A Tale of Two Pizzas

My wife and I made a supply run yesterday to North Atlanta. I want to clarify that any trip made for the purpose of shopping is now called a supply run in these sad times. As we were running late, we decided to order a pizza to go for dinner to coincide when we would get to Blue Ridge, GA. A call to a pizza restaurant resulted in being placed on hold for 5 minutes before my wife hung up.

We then called a national chain there to place an order and my wife said that we could place the order online. After 10 minutes of trying to place an order using one of their specials, she had to make an account to complete it. By that time, we were almost there, so we just ordered in person.

Here is the good part. We ordered two medium pizzas: one with extra cheese, 1/2 pepperoni and 1/2 mushroom and the second with extra cheese, 1/2 ground beef and 1/2 green pepper. We learned early on in life to always check the pizza prior to leaving. The employee who made the pizza put each 1/2 topping on the same side of the pizza so that 1/2 was just cheese and the other two 1/2 toppings were on the same side. The owner apologized and said the employee also messed up the previous order and that he was on the phone trying to hire another employee.

My wife graciously said it was ok and the owner thanked her for her understanding. The point? The employees are running the businesses in this country and the owners are being held hostage. The results? Poor quality, poor service, higher prices, shorter hours and disgruntled patrons. This is not about pizzas. Consider the cleanliness of any fast food restaurant or the reduced hours or the longer wait times or the quality of the food that is served.

Have you had your car or truck serviced lately? If you answered yes, you know the time for an appointment is about a week if they have the parts. The price of replacing rear brakes on my truck was $179 plus tax. I checked another dealership and their price was the same price online. Since they could get me in earlier, I made the appointment and was told it would be $249. When I asked why it was $179 online, I was told that was a mistake since the prices went up on August 1st for the brake pads. Based on his information, the price of brake pads went from $4 to $72 on August 1st.

So what is the point? History shows that one of the reasons that empires fail is that people give up. They know the empire is failing so they stop working, do poor quality work or do “quiet quitting“. This is not going Galt. This is watching the country fail and not caring to rebuild it. This is assisted suicide of the country because we believe we have no future. I cannot imagine explaining these concepts to my children or grandchildren.

I absolutely hate not having solutions to problems or issues. In this case, how do you rekindle the American Dream when it has been destroyed by our political elite and intelligence agencies? Our “leaders” are more concerned with funding Ukrainian pensions, their plan Bs and foreign borders than our nation’s issues. These are issues that they have created in order to destroy us.

I absolutely hate seeing only one solution to the destruction of our nation. We should have been better than this. Better prepared, better educated and better character. We can blame the evil parties responsible but that is not a solution. I pray that we will be able to rebuild a better Republic and we must hold the church responsible to produce moral citizens instead of berated parishioners who are not worthy of the Lord’s gifts and eternal salvation.

If you still are working, please consider the words of the Bible:

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

I have no doubt this country will not recover. I pray that we are strong enough in our faith to rebuild a nation worthy of His glory.

David DeGerolamo

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

I’m on week 7 of waiting to get the timing chain replaced on my ’08 Crown Vic. Parts came in last week, but shop is swamped. I *may* get it back by the end of the week.
It’s frustrating because I don’t have a garage and some of the tools I need, or I could do the repair myself. As it stands, it’ll put me out $1600. That $ could be much better allocated on additional preps and such. But I only have one car, and it’s a 40 mile round trip to work.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Can you borrow Kato’s car in the meantime?

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

LOL, thanks for that mental image!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

My pleasure. Thank you for taking the time to respond!

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

I stopped going to fast food joints. In the last year I had noticed that there is no hygiene standard anymore. The employees routinely put their fingers in their mouth while snacking and then they grab your food with the same fingers. Chicken joints were the worst offenders. Welcome to the third world.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago

Excellent article and food for thought.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Agree there is no saving the fallen Republic, the whole of this illegal government is corrupted, all of it. Repent, and ask the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance.

2 years ago

If the educated mind is not fit to be a slave, why is a low-wage, demeaning in many aspects, devolving service economy, the primary economy in a country with predominantly college and university educated persons? Further, this is the same type of situation of recruiting military recruits and officers from a systematically degraded educational system.

From page linked --

Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.

This is clearly applicable to the U.S. economy, as it’s an unjust weight and measure. To expect people to work only to enrich others when their own labor prohibits them from paying their bills and necessary expenses is inverted and likely will become less and less tolerable. It’s also telling that rather than a healthy, robust revolution as a corrective measure, people are just fizzling out, quitting, moving in together, to avoid the toxic workplace at large. This also points out the false balance of supposedly being a constitutional republic.

Psalm 128:2

You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.

How can people realize, experience and enjoy the fruits of their labor when they’re all essentially forced into the same submission-based employment, with an implicit expectation of being non-questioning, as a widely considered workplace disposition?

Otis D
Otis D
2 years ago

I saw a comment recently asking if anyone was dealing with someone who was legit ‘mentally ill’.

I don’t know anyone who ISN’T dealing with or living with a mental case.
Just about everyone is ‘checked out’ to some degree. It shows the success of the program of ideological subversion.

  1. Demoralization. For this step in the process, 15 – 20 years are needed. That is the amount of time required to educate a generation. Helping along the way are media and teachers who have become sympathetic (consciously or unconsciously) to the theoretical causes of the subverting nation. Bezmenov claims that the USSR was surprised at how easy this phase was in the US.
  2. Destabilization. Following the earlier phase, this is a two to five year period to change the target country’s foreign relations, defense, and economy.
  3. Crisis. Perhaps six weeks of chaos as a climatic turning point.
  4. Normalization. This stage changes the appreciation of what the status quo looks like. Bezmenov’s description of this phase also includes military take over.
2 years ago
Reply to  Otis D

and “IT” continues across Many Vectors. Do “We” support the DC Coup Ferals as the USSA Empire collapses? Not likely, but not impossible if… Or do the Invaders just Take Over? Or does the DC Coup Ferals have our “Replacements” under contract and co-ordinated with the NWO? Will Russia & China invade the USSA? “With Permission?” from the Ferals?
Nothing is Tin Foil hat ANYMORE on Any Topic.

2 years ago

Just remember for whom the bell tolls….

2 years ago

Russians had a sarcastic saying during their USSR years: “They Pretended to Pay Us, and We Pretended to Work”. Communism affects people the same worldwide. Nothing new, just keep marching “Forward” into “Our Demoncrazy”. The Eagle has flown away, the Buzzard has arrived. CYA, “Pre-pare” has become “SOL”.

Jim Wiseman
Jim Wiseman
2 years ago

I had a similar situation at a restaurant in Hilton head SC. The cashier charged my entire bill as the tip, doubling the price of the meal. It was a good thing I hadn’t left to go home, so I went back the next day and spoke to the owner, who happened to be there. She told me if she could find someone to work (even offering me the job,) she would fire the cashier, but she said it was too hard to find people.

2 years ago

I am regretting take a management position out in Hawaii from the mainland. Hawaii is a Real shit hole. I have bad apple that is a cancer . I will lose every good employee I have because of the company’s inability to manage bad employees. 2 applications in 2 months for a landscaper. What a joke.

2 years ago

I’m on week 7 of waiting to get the timing chain replaced on my ’08 Crown Vic. Parts came in last week, but shop is swamped. I *may* get it back by the end of the week.
It’s frustrating because I don’t have a garage and some of the tools I need, or I could do the repair myself. As it st

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Excellent article. Thank you.