A sad commentary on the state of our country’s morality and faith

From Texas Vet on Gab:

12 year old White girls in England can’t even walk to school in the morning without some black invader forcing them to suck their dicks. I am not exaggerating. Watch this video that just happened yesterday. It better make you so mad that you start thinking about going on the offensive against them. Either we start fighting back or all is lost.

I did not want to post this information. It is not meant to demean black men. It is meant to affirm that it is our duty to protect our children. Although this was in England, child sex trafficking and the marginalization of our children is the real pandemic in our country. Here are several excerpts with citations embedded:

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, alongside attorneys general from 17 other states, wrote a letter in which they urged President Joe Biden to reverse the decision to end a federal enforcement action targeting convicted sex offenders in the country illegally.

Epstein’s child sexual abuse.

Bob Menendez

Hollywood child abuse

The FBI has seen a spike in human trafficking-related crimes in recent years, with the bureau reporting more than 1,800 pending investigations as of November 2020.

Nearly 40 missing or endangered children have been rescued by federal and state agents during a law enforcement operation in Georgia, authorities say.

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick said Tuesday he believes that migrant children entering the U.S. will end up in sex trafficking, as President Joe Biden aims to reform immigration policy at the southern border.

Operation Cross Country reveals that children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day,” said John Ryan, President and CEO of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. “We’re proud to partner with the FBI and provide support to both law enforcement and victim specialists in the field as they help survivors take that first step toward freedom.” 

I could provide more but the point is that we know our children are being abused and we do nothing. What a sad commentary on the state of our country’s morality and faith.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago


Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Problem now is few patriots left as most passed on in last several decades. Few left, very few mostly elderly to sick/old to fight back except on their front porch. Younger ones (majority ) are nihilists and self centered don’t give two hoots about their family, wife or kids, etc.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  bob

England is a third world rat hole like France, etc. over run w/ third world barbarians. No one is safe, they even kill their own. Anyone travelling over to the E,U. is insane. Stay home those countries are hell holes. Some cities in the U.S. are not even fit for vermin. Move if you can out of Chicago, L.A. ,S.F. ,Seattle, NYC, Miami, and other S holes.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

You are correct.
I would mention that the Council of Foreign Relations (communists) for many years has been publishing articles how they will, or, are using immigration from low trust, low IQ counties to destroy all nations so that they can install their communist one world order.
Most people are in denial and they hope that someone will stop the unchecked flow of immigration. But no one will because it is a key element of the globalist plan that is now being fully executed.
It does not matter whether it is a democrat or republican administration, both are made up almost exclusively of members from the Council of Foreign Relations and Goldman Sachs. Both are Rothschild / Kabbalist organizations.
Once a nations foreign population is approximately 15% to 25% of of the population the nations identity and culture is effectively destroyed by envy, jealousy, and distrust. Race and tribal conflict becomes the norm. Diversity then becomes a nightmare. The wolfs are free to pillage and feed and the government schooled soy children are the sheep. LEO’s and the military will do nothing, as they are paid to stand down and embrace trans-humanism.
This is why confiscating firearms from the general population is so important to the globalist. 
The UK and most of the European Nations are all examples of this. They are past the point of no return. Large parts of Europe are now muslim. It is interesting that only Israel (a Rothschild construct) is allowed to secure its borders.
All of the state governors are aware of the extreme danger of uncheck immigration, but they keep quite and do nothing because they are all bought and paid for. It would be almost an impossible task, to find 50 patriotic representatives, and 20 patriotic governors that would stand against the unchecked immigration.

3 years ago

Preaching to the Choir, brother. The people that need convinced don’t come here. They watch Don Lemons bullshit.

Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
3 years ago

I did not want to post this information. It is not meant to demean black men.

Yet it was black men, whether by their absence from the home or their neglect of their parental responsibilities, that produced these monsters, and these monsters, and many others.
70% of those incarcerated for felony crimes came from single-parent, female-headed households. 70% of all black babies are born to single mothers. Draw your own conclusions.

Last edited 3 years ago by Francis W. Porretto
Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

america has already fallen as the E.U. has long ago. A Marxist coup is ruling with slim to no resistance. Apathy prevails (Rome fell because gov. had to spt slackers, and apathy prevailed also.)

robert william orians
robert william orians
3 years ago

I think I know why hollywood promoted the theme of vigilante’s being evil for so many years . Pastor Matt Trewhella is trying to correct that offense with the ” Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates ” . When the powers that be enforce lawlessness it is time for the lesser magistrates to step up .

3 years ago

You Brits better pick it up a notch if that was my daughter and I found out this was happened--the amount of pain I would inflict would be biblical literally on everyone committing these crimes -no jury needed

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

I worked in UK for a couple of years and I can tell you the average Brit is only interested in drinking and watching soccer. The UK is effectively a third world country. And most Brits are useless.