A Stunning Coincidence

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1 year ago

No one is permitted to challenge the Empire. Not even in Germany. Opposition is always called derogatory names, like far right. Ever hear them refer to the far left? Probably not.

1 year ago

And France is blowing up first… All over the world, we have to fight for local control. Just sent to a contact in Hawaii for networking to Lahaina land owners:
I appreciate ANYTHING you can do to get the word about group land trusts and personal trusts to the folks in Lahaina.  I will try to contact the staff of the cultural center there too. I saw someone on a podcast who was one of the staff people. I can backtrack to her from there. They were already trying to get their sacred lands back before this fire hit.
At this point, the local governance fights are in:  
  (1) re-calls to get the nightmare politicians out of office asap -- or make their lives difficult -- and, 
  (2) candidate packs to turn over Commission/Council/Board majorities in one election cycle.  
Check out this link:  https://ballotpedia.org/Recall_campaigns_in_Hawaii  Looks like Maui was already trying re-calls… another reason to wipe them out. 
The last strategy for achieving local control is making claims against elected official’s “surety” or performance bonds (www.bondsforthewin.com).  
Almost every public official has a performance bond associated with their office or position. Claims for non-performance, failure to uphold oath of office, and anything else that can be proven -- can be made against their bond. After three claims, the official is fired from their job.
Here is a great example of the process by the tenacious Lenu Pu:

Bond claims require attorneys. The have to be handled just right or they can backfire.
Lahaina needs to restore/establish local control ASAP.