A Sad Commentary

Looking at the comments on this site lately has been very disappointing for three reasons:

  1. Personal infighting. Seriously? At this point in time, do we need to be arguing among ourselves instead of fighting evil. There are several apologies due that I will be watching for.
  2. Foul language. I understand. As I said before, foul language does not validate any argument or point that you are trying to make. And it will not be shown on this site anyway since it will be deleted. Foul language also shows a character flaw: you will not be able to cope with stress in a sapient manner. I have seen it in training and if the same situation was on a real battlefield, the consequences would be deadly for you and your team. So yes, I evaluate team members on their skill, physical fitness, ability to follow an operation order AND trust on and off of the field. And I do not trust anyone who cannot maintain their senses or character on or off the battlefield.
  3. Misinformation. When you see me comment with “Documentation”, I am giving you the opportunity to provide information to other readers for them to research and generate intelligence. I am not giving you the opportunity to attack me or someone else without facts.

I want to expand a little more on item 3. Here is a comment where I asked for more documentation:

Arrest the current and former CEO’s of the US Chamber of Commerce for bribing Congress to keep the border open. And execute them.

Here is the current CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce:

While I do not agree with some of her points, you can skip to 5:45 in the video to see her comment on illegal immigration. Now I have no doubt that the original commenter is a troll. I am disappointed on the number of up arrows given to his comment with no proof. Which of you who gave him an up arrow think Mrs. Clark is guilty of keeping the border open and deserves to be executed?

Now comes the hard part for my own self reflection. I believe that many people come to this site and do not post comments. They come for information. If this was not my site and I read the comments and up arrows supporting false accusations, accusations without verification and the execution of people without a trial, I would conclude that this is a government controlled site. And maybe that is the point of these trolls and FED plants because I know that this site is not associated with this evil regime which overthrew the Constitution.

I keep track of commenters but I have not taken action based on “feelings” and have given too much leeway on this site. If I have to add “Documentation” to a comment and it is not provided, you will be banned from future comments. I do not have any means to see who is giving up or down arrows but I can remove the plugin allowing them. I will hold off for now but I am leaning to taking them off. If you cannot cogently defend your comments concerning previous comments other than with a down arrow, you are either a troll, government plant or mentally incapable of defending your position.

So readers here have to make a decision. You can help make this a better site in which to spread valid information with limited access to trolls and FED propaganda or you can leave. For those who stay, please offer suggestions on how to improve comments.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I apologize for my part of the infighting and vulgar language.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I will try to do better and thank you.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

odd… I’m not seeing a “down arrow”

Joanne Mitchell
Joanne Mitchell
1 year ago

Thank you David for putting it across with wisdom and intelligence.

1 year ago

It’s unrealistic to expect thirty years of documentation for the actions of Tom Donahue. I don’t have my own library. I go my memory. I’ve been watching Tom Donahue for over twenty years. It’s easy enough to research on your own. And now I’m a troll. Sometimes this old sergeant is a little hard on the troops. I’m not going to argue with you on this. It’s your blog. Good luck.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 year ago

Well said David, I really enjoy this site.
I’m not sure if this would help, but maybe if we had a member log in it might keep the trolls at bay.

1 year ago

I would support this suggestion, and it might make patrolling the site easier on you. I don’t post as much as I might because I get uncomfortable with some of the blow-back I get in response. (Example -- whether or not some consider the constitution to be gone and voting to be irrelevant, I will continue to follow the norms I grew up with, and which I hope will eventually be restored. Why should I act in any other way, when I consider that not voting is caving to the enemy. Not voting is what they want from us). That’s my point of view, and I don’t appreciate being criticised for it. In future I will try to phrase my comments for which I have no documentation as questions or opinions so as not to earn your ‘documentation’ comment. Finally, there are participants on this site that I genuinely don’t trust, who seem to be inviting people to make statements that could later be used against them. Are there agents operating on this site? It’s hard always to feel one way or the other -- just a question mark.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

I appreciate your view. For myself, I don’t mind providing documentation. I also appreciate honesty. I am on this site about one year. I learned many things about the Constitution, and issues I did not know. This blog widens my often narrow perspective. I will not be voting in 24 because, I feel, there is no way to clean up a cancer in government using the same poison. For me, the current system has to come down but I do not have the wisdom to state how. I also appreciate the views of former military people on here. They have seen much that I have not.

Lastly, I appreciate David’s wisdom and honesty to discuss how we treat one another on this blog.

Joanna Martin
1 year ago

Thank you, David! You are 100% right.

1 year ago

David I’d be thrilled if the Fake Book arrows were deleted.

I don’t mind disagreements and coherent discussion. I even change my mind from time to time.

But red down arrows are a coward’s little slap IMHO.

Make folks defend their thoughts.

Restoring Liberty is a noble concept. I am just working on keeping me and mine as free as possible and healthy until the Party of Chaos shuts themselves down.

Historically speaking Afghanistan, Vietnam, and even our American Revolution were success because of 3rd party support and plain OUTLASTING the enemy.

The survivors get to rebuild. I hope they have the original blueprints AKA Documents of our Forefathers and the FAITH to do it.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

i agree yet we should have thicker skin in some instances. we should expect down votes in these times. Down votes are not always a sign we are correct or visa versa wrong.
i also agree with you, if a person has the motivation to down vote someone they should have the nerve to explain why. They should be willing to have a meaningful adult conversation instead of name calling etc. Most of us myself included can play the poke and jab game very well, this does not mean we are Good nor right.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

That could be very interesting. Thanks.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

DRenegade, not trying to be contentious, but I heard no apology from Michael for his part of the infighting, all he addressed is the up or down vote.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I don’t understand what the change does? Total count?

Up arrows I can understand, down arrows are a coward’s slap.

Write a reasonable disagreement and you might change my mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Not giving either one on this comment, but why not see both? we can see the cowards also.
Why not see both, at least for longer than one day then re assess?

1 year ago

Follower why give the cowards a dopamine rush for the POWER of using many ISP’s to down arrow some comment.

People with an opinion should post the opinion. That’s how honest discussions occur.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

well then… this posts proves to me that *others* are seeing a “down arrow”. odd…

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

I’m so sad that your labor of love demands that you have to take the time and energy to deal with this. At this time, I believe most of the commenters on this site including myself need to spend the majority of our time reaching out to the asleep at the switch rather than being keyboard warriors.
At the same time I understand that great sites like this have new readers. Comments can help them to a greater understanding in this fight for freedom and against tyranny.
However, for someone like me that has been at various stages of being awake since around 2013, my focus should be on those who have not heard and leading them to sites like this. I shouldn’t be spending my day showing everyone how much smarter I am than the next guy.

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Documenting a supposed fact you state is certainly nothing akin to “showing everyone how much smarter I am than the next guy.” Spouting fables with no documentation makes you (you … meaning anyone whom such applies to) a part of the problem, and in fact … a supporter of the enemy. Spreading undocumented, fake nonsense just gives the other side and the media fuel. Fortunately, this is a private board and the problem can be dealt with. I disagree with quite a lot the owner of this board has said over the years, but this does not relieve me of the commonsense burden of speaking factually. If I do otherwise, I (and anyone like me) deserves the boot.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Thompson

Are you from Portland?

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
1 year ago
Reply to  DoYaThinkMuch?

No. I am originally from Morgantown, WV. I have lived in Western NC for the last 26 years.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Thompson

Thank you Mark, lived in Elizabeth City as a kid loved it!

1 year ago

I check in on this site many times a day, for info, wisdom, self reflection, and to learn how how others feel about various situations. I do not care for the like/dislike buttons. It would be nice if people stated why they added a red dislike. Communication grows understanding. To receive a negative red mark shows…? I look to others for their view on this.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

i agree with you David and if i have trespassed upon any of you i ask for your daily forgiveness. If we cannot communicate openly honestly and honorably on a blog or website, what chance have we in the real world?

1 year ago

I approach online posting as I would were I sitting in a bar discussing--arguing--my points. In a bar, if one becomes belligerent, insulting, cursing, casting doubt as to the other guy’s parental legitimacy, etc, one could lose a few teeth.
I would not miss the red (down) arrows; the up arrows could remain as they are NOT antagonistic and may be an indicator of a particularly cogent, witty or valuable comment which would bear a second, more careful, read.
David, I am appreciative of this site, your efforts to curate same and wish you well; your work here should be rewarding and not a vexation in and of itself.
We can help with that! Better comments, better arguments, references and documentation to make us all smarter Americans.
I’ll do my part.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

An oldie but a goodie, if there were more fist fights, there would be a lot less gun fights, that quote is from someone you may or may not respect.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade


mark williamson
mark williamson
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Long time reader, first post ever. I appreciate your time and effort with the info you bring daily. It is truly sad how childish ppl, I dare say adults, can act over a keyboard. I tend to agree with Mr.Finley, more fist fights, less gunfights. May God bless your work and through Him may we save the good parts of whats left of our once freat country.

1 year ago

No one should be using foul language because it’s not right in Gods eyes, but I do understand the frustrations people are going thru day after day watching their nation be destroyed this has to affect you and if not, then there is something wrong in your spirit. God Stated in the last days men’s spirit will be vexed for what they are witnessing, every ungodly/unholy filth and perversion taken place on a daily basis. God gives us the way out of that vexation by seeking comfort in his word and praying daily with our families. I like many can get caught up with the events and seethe about what Iam seeing as well, we are only human, and events do bother us. We all need to use this site as an educational tool to learn what we must do if this nation is ripped into Two parts, and how we all need to conduct ourselves as God fearing people. In war cooler heads are required and needed to clearly see who the true enemies are.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

I’m certain that, given enough “eloquence” and vocabulary, the purpose served by “foul language” can be served as well or better by other means….. however…

There are times I find myself approving of it anyway. Case in point would be Elon Musks use of “Go F* Yourself. Is that clear? I hope it is”

Is this a flaw in my character? 🙂

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Fido

I do not think it is a flaw, in all honesty removing the down arrow to protect someone’s feelings is a little PC.

1 year ago

First I enjoy reading the comments as much maybe more as the article/post/whatever, I seldom comment TMI. With respect to the arrows, I have up voted a few comments to show support or agreement, I don’t think I’ve ever downvoted anything as much as I may have wanted, I’m pretty sure I may have made a sarcastic reply somewhere sometime, but usually let it pass. Trolls will troll. Harsh language rolls off my back like water off a duck, worked on the waterfront for years no bad behavior or foul words can surprise me these days, I will say that I had more adult convos with those guys than I did working in higher Ed for following 20 years and besides “studies” for what it’s worth show that people who cuss on average are more honest then a lot of those soft spoken liars… I try to be good really I do….
I’ll add that I somewhat resent sites that don’t allow comments, especially if they post items that warrant debate. I also will not sign in to comment TMI.
And though I’m not going to spend a ton of time looking for proofs I think it’s pretty well known that the Chamber of Commerce has had a hand in selling our jobs and industries down the drain via a powerful lobby.
Next so no one is offended, my handle comes from an experience I had working with a crew out of OK. they had a contract to build ten gift stores (in malls) across the region they rolled in and worked till they dropped, go sleep for eight, rinse repeat, after a couple days they were pretty tired and mistakes were made, they would admonish themselves and others by saying “do ya think much?” everyone would laugh and move on. This got me thinkin more about thinkin, and has added to my mental jiu jitsu tools, anyway it’s just a handle, not an accusation.
David thank you for all you do. Except for the trolls I appreciate you all!

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Forbes is not a go to site for me just grabbed the first hit off my search, I can say my experience more or less bears it out. That’s not to say it’s good, but a truism in my little world.
That being said, do you differentiate between vulgar attacks as in your example above and just colorful language, is it possible to mask comments behind a warning like on tweeter with their “sensitive content” warning? (click to view) I only ask because some will wonder why it was deleted if they can’t see it, and if enough time has passed and they are unaware of this whole thread may not realize it was due to bad words. In these times full transparency is of upmost importance to many. (I’m not even sure if comments that are deleted leave some sort of evidence a comment was deleted?)
I do understand and respect your insistence to keep it clean and civil. Besides it’s your site and you can do what ever you want, and I support that 100percent! Carry on….
Take care

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

One thing *should* go without saying:

If you’re not communist… if you believe in the right to own something, then DRenegade can do no wrong here. His site, his rules. We should be greatful for all he provides, and not “look a gift horse in the mouth”.

1 year ago

I don’t comment much but this is a daily read for me. Thanks for what you do.

1 year ago

I check this site a couple of times a day for interesting articles I haven’t picked up somewhere else. I rarely check the comments as they contain too much chest beating. Calling people (individuals/ in general) cowards and other derogatory names does not have the sound of leadership or inspiration. To constantly berate readers because people you don’t know don’t appear to be doing what you think everyone else should be doing is not helping the cause. If/when the things called for in these comments and some articles start happening people you love will be miserable and many will die. If these things called for happen, then some will rise and some won’t. Bellowing “bring it on” does not have the sound of serious leaders. Keep informing people of what is going on. Just because I sit quietly does not mean I’m not sharpening my knives.

1 year ago

It is a shame how we are being manipulated towards infighting even on sites like this. Some of it may be spontaneous occurrences, but I think much of what we see is the result of of a long psyop of sorts. Many will say things through the keyboard that might have a got you a solid punch in face years ago. Our self imposed norms and brakes have disappeared into the electronic ether. The people or entities that drive this sit back smugly and watch us fracture further. Small victories accumulate for them over time, just look around us.
I have little to contribute in the way of solutions. I think your current actions with comments and the like are sadly necessary. I come here to be educated, sometimes challenged, and yes, sometimes to sit in an echo chamber that I feel shows me some sanity and strength is still left.
I do believe a time is now upon us where we need, and will need, the ability to hold to hold together. I hope we do not allow ourselves to be driven apart because of some (manufactured?) opinion differences. The world is on fire, we need to find a way to fight together, realizing we all have subtly different takes on major issues. I hope we have the ability the ability to gather around our common interests to remain (or again become?) free men and women and try to maintain the founder’s ideals that made this experiment unique in the annals of history. We truly do either stand together or hang separately, for us, our children, and their children.
Thanks for site, thanks for the work you do.

1 year ago

I guess this is what you get when an 8 year old writes a hate nationalist spam bot.