A Tale of Two Countries

In China, if you do not wear a mask you will be arrested.


And yet…

‘STOP BUYING MASKS’: US Surgeon General and VP say masks won’t help fight coronavirus, as demand for emergency supplies increases

  • Vice President Mike Pence, now the head of the US coronavirus task force, said on Saturday that the “average American” does not need to “go out and buy” a mask to protect themselves from coronavirus.
  • Pence also said the US is working with 3M and other manufacturers to produce at least 35 million more masks per month.
  • The US surgeon general told people in a tweet to stop buying masks, calling them “NOT effective.” 


So if masks are not effective, why is China arresting people if they do not wear one in public? And why is the US government working with manufacturers to produce 35 million masks per month at a minimum?

Simple questions that show our government is ill prepared to copy with COVID-19. Their DON’T TEST, DON’T TELL policy is blowing up in their faces. This past week was a foreshadowing of coming events. This week will show the severe supply chain shortages that we will have to live with for the immediate future.

David DeGerolamo

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Charley Waite
Charley Waite
4 years ago

“Methinks thou dost protest too much” to quote Shakespeare. Looks to me like a propaganda setup to reinforce da rules Xi

4 years ago

The SG was Correct in saying that the Paper or Cloth Masks won’t protect you from CATCHING the virus, you need Full-Face Industrial or Military Respirators, with Chemical-Cartridge Filters (Silver-Iodide to Kill Bio-Agents) long with Impermeable Protective Clothing. And then, Means and other (protected) people to Decontaminate that Gear before you take it off. It is nearly impossible for a single Individual, even if well-trained and knowledgeable, to effectively use this equipment.

What He Failed to do is point out that the simple Facemasks are to REDUCE the spread of Germs from the person Wearing it; that is why China makes it Law that you have to Wear one in public, so if you Don’t Know that you are Infected, you are at least not Spreading the Disease. It’s why Doctors and Medical staff wear them; Doctors dealing with KNOWN Infected individuals really should be wearing the full, Industrial-Type protective gear, and the Hospital better have dedicated Decon Showers and Equipment Sterilizing gear.

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