A magnificent spiritual revival is happening right now in Asbury, KY.
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I have been following this. I’m really hesitant to comment on this, but I thought I would. I honestly and sincerely hope people are truly coming to the Lord for salvation at this event which has been going on for 10 days now. I truly hope things happening in the world have people turning to the only person who came save them from their sins, Christ Jesus.
Having said that, as it stands right now, this “revival” is centralized, even though people are going to it from different places, but it’s not really a true revival because a true revival would be global.
What I say is really meaningless. What does the Word of God say about revival? The Word of God actually doesn’t speak of a revival in this present day. Actually, I hate to be a “debbie downer” but the Word of God speaks of the exact opposite of a revival. The Word of God speaks of a falling away, especially as we near the end of this age. See 2Thessalonians 2:3, 1Timothy 4:1-3, 2Timothy 3, 2Timothy 4:3-4, 2Peter 2, Jude.
The Bible does speak of a revival in the Tribulation in Revelation 7:9-17, but we are not in the Tribulation yet. Time will tell if this is just a “fad”. Sorry if I angered any.
A forest fire starts with one spark. Even if this doesn’t go worldwide, it gives hope to the people who participate. I think any event that brings people to Jesus Christ is meaningful and reason for hope. There is a great deal of darkness in the world today. We must muscle through the darkness to get to the other side. The simple fact that Asbury is declining all major media publicity speaks to the integrity and the spontaneity of the event. I posted this because it was uplifting to me, and I wanted to share what I believe to be just a bit of good news.
I honestly hope this is sincere, but I question it. There was a revival not that long ago on a much larger scale, and it proved to be extremely short lived: 9/11. After 9/11 happened, church attendance almost everywhere sky rocketed. However within a few months, and in many cases a few weeks, church attendance went right back to pre 9/11 numbers.
i disagree. i believe we are in tribulation. The falling away has been happening for quite some time.
Yes the falling away has been happening for quite a while. Do you know what starts the tribulation?
almost afraid to ask, chuckle, but go on.
First seal is going to be my answer. The Lamb is who opens the seals.
When covid hit, people said it was the fourth seal of Revelation 6:8. Using Scripture as our guide, that simply cannot be. Why not? How may die in Revelation 6:8? “ fourth part of the earth”. That would translate into roughly 2 billion people. Covid kills about 1 percent of those it infects. As of today the world is just shy of 7 million covid deaths. That is nowhere near 2 billion people.
I use the literal, historical grammatical method of interpretation, even when it comes to prophecy. I stand by this and make no apologies for this.
The peace treaty signed with the antichrist and Israel, found in Daniel 9:27 starts the tribulation: “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
This is from the prophecy of Daniels 70 weeks. The signing of the peace treaty starts the 70th and final week, which is the 7 years of the tribulation. This peace treaty has never been signed in the history of this world so we cannot be in the tribulation.
The Hebrew word for weeks in the verse is shabuwa. The exact translation for shabuwa is “a period of 7”. It can be a period of 7 days or a period of 7 years. You have to look at the context of the verse to determine the meaning.
ok. aware of these verses. Also Keep this in mind, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Israel- many do not even seem to grasp what ‘True Israel even is. The House of Israel is more than a physical place.
The world is experiencing tribulation (pressure) none the less. How do we prepare for more?
In the verse you reference, 2Peter 3:8, Peter is using a simile. What might seem like a long time to us is nothing but 1 day to the Lord. To put it another way, the church age is 2 thousand years old to us, but it’s only 2 days old to the Lord.
As for Israel, the Lord made an unconditional covenant with Israel known as the “Abrahamic Covenant”. Genesis 12:1-3 (plus a whole slew of other verses). It was established between God and Abrahams physical descendants through Sarah (not Hagar see Genesis 17:19). That would be the physical Jewish people, not the church. The covenant was established in Genesis 15:7-21. Because Abraham was in a deep sleep, keeping the covenant depends solely on the Lord. What happens to a person who breaks this type of covenant can be found in Jeremiah 34:18. God cannot break an unconditional covenant that He makes. You and I can, but God cannot.
As for more pressure, I won’t be here. I will be raptured.
To add to this, in the Abrahamic covenant, God promises to bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. Under Obama and Biden the U.S.A. cursed Israel. The results are quite apparent. Trump was pro Israel. Under Trump the U.S. prospered like never before.
Shane, most folks here don’t know how to “rightly divide” as instructed in 2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, they’re trying to do their best as all new age translations have changed the text. Replacement theology has crept in -- a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
Carpenter, I was suspecting replacement theology, among other things, have crept in (see 1Corinthians 15:33). I would be more than happy to help or answer any questions as they relate to the Bible. I am a pre-mill, pre trib, dispensationalist, as you probably figured out.
And now i see you.
I’m not sure what that is supposed to mean.
That’s ok. Lets move on.
Shane 20 hours ago
Reply to Hammers Thor
“I honestly hope this is sincere, but I question it. There was a revival not that long ago on a much larger scale, and it proved to be extremely short lived: 9/11. After 9/11 happened, church attendance almost everywhere sky rocketed. However within a few months, and in many cases a few weeks, church attendance went right back to pre 9/11 numbers.”
a follower --Revival: In these days church attendance may not be much of an indicator of people turning back to Yahuah.
In fact the opposite may hold more truth.
Many of us are disgusted at what the churches have become. What the Bible colleges (universities, etc.) have been teaching etc. These men have also been led astray. All are in need of Prayer.
One does not get infused with the Holy Spirit by attending classes, nor paying for a retreat up in the mountains etc.
If just one is brought back to Him, is He not pleased? Mathew 18:10-14
The world is all about numbers. The needs of the many out weigh the few, the one. How many did we save, did we baptize? Sorry being baptized by water is only the beginning.
2Peter 2:5 “And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, …” How many people were on the ark? 8. Noah, his wife Joan of Arc (haha), his 3 sons and their 3 wives. By todays church growth standards, Noah was a complete failure, but by the Lord’s standards, Noah was a success.
Like yourself, I am not happy at all with the direction the church has taken. My theology schooling was very Biblical. Some classmates were crying because their marks were so bad. I came out with a 4.0 grade average. When I went into theology I made a deal with the Lord. I preach “all the counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) or I don’t preach at all. Guess what I don’t do anymore. I am shunned locally because I preach the Bible. Not Rick Warren, not Francis Chan, not Steve Furtick, not Willow Creek. The Bible.
If one person is saved in that “revival”, it is worth it (Matthew 16:26), but let’s give it a few weeks or a couple of months and see what happens.
Thing is we may never know the results and should be fine with that. He will know.
I replied to an article on the Trinity a few days ago. In my reply, I cut and paste from one of my sermons. Many local churches would not tolerate that sort of preaching. Why not? Because it has nothing to do with “God has a wonderful plan for your life”. It has nothing to do with how to budget. It has nothing to do with the latest episode of the Kardashians. It was all about whether or not Christ Jesus was God.
These discussions and some other prompts, caused me to look into: This was a peace treaty of sorts. Do we see what this caused yet today? Are we even willing to look into these things?
In 313, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan decriminalizing Christian worship. How many of the “assemblies are still under this influence? The blending of many pagan practices?
Try to discuss this in the assemblies.
i do believe we differ a bit. i remember the disc. pretty well.
On Trinity. The word is not in scripture. Yet i see how and why it is used. When the Son came to earth. He was not Yahuah in fulness. He therefore made the sacrifice as a willing man and by His choice, to show each of us what is possible through Him and by His examples. To think He was God at the time seems to diminish what He did by example.
Do you understand what i am trying to say?
Most don’t know this, but at one time, Catholicism taught salvation by grace through faith. In order to reach more people they became like the cultures they went to and allowed those pagan cultural practices into the church, which brought them to the place they are today. The Seeker movement does the exact same thing today. That’s one reason I’m so opposed to it.
O.K…..This is getting deeper than I can really get into here. This is getting into Gnostic heresy. I would suggest you have a look at a few verses: Colossians 2:9 “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” The Greek word for Godhead is theotes, used only here in the New Testament. According to Vines “The Godhead (theotēs) signifies the nature and attributes of deity, not merely divinity.”
Are you sure “He therefore made the sacrifice as a willing man and by His choice,”? Luke 22:42 and Hebrews 10:7-10 beg to differ.
A good example of showing us what is possible by Him and through Him can be found in the foot washing of John 13. When you understand the culture of the time and what exactly our Lord and Savior was doing, you begin to realize true humility. There are so many lessons found in John 13 and the foot washing, including eternal security.
So to answer your question, I guess I don’t understand what you are trying to say. I have to follow what the Bible tells me.
Following the Bible also. The verses you supplied do not seem to change what i am saying.
Thanks for disc. we should move on.
I am also a dispensationalist.
I sort of suspected.
The New Age Bibles and corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts have confused many brethren, if we can refer to them as such. Most would not understand that Matthew, Acts and Hebrews are transitional books. Matthew transitioning from the OT to the NT and all its doctrine applies to the house of Israel. Acts transitioning from Israel to the Church Age and Hebrews transitioning from the Church Age back to Israel for the upcoming times of Jacob’s Trouble, commonly referred to as the Tribulation. The Man of Sin will be of Jewish decent and seat himself on the throne. At the three and a half year mark the chosen will awaken. Four accounts or points of view are given in the Book of Revelation a copy of the four gospels providing a different account of Jesus Christ. Those who are left will fall for the Son of Perdition sadly. A door opens and takes someone up in Rev 4 and reopens in Rev 19 as a Warrior and His army returns. I will see you in that Army…
May God be praised. At least there are a few people who still pray and give glory to God.
Jesus Revolution- Hollywood is ahead of the game again. Just like the inoculation, innocence and good intentions will be devoured. What is the message being generated in Asbury? Repentance and submission to the will of God?……and why are the majority college kids? Discernment more than ever. Movie trailer -- https://youtu.be/_zxKvpDx0R4
So which one of these people is going to do the dirty work in this country that needs to be done?
Turn the other cheek, right? Love you enemy, right?
I admire the hearts of these people. They’re not the problem. It’s the denominational leadership that many of them belong to. When they go back to their homes, they’ll be back to their 501c3 tax exempt status congregations.
It was LBJ that pushed for 501c3 for the churches. With the anti war demonstrations and body bags coming back from Vietnam, it was a problem. LBJ got the tax exempt status. Only one small problem. The pulpits had better tow the gubmint narrative or their would be problems.
A recent breathtaking example is how the denominational heads full steam ahead towed the gubmints Covid policies and the Covid jabb. I’m sure everyone at this gathering loved the music and fellowshipping with like minded believers. Now, their back home. Time for their leadership to take over.
Excellent post!!! Many from the pulpit will continue to tow the gubmint narrative. Where I live many local churches were preaching “get your shot, get your shot, get your shot right here in this church from Monday to Friday of this week from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.” For some reason, many pastors give the government a free pass when it comes to telling the truth. These pastors seemed to have forgotten that the “all have sinned” of Romans 3:23 includes gubmint officials.
Thank you taking the time to respond and for the compliment. God warned His people of the perils of bribery way back in Exodus. The 501c3 is basically a bribe. You tow our line, you get to be tax exempt. I believe this is one of the main reasons any prayers for our country seem to hit the ceiling.
I was actually mulling the idea of starting a local church a few years ago. I don’t know if this is true, but another brother in Christ Jesus told me that if I wanted tax exempt status in Canada that I could not have in a new church constitution any sort of a statement that claims marriage is ONLY between one man and one woman . I wasn’t going to tow the line (Acts 5:29 “…We ought to obey God rather than men.”). Having said that, many pew warmers want their tax receipts so they can get money back at tax time.
There’s a reason the first century believers met in homes. There were signs, miracles and wonders. What changed?
One wonders about church donations. God challenged Israel to tithe, a tenth. In Malachi He promised to rebuke the devourer as part of the blessing of the tithe, [Malachi 3.] Is a lack of tithing a reason evil seems to have no challenges?
How many professing Christian denominations dare to teach tithing? Are they afraid that if they did, their churches would empty out? Wondering out loud.
Actually, if you mean tithing as giving 10%, I don’t believe it is to be practiced by the church today. We are to be cheerful givers (2Crointhians 9:7). I did a whole sermon on this.
Tithing predates the Law. Abraham gave Melchizedek 10% of the spoils of war, but this was a one time thing and it was the spoils of war. We should give weekly (1 Corinthians 16:2) of our income, not the spoils of war. I might also add, circumcision was also before law, but we don’t see all the men rushing to get that done do we.
I have heard many a preacher use Malachi 3:10 to justify giving 10%, but that verse is for Israel under Law, not the church.
With what God has done for you through Jesus Christ, why would you give less than an Old Testament believer under the law? If you want to give less, that’s between you and God.
If a person can give more than 10%, go right ahead. Give all that you can (2Corinthians 9:6)! And you’re right, what you give is between you and the Lord.
Having said that, a lady contacted me a while ago about giving because she is on a limited budget and times aren’t exactly easy right now, so I told her what I thought based on Scripture. She was told years ago by her 6 figure pastor to give 10%. She is now happier with her giving. We also must remember that there are some people who simply cannot give. Street people simply fighting to get by, for example. I would rather see them saved and not worry about giving then see them worried about giving. Missionaries don’t often get the people they go to to give. That’s why they go to churches, to get support for their mission work.
I don’t remember the exact numbers, but when you look into the whole sacrificial system and the entire giving required by Old Testament Israel, it actually works out to about 30%. Some ask how is this possible. The Lord promised to bless Israel beyond belief so long as they were faithful to Him (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).
What the Lord wants more than a persons money is their soul (2Peter 3:9). What the Lord wants more than money from believers can be found in Micah 6:8, Psalm 51:17, Mark 12:33.
“Having said that, many pew warmers want their tax receipts so they can get money back at tax time.”
Exactly: Should be easy to see, yet they can not. Also tithing etc. should be anonymous should it not?
It is anonymous. You don’t know if I tithe and I don’t know if you tithe. You send the $$$$ to whoever you think will put it to good use. They don’t know it’s a tithe. They only see the amount. God knows! That’s all that counts! Someone once said that they would much rather have 90% of their income with God’s blessings than 100% without!
Yes, according to Matthew 6:3, giving should be anonymous
WOW!!!! I have been following this but was not aware of some of the things brought to light in this article. That sounds to me like a bunch of people just going more woke.
Something off about this hit piece article. Don’t ya think.
i heard this “revival” started grass roots. Was not a scheduled type of event.
Who knows what to believe anymore, with so many opinions etc…?
The last great revivals occurred during the “Philadelphia” Church age period. After 1880, the corrupt Alexandrian manuscript took off. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. I wish you could see what you read is a counterfeit….but the “god” of this world hath blinded them 2 Cor 4:4.
i see much of it as counterfeit. i am grateful others also see this.
I looked into other sources about this article and they are pretty much saying the same thing. Apparently lots of ccm music and little preaching and some said absolutely nothing taught on salvation. However that does not surprise me. If you ask many Christians today, they will tell you that the “worship music” is the most important part of the service to them. Not sound doctrine, music. And you won’t hear hymns like “Holy, Holy, Holy” or “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” at these services.
They have ran off many of the elderly with their plugged in music.
An (assembly) i used to attend, changed the music to attract (the children.) Yes it was all about the children! Never mind we are all children of YAh! They bought and sold a set of drums one sun-day morning in the sanctuary! What did i see? i saw the money exchangers.
Another man 15yrs older than myself inquired at His “Church” why the music was so loud. He was told “the louder the better!”
Read the lyrics many put the lyrics up on projector etc.
One thing should be becoming most clear. These assemblies are not the True Temple. They may be an entrance , an introduction a stepping stone at best. i am hopeful people are seeing this and seeking the True temple that is to be within each of us, as is His will..
i was hoping to make it back this morning to the Thread that is now missing. i imagine commenters could not control themselves and became childish?
Thanks Carpenter, and good morning. will try to view whole video later.
we do need His discernment at all times. This is a gift from above.
Getting ready for work, feeding the chickens etc. Have a good day.
As Shane stated above, Bible doctrine has been replaced by “Worship Music”. This is about to get deep and hopefully you can drink from the firehouse. Please grab yourself a KJV 1611 Bible to follow in this study, the new translations by changing the wording also change the meaning within scripture. Shane can attest to this. Begin at Daniel 3: 1-7 and read each verse and underline what’s is being repeated. Notice the peculiar reoccurrence of the number six (threescore cubits and the breadth thereof six cubits) within the first paragraph (vss. 1-7). The fact that Nebuchadnezzar “set up” the image is mentioned six times. There are “six” musical instruments in verse 5. The image is “sixty” cubits by “six” cubits. Everything mentioned here is pointing to “worship” of the Antichrist and his image mentioned in Revelation 13: 15-18. Look at verse 18 and you will see (his number is Six hundred three score and six). Until the KJV writers assigned chapter and numbers to the Bible there wasn’t any. Think about this; verse 18 (6+6+6). His has a way of providing you nuggets but you have to look! Note also in verses 5-7 that instrument music figures prominently in worship. The Church of Christ denomination won’t use mechanical instruments of music during their services because they are mentioned nowhere in the New Testament. The scriptures they use to support their claim are Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16. Both verses say Christians are to use “psalms” in their singing. Do you know what we are to do in the “psalms”? We are to praise God “with the sound of the trumpet” and “with the psaltery and harp” (Psalm 150:3), “with the timbel” and “with stringed instruments and organs” (Psalms 150:4) and “upon the loud cymbals” and “upon the high sounding cymbals” (Psalm 150:5). “Psalms” are to played, as well as sung. You will find the same thing in Psalm 33:2, 81:2, 92:3, 98:5-6, 108:2 and 149:3. Music has been around since Genesis 1:1 ( see Job 38:4-7). The leader of the angelic choir was (the anointed cherub that coverts” ( Ezekiel 28:14-14), ole Lucifer himself (Isaiah 14:11-12). The modern idea from todays Laodicean lukewarm churches about music itself is neutral and only the lyrics make a song bad is a lie of the Devil. Satan desires worship ( Luke 4:5-7) and music is part of worship. “Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs” have been replaced in many churches with rock music and the bump and grind beats -CCM. Satan has corrupted music since Genesis 4:22 and he will continue to do so to Revelation 13:15. Music is a universal language understood by anyone who hears it. Music that appeals to the flesh and inflames carnal lusts does so for anyone, anywhere, no matter what the lyrics are. Such music is one of the principle instruments the Devil uses in these last days. The punishment for not bowing down and worshiping Nebuchadnezzar’s “idol or image” was being “cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace” (vs. 6). Nebuchadnezzar was already well known for burning his enemies (Jeremiah 29:21-22, 21:10, 32:29, 34:2). Nebuchadnezzar is one of 18 (6+6+6) types of antichrist found in the KJV Bible. What you’re seeing in Daniel 3 is a picture of Hell ( Matt 13:42,50). I hope I haven’t poured in on too deep. Music has been corrupted and as Shane stated, in most apostate churches it’s the most recognized worship tool. Most folks do not endure sound doctrine. I’m sad to say, the road to Hell will be paved by good intentions…
False prophets behind a false revival….
Nar, Rick Warren, Hill song connections planned since Feb. 1,
Been warned of these previously, thanks for bringing to attn.
Good to know.