A Scenario

I have been posting scenarios lately as a method to hopefully engage people to use their critical thinking skills. Just because I post a scenario does not mean that I endorse it or even think that is has a good probability of success. Here is a future scenario that we should consider.

Russia has attacked the United States and left it crippled. As Deagel predicted, over 200 million casualties from this attack has left the former Republic devastated.

David DeGerolamo


Here is Mr. Putin’s response concerning why he launched this attack:

Russia is a sovereign federation that must protect itself from military and economic attacks. I will point out that I gave the United States warnings and solutions when I allowed Mr. Carlson to interview me.

  1. I outlined the documented history of the region that the United States repeatedly mischaracterized as part of Ukraine. That documentation was given to Mr. Carlson.
  2. I also stated that Russia wanted to negotiate a settlement to the Ukrainian conflict.
  3. I outlined the steps taken against Russia by NATO including violations of promises and the Minsk Accords concerning Ukrainian acceptance into NATO.
  4. I outlined the peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine in Turkey that the United States would not allow to proceed through the efforts of Boris Johnson.
  5. I asked for NATO to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine.

While the response of most of the world’s nations has been approval of our actions, a few countries want a military response for this strike on the United States. I will point out that Russia has provided proof that the United States attacked the Nord Stream pipelines. That action was an act of war against the Russian Federation. Every sovereign nation has the right to defend itself when attacked by another country.

I want to take this time to apologize to the American people for this attack. We knew that your government had been overthrown by bad actors and had hoped that you would have stepped up for your nation’s principles. However, President Biden’s mental incapacity and the people who usurped your Constitution continued to be a threat across the world that had to be stopped.

Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

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11 months ago

Well, If I’m reading this I wasn’t killed by the attack.

Time to rebuild our Republic and destroy all the loudmouths that want to attack Russia again. They didn’t figure it out the first time so why give them a chance to get the rest of us killed off.

That would eliminate the rest of the Liberals I suspect and a few stuck in the 70’s souls.

11 months ago

Not enough information. Did they hit only military targets? Military bases and decision making centers? How would that kill 200M?

Maybe they took out infrastructure, *that* could kill 200M, but it would take many months to do so… did they send “aid” during that time?

Other than the “size” of the “combatants”, how is this different from what the US did to Syria, Iraq, etc. etc….

The devil is in the details. Got too many existential threats right here to get all fired up about threats that far away.

11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Sorry… Not enough information for me to gauge my likely response within this scenario. Not that anyone cares, or should. (even me) But it’s what I do, always have. Even watching stupid movies: As a child, I could never understand why the girl pounding on the back of the “Creature from the black lagoon” didn’t just pull his jugular out with her teeth…. it was right there in front of her…

I think I like the scenario of Russia turning DC into glass alot better than an EMP… works better for me… But the EMP can… and *will* come from the sun one day, so it’s a given anyway, one way or another… gotta prep for it.

Still… in all the more likely scenarios, my most pressing threats are *always* people, and usually within a 10m radius. Makes community all the more difficult to build, and all the more urgent.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fido

Fido, why does all that data matter?

1st the most likely scenario is there will be NO Media to tell you the tale. EMP and destruction of mostly Blue Cities would shut down most if not all the grid and communications.
2nd Even if you heard the story from “official sources” would you accept the information as factual GIVEN the Massive LIES we’ve been bombarded with.
3rd Who says it wasn’t a American False Flag as you *MIGHT* want to Google Is China and America working together on Bird Flu.
Spoiler alert todays MSN story and it really worries me as they are trying to make it MORE infectious and Dangerous PER the Mainstream Media.

We have abundant crop of Traitors within our own “Leadership” eager it seems to sell us to the highest bidder. Unlike nuclear weapons Bioweapons far worse the COVID (a weak Bioweapon testing the concept IMHO) leave most of our nation’s resources CLEAN for re-use.

Nothing new under the sun:
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Protect your trusted friends and trusted family. 

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

If the EMP is of human origin, it’s likely a single event, maybe a few, but over within a week or so. Afterwards radio equipment will be resurrected, and I’ll have news again. If it’s of solar origin, I’m less sure. Might slow news back down to 4mph again.

I’m trying to plot a course for my charges to get through this somehow, and I think I’ve got as much shot at it as any… but the “government” was toast, even before it began burning what vestigial trust it had. Nothing to save there.

The US Government was created by it’s founding document, and exists within it’s confines. Anything outside that document is outside the US Goverment. … So in short, there *is* no US Government. It’s a foreign entity wearing the skin of what was once our government. It’s an occupational force, operating without the consent of the “governed”… illegitimate. I doubt there is *any* legitimate government in the former US, larger than a county, and damn few of those. Trust will have to be rebuilt after a single culture emerges victorious from the rivers of blood in the streets.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fido

Trust is the real problem. I doubt that a single culture will emerge victorious or otherwise. More likely there will be areas controlled by this group or that. That seems to be the pattern in recent history with exceptions when an outside force like outside Marxists spend money and firepower making sure THEIR preferred culture “wins”.

History shows when the central government is ineffective (like Mexico today), or absent the resulting chaos creates warlords of various stripes to fulfill the governmental role. Name might vary like mob, clan, drug lord or such but it’s a strong man and some mostly loyal supporters running the area.

I know of two such wannabe warlords in my area and they are on my better dead list when the lights go out. Lots of ammo, NO Food = trouble as I see it.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Yeah, that’s what I meant: each culture controling it’s area, one culture per area. Multiculturalism is just another name for war. When cultures have clear, accepted and enforced borders between them, that’s the definition of peace.

We are at war. The war *will* end eventually, and when it does, the places between controlled borders will have a single culture.

We are in a “forth turning”, one side will be “victorious” (if “winning” doesn’t apply), and one side will be exterminated. (within each territory)
It’s existential. Not everyone has figured out what the stakes are yet.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fido

A couple of EMP-tuned nukes 250 miles over the Heartland would kill our electric grid for a couple of years. Many sources estimate that the death toll in the first year alone would be about 90%.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

three at three hundred to accomplish coast to coast CONUS out. Full grid down, 90% estimate in the first year, grid repair would be possible some limited extent in 18-24 months.

11 months ago

Putin gives a point by point address of problem/action/reaction. The words may be AI or generated by some other human but it sounds just like him. I’m no expert but… this “Putin ” laid it out

11 months ago

Could very well be a prophetic scenario. An EMP strike would take out about 200 million in six to eight weeks. Initially, a great many would perish due to lack of meds and life saving anti-biotics. Manybwould freeze in Winter due to no heat and no transportation resulting from no electricity to pump fuels and inoperative vehicles fried by tge burnout from EMP radiation effects on electrical components.

Many would die from lack of sanitation and drinkable/safe water. Diseases would run rampant thanks to the millions of illegals who brought who-knows-what diseases into our nation that they may be immune to suffering but that is novel to our people.

Millions will die at the hands of marauders, thieves and thugs who will form gangs and rampage through weakened survivors taking whatever they can scrounge. The few that have food and supplies stored away can easily become victims without means to organize, communicate and collectively defend.

Yep, a 200 million loss in six to eight weeks is very doable and likely.

Piece of cake for Russia. Even Iran could carry this off.

11 months ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

What you describe does not even require Russian boots on the ground. We’ll do this to ourselves--free of charge. Then the Russians can come in to basically just mop the floors.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago

I have prayed to God that putler would Sarmat the next joint meeting of CON gress… get em all while in one place.

11 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Joe would you PLEASE explain WHY you refer to Putin as that Hitler-Putin mashup that the Russia haters and Libers use AKA “Putler”.

DO YOU Joe think Putin is = to Hitler?

Words matter, slander is.

James 1:8
King James Version
8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

I once had an attorney friend give me a very good piece of advice:
Never post anything on the internet you would not feel comfortable having read against you in a court of law.
Who’s Putler?

11 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Joe please read your own comment above.

You said putler.

So why did you choose that name for Putin?

11 months ago

It’s all true in what he stated even though they are communists. besides that, the face our government has fully been taken over by the communists during the last 60 years with the Russians and Chi Coms instigating and funding all of the left wings run universities of which they themselves turned it into. sometimes the dog bites the rear end of the owner, and this is what the Russian’s have done to themselves, as well the Chi com commies. There are so many democrats that have taken bribes and hush money from the Russian federation its mind boggling and treasonous. Here are just a few of the names of the democrats on the Russian payroll for years, Obama, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Dead man McCain, dead man Teddy Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, basically every Rino wana be democrat, every left-wing democrat Marxist has been funded by the Russian Oligarchy. The list can go and on, but this is just some of the well-known ugly looking faces we see and hear all the time with their big mouths always chirping on the fake news networks with their phony and fake news reports. Let’s not leave out the bureaucracy heads who are also on the payroll of these commie nations. It makes my stomach sick to even look at them and listen to them, they are all demon possessed and you can see it in their faces. Forget about the Chim Coms and the Russians for a while, the real enemy are our own leadership.

11 months ago

He or the Chinamen do not have to attack us. Amerika is on its own path of national suicide. The truth is out there. Bleib ubrig.

Alex Thrace
Alex Thrace
11 months ago

The problem is the psychos on DC.whrn pressed into a corner might do something really stupid. Better to nip it in the bud

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
11 months ago

An interesting scenario and well-worth considering as a possibility in part or in whole. I was impressed with the Carlson/Putin interview and give TC the credit for making it a success as he had to defer to Putin most of the time, as it should be in an interview of this nature. We Americans tend to see the world in only black and white, which has been a benefit to those who prey on that kind of mindset. We’ve been brainwashed that the rest of the world is evil and only our government is honorable. Putin isn’t perfect; Trump isn’t perfect; Biden can’t define the word.

General Buck Turgerson
General Buck Turgerson
11 months ago

The above scenario would be a ‘bad thing?’

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

Putin is a pragmatic individual, for everything the globohomo regime and it’s allies have thrown at him. The scenario as you laid out could very well happen, I am no great supporter of Putin, but he has more brains than all of our politicians put together.

11 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

Actually, he AND Xi have more brains than our politicians. Not that I favor either one of them.

Alex Thrace
Alex Thrace
11 months ago

I am assuming an attack on key military bases, command and control as well as financial.
This is the time to pull together and an opportunity to flush out the poison once and for all.
Putin is sadly 100% correct and since the American people took no steps to end DCs reign of terror he was the only other one capable.
We have a big task ahead of us. Gather up patriots, time to mop up the remainder and start rebuilding.
We will take bulldozers to the rubble of DC and salt the earth to make sure that nothing like this ever grows up again.

11 months ago

Russia can hurt Europe. But they lack the ability to cause significant damage to America militarily without resorting to nukes. If they do use nukes it’s ALL over. It will escalate out of control till most of the planet is destroyed. Humanity will be returned to pre industrial technology, there to remain for centuries I not forever. If Russia were to attack us it almost certainly be asymmetrically via terrorists over the southern border. Currently the US is the only nation that can project significant military force across oceans. Russia never had it and likely never will. China is working to acquire tye ability but doesn’t have it yet. The ONLY reason Russia is feared and sort of respected is because they have a lot of nuclear warheads. Without them they are a third world country and military with a GDP smaller than Italy and a military that after nearly two years still hasn’t conquered Ukraine. It’s like the US declaring war on Mexico and not being able to accomplish the job.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Dan you mean this: Without them they (Russia) are a third world country and military with a GDP smaller than Italy and a military that after nearly two years still hasn’t conquered Ukraine. It’s like the US declaring war on Mexico and not being able to accomplish the job.

LOL, did you actually READ your post?

A GDP smaller than Italy and YET Against the might of NATO and America’s PROXY WAR against them USING Ukraine as the meat sacks doing the dying part the THINK TANKS are replacing Ukraine Victory with STALEMATE?

I’ll rewrite it for you. Like the USA declaring war on a bunch of goat herders, fighting them, arming the government WE established to be OUR PEOPLE there and leaving Afghanistan to the same Taliban goat herders we started fighting 20 YEARS AGO.

YEAH, your RIGHT DANNY, AMERICA without Nuclear weapons would be a 3rd world country.

The 70’s are calling Danny, go back soonest, they be missing you.

11 months ago

Alaska would be part of Russia again along with the pipeline infrastructure. The PNW perhaps too tho China would get a vote hard on that. The southwest from Santa Barbara to Houston would be property of the various cartels who would undoubtedly also turn Mexico into an official failed state. The gulf energy infrastructure would be Russian controlled with the remnant population somewhat subdued by food and medicine for cooperation. Canada would have to accept terms and would likely yield its remnant sovereignty to some kind of UN stewardship or BRICs arrangement to keep the energy infrastructure intact. Chaos would engulf all of North America and well into South America. The global financial collapse of the petrodollar and global debt and trade clearance would break down a lot of the movement of goods for some time and kill a good chunk directly and indirectly from the collapse of US food and commodity export. A lot of Africa would starve and fall into war which would draw China to officially militarize her resource harvesting assets already there. That would likely have been renegotiated with Russia.

There wouldn’t be a deer or opossum east of the Mississippi in quick order. Soon enough the trees would be gone too. A lot of the white north would freeze and/or starve. A new generation of old school lumberjacks would be born. There would be pockets of local order forming up quickly and some public resources may be brought back on line but the lack of both raw materials and specialized materials would greatly limit the capacity to do anything beyond subsistence against the natural attrition of infrastructure decline.

Probable that there would be numerous no-go areas due to natural disasters such as failed dams and waterways, nuclear plants and storage, weapons and waste depots, and massive fires of both natural and man made landscape.

My AO would see some of that natural disaster. The diabetics, retards, and short-time preference people who survived the initial cull would die off quickly.

Criminality would go parabolic and frontier justice would be swift. Local warlords would emerge under the auspices of “sheriffs” or “mayors” or religious leaders.

Cooperation would form as well but hunger rules and paranoia, confusion, and in-migration from urban collapse would stress those bonds to breaking. Clans would circle wagons. Trust would extend to blood and familiar and not much else.

Being an outsider. My wife and I would have the tough choice to haul our supplies across the county to our friends land to pool resources at the expense of leaving a lot behind and the risk of the open road. Or we would hunker down here with our neighbors who aren’t smart but shoot straight and tighten up our fences and work on raising our existing calorie stock together and fending off thieves and bandits until they died of diabetes and/or one of the bigger clans decided it was time to get the old family farm back together and asked us real kindly to vacate.

I would probably not run out of ammo or water or firewood but I would run out of sleep and medicine and fuel and contact lenses. There would be some nice quiet days with my wife and our flock. We would be glad to have left the city those years back but also well aware that people are people and the monoculture of progress has rotted the minds out of most folk no matter the density. I’d shake my fist at pootin for being so Russian about things and I would curse and spit and be glad the ghost of FUSA was finally put down. I’d look at my Bonnie blue already flying in the paddock and I’d start chopping wood for whatever lucky sonbitch who gets to inherit my woodpile.

11 months ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

The Real Pity Sir Lawrence is your smart enough to think this out so well.

YET and I quote “Being an outsider. My wife and I would have the tough choice to haul our supplies across the county to our friends land to pool resources at the expense of leaving a lot behind and the risk of the open road. Or we would hunker down here with our neighbors who aren’t smart but shoot straight and tighten up our fences and work on raising our existing calorie stock together and fending off thieves and bandits until they died of diabetes and/or one of the bigger clans decided it was time to get the old family farm back together and asked us real kindly to vacate.

You weren’t smart enough to become a GOOD NEIGHBOR, join the local Church, become a valued member of the local Elks club and BECOME a New Neighbor instead of an OUTSIDER.

Or second reading of this quote ALREADY Pre-Disaster KNOWING your situation MOVED yourself and Stuff to that Friends place and bugged out of an untenable situation.

Friend, you STILL have an unknown window of TIME to get busy fixing your situation.

Tempus fugit.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Mike, thanks for the concern.

I assure you I have done a lot of thinking -- and working, on all these matters and have put my life savings and family on a course that accounts for all the things I can consider, given the multitude of real-life tradeoffs in play.

There is no perfect solution, and every choice will carry the sorts of risk/benefits that I alluded to in the OP.

I also walked away from a highly lucrative career years ago over these same principles, which has curried no favor with “fellow conservatives” or whatever, but instead only limited my ability to capitalize the well-being of my family.

But I did it because we must live the future we desire to build. I went galt before I got my dotgov/military pension or hit my 401k window or sold my mcmansion for 10x what I paid and so on.

That is a tradeoff that 99% of men will not make as they continue to work for the empire and all its tentacles and rationalize their personal fortunes in myriad of ways, including buying all the “preps” and cool toys and their nice rural redoubts in quaint little idyllic towns where home prices start at $400K.

We left our jobs and our friends and our own blood and soil because it was untenable. We moved here knowing only one family in the entire state. We couldn’t afford to be their neighbors, but we got as close as we could -- at the sacrifice of our own quality of housing to be as close as we are, which is not close enough, as it turns out. They similarly moved from their home state and are living in an RV with dogs and kids and trying to rebuild a fallow farm by hand. He is a man of Dixie from an original bloodline but he is also not from here and knew not a soul when they moved.

So lets clear up some of your assumptions for the benefits of those who may actually be considering some kind of scenario.

First. There are entire swaths of the FUSA in which you are either from there or not from there, regardless of when in your personal timeline you found yourself there.

There are family names that have resided in the area for hundreds of years. There are accents. Everybody already knows everybody. The street we live on is a family name.

A “good neighbor” is something else. Blood and soil country is just that. You can be a great neighbor but never be blood. That just reality.

It takes a long time in post-american social landscape to build rapport and trust. We can do a lot of good, but heat evaporates a lot too.

Disasters and extreme stress and scarcity situations shrink the goodwill pool; people retrench to the blood and soil, to what they truly know first.

And so there remains a real risk to anyone “not from around here”. Everybody knows who bought part of the old McClellan farm. Everybody knows what kind of nice things they might have in the barn. Whether or not they have a pitbull out front. etc.

We also have to consider the proposed scenario is a massive cull and lifestyle rug-pull that will fracture a lot of what we armchair assume.

1/3 of my neighbors are very old and sick. 1/3 are young families. 1/3 are broken people with lifelong problems with drugs, alcohol, crime.

New bonds do form and can be strong but in a mass casualty scenario like this we don’t get to pick which good neighbors we have built trust with will survive with us.

We also can’t know -- or really much influence people who have lived here their entire lives and have zero interest in the kinds of preparations, resource acquisition and pooling, and other capabilities. The good folks here are largely cashing pensions and voting republican and watching tv.

Who is the Good Neighbor when the lights go out?

Anyone moving to flyover, ie “GET OUT OF THE CITIES NOW” would be wise to study the specific aspects of local culture and socio-economic strata as it relates to this element.

Some places are more insular and clannish than others. Consider that in your search.

For example, there are places here within an hours drive that some “locals” will not go to fish because those “locals” see them as outsiders and are openly hostile. Thats one county over. Totally different.

In a disaster of this magnitude, town that is 15 min away, friends that are 45 min up the mountain, church that is 15 min away etc. will suddenly be a distance that is very meaningful. As in, too far to matter.

Rural life presents its own unique challenges when things go bad. My hypothetical considers what I have come to know thru experience here thus far.

I know we are all trying to help each other so I take no offense at your gross assumptions and blind spots to these realities.

Finally, not that I owe it, but for context. We are members of a local church. It is small but robust. Like a lot of churches in Appalachia that are not SoBa, it is mostly old people and all of the growth has come from “outsiders” like us. We are growing together but this takes time and the members are drawn from a 45 mile radius.

Living rural and being proximate to the elements of rural life are often countervailing.

I am a member of the rifle club, a mens bible study, the YMCA in town, and looking into a local volunteer fire dept this spring. I regularly walk my AO with my dog and talk to everyone, including laborers. We attend every community event in town and shop local as much as possible.

I also walk the county roads around our farm to pick up the garbage the locals throw out their windows on the regular. There is a lot of decay here that we cannot discount.

I have helped my immediate neighbors catch livestock that slip fences, fix frozen water lines, repair decks, carry heavy objects, fix tin roofs blown off, and have even adopted a lame old burro from a dirt poor old man down the way because he could not take care of it and it kept getting tore up in the barbed wire trying to get to water because it had no water.

I have given a swath of pasture to my neighbor to extend his hay run in exchange for a few bails every fall, which I help load.

I give fresh eggs to neighbors and even the mailman. Who also happens to be a semi-retired outsider.

I help my neighbor load his hogs in exchange for some ground pork. We also watch each other’s critters when we have to be away overnight. We text each other about coyotes and cars we don’t recognize. We share dinners and tools.

I have been rebuilding my house by hand and have thus gotten to know the guys running the local lumber supply, local tradesmen, and utilities workers.

I could go on. But none of this changes the reality of the scenario I laid out and the likely steep choices we would face.

This is our home and we are building a life here. It is not the life I thought I would be building nor the place that I thought I would be building it but by Gods grace we are here and so we will build but I am under no delusion that being a Good Man or a Son of God or a Good neighbor is some binary quality that trumps the reality of human nature, the physical and social landscape, and the dynamics that pre-date our arrival here.

Or perhaps I am missing something about this little exercise.

11 months ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

Thank you for the reply.

I hear you and I too left a lucrative job to work in an area I feel is better for long term survival of me and mine.

I think you’re in a better position than you described previously.

You’ve worked on being the Good Neighbor as I have here in New England. Some will never accept you as a local but prayerfully enough will see you worth protecting as an asset to the community.

It’s the best we can do.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Thanks Michael. It has been a work of faith and grace to which I have met in part, but not in fullness. I waver often. I feel for all of us and struggle to feel content in my choices and trade-offs as they do not yield direct and fruitful results in spite of so much work and sacrifice. So much remains in the wind. And the answer of my faith is to “cast my bread into the wind”. So it goes!
Much of it resides beyond my own circumstances. My two favorite neighbors are severely overweight and on insulin full time. My other favorite neighbor is a lifelong Democrat and they are both severe covidians and have left the faith over how their church handled it. They are now perpetually sick while their children wait to inherit a fortune in dirt.
Instability runs deep here.
I do perhaps overweight my circumstances with some of the isolation that comes with rejecting clown world and the social/familial triage post-orange man and post-covid and essentially post-reality for many people of my old life who also happen to be the ones most flush with cash and resources and know-how but are least likely to put any of that to work for our people or way of life or even just in their self-interest should any of these scenarios play out.
It is truly something to behold for those of us on this side of reality.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

As always great comments, don’t worry about the comment monitor, it appears it is just his job.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago

i suggest a study of Danial 11:44 and make sure you grasp who is in and represented by the west.

11 months ago

Spellcheck works even with biblical words and names.

a follower
a follower
11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Your first reply to sir Lawrence, is that how you represent His Church?

11 months ago
Reply to  a follower

Could you be a little more specific?

He describes a bad situation and I gave him the same advice I’d give him over coffee.
Move to a safer place before chaos kills him and his family.
So what exactly offended you THIS TIME?

a follower
a follower
11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

i do not see the advantage in calling each other stupid and always trying to one up each other especialy when many of us claim to know Him etc. Glad that he took no offence and you responded back equaly as well. I know we are not perfect and never will be, yet we should try to help each other as well as ourselves.

11 months ago
Reply to  a follower

I am AGAIN going back to the policy of IGNORING you.

11 months ago

I have no skills, no knowledge except what God puts in my heart about war. Therefore, I found myself stymied to offer a comment to this post until this morning. God works in mysterious ways. Someone posted an article on what is a just war. I would like to share it here:

“Just wars require sobriety. Of this, there can be no doubt. No group should take it upon themselves to rectify a problem that impacts a larger group unless everyone is fully on board. Conflicts have to be prioritized and to every degree possible, the solution must not result in an equally unjust situation for the other side. One must try to conduct themselves with honor and a sense of fair play. Interference in the daily lives of enemy civilians must be kept to a minimum whenever possible. Gratuitous violence should not just be discouraged: it must be eradicated if at all possible.   
That said, at its core a just war is not punitive. It is restorative.
It goes without saying that just wars are skillfully planned, with charters, scope, expectations, and dates. Risk and issue logs are created as well as contingency plans.  A just war is an organized, focused one.”

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Sorry Jane I ‘ve read this twice and have little understanding of what you’re trying to say.

“That said, at its core a just war is not punitive. It is restorative.”

Restorative for whom?

“It goes without saying that just wars are skillfully planned, with charters, scope, expectations, and dates. Risk and issue logs are created as well as contingency plans. A just war is an organized, focused one.”

All wars start with some sort of plan, GENERALLY folks don’t start a war PLANNING on losing.

Then reality and human nature comes into play.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Thanks for your view. Perhaps you might contact the author regarding the books he mentioned about just war in his video at the bottom of the article. I do my best to read various perspectives.

11 months ago

[…] posted the article concerning a scenario for one reason: I wanted to have people consider that President Putin knew […]