Friend of the Treehouse, Peter Duke, introduced me to this story and it is blood-boiling, yet awesome.
A young man named Lucas Lepejian is in a battle with Burbank authorities who are trying to run him out of business. Lucas is the 20-year-old son of Baret Lepejian the proprietor of a long-standing western-themed restaurant called Tinhorn Flats; a well known place to dine in Burbank, California.
Local authorities have attempted to shut down Tinhorn Flats repeatedly. Each time Lucas defies the orders and reopens.
Lucas has been arrested three times in defiance of the ridiculous COVID shutdown.
The issue now is personal, the authorities are intent on destroying his business… Lucas, and a small battalion of supporters, remain defiant.
TIMELINE & DETAILS: Tinhorn Flats is the oldest bar in Burbank. In March of 2020 they shut down in compliance with state guidelines. They reopened in November 2020, and when the second lockdown was announced their defiance began.
The regime will never give us our rights back, we’re going to have to take them back.
We all know that the ballot box doesn’t work. There is only one box left and we all know which one that is.
323-582-8191 is Pilgrim Fence Company’s number, in case anyone wants a quote or anything.