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- Al Buckner on Supreme Court Punts on Trump Sentencing
- Al Buckner on Big Pharma – Hiding the Cures?
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on California-Based Insurer Crashes Amid Billions In L.A. Area Fire-Damage Losses
- Al Buckner on California-Based Insurer Crashes Amid Billions In L.A. Area Fire-Damage Losses
- Al Buckner on The FED Made a Huge Mistake
Books have been written by libertarians and independents on this same subject for sometime. Nothing has or will be done because of cowardice on local and state levels of gov. It’s all about popwer and money. America is over and done, taken down by a Marxist coup with open borders now and flooded w/ third world welfare seekers 24/7. No one will organize in their communities in younger generations (not retirees either-they have already failed to do anything in decades). Church leaders (501c3) avoid issues condoning most anything, and have been for decades, their focus is on social activities and running a social club with soft sermons and again it’s about money and brainwashing. Seminaries teach pastors how to be CEO’s (all about running a business.) Best to exit churches, and home church or meet w/ friends for study.
Seminaries are change agents pushing globalism/agenda 21.
Yes. I agree! People all need to start their OWN Community. Buying private property in best states that support constitution, let the community vote on who’s able to move in or something like that. All meet at like BBQ and get to know families. Idk..I wish I had the money bc I know this could be very nice to have people you got to meet and know the family before having them in the “community ” of close friends and fams. I am sick of all the fake news to get everyone hopes up, thinking something is coming to save us…that is US! WE THE PEOPLE! WE Must get organized and do it within the law;) Always loopholes.
I keep waiting for them to start splitting up states and lands at this point. Smh I hope it’s not too late! Hate feeling defeated while doing what was right.
DENY MASK IS HUGE PART! It hurts to see the mask everywhere! I mean, it eats at me seeing them do this so easily…
The vast Majority wear the slave muzzle of the judeo-communists.
How you can expect them to ‘Resist Tyranny is ridiculous.
Since my generation born between 1945-65 failed, the younger ones will for sure, they have been more brainwashed in schools and churches to embrace globalism. I my younger days one world gov pushed to avoid nuclear war (the cold war babble) yes this coutnry is over and done. Churches have been cg agents to pacify the stupid.
Freedom is Contagious, as is defeatism. While the current situation is quite bleak, We must individually and in groups keep the flame of Liberty alive.
It is actually amazing how fast Freedom can spread once unleashed. It’s the initial human Inertia that is the toughest to overcome
If you are into retirement age, as u look back in time, you will see it’s too late as older ones die off, younger ones are more self centered and lazy, only care about video games, social media and texting. My gen. was into disco and parties, TV movies and soap op..