A Primer on Russian Oil

The graph below comes from an article on Zerohedge which is explaining why Russia must incorporate a “huge” discount in the price of their oil in order to sell it. If you read the article, get ready for a large dose of propaganda.

Russia is selling its oil at a big discount. Here is a chart (from Neste) showing the spread between the European standard crude oil Brent and Russian Urals oil. 

Currently, the price of a barrel of oil is $100.74. We will make this easy and round it down to $100 per barrel. That means Russia is currently getting $70 per barrel.

Here is a chart on the price of oil from January 2013 through March 2, 2022:

Crude oil prices rise above $100 per barrel after Russia's further invasion  into Ukraine - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration  (EIA)

From the above graph, Russia is making at least the same on their discounted oil as they have over the past decade. Just because some “expert” is trying to explain how Russia is being hurt by US/Western economic sanctions does not stop anyone from using critical thinking to see the truth.

While it is true that Russia is discounting its oil, it is also true that its profit is the same as it was since 2015. It also is true that this is not impacting their economy but it is impacting the Western energy supply and economy to a large extent.

We may not understand why the Western media and governments are misrepresenting the facts but we can see that starting WWIII to cover up criminal acts in Ukraine is not worth one American’s life.

David DeGerolamo

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