls and present facts-most of the time it makes the actual “star” of the event uncomfortable. I do this to make people think on the call or in the event.
I am not responsible for the outcome of the event(an election), but AM RESPONSIBLE for my part! The rest is up to God and I leave it to Him for the results and outcome.

3 months ago

I voted Trump in ’16 ’20 and ’24. However, if the steal works there will be no civil war. People are unorganized and they’re not about to jeopardize their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. It sounds good, but it’s not realistic.