A Test

Forwarded from The Course of Empire (Telegram).

I’m not saying I’m NS, but this is an interesting “test”. The following is a test. One point for every policy position with which you agree:

1. Are you against teaching children as young as five years old about pan-sexualism, homosexuality, and transgenderism?

2. Are you for the enforcement of border laws and the expulsion of illegal aliens?

3. Are you opposed to outsourcing manufacturing to other countries?

4. Should the government encourage domestic economic self-sufficiency (i.e., the production of anything needed stays within the confines of the country)?

5. Do you believe that the people should have a direct say on government spending priorities such as infrastructure projects (e.g., roads, hospitals, communications towers)?

6. Should the government embrace a balanced budget, predicated on a strong currency?

7. Do you believe AntiFa terrorists should be prosecuted?

8. Should the income tax be capped at 14% – without any games regarding ridiculous deductions – and only reserved for the wealthiest members of society (no income tax at all for everyone else)?

9. Do you believe patriotism and civil manners should be taught in schools?

10. Do you believe that social welfare benefits (e.g., food stamps, welfare, housing) should be tied to work and good moral behavior, to include when necessary, government provided jobs (e.g., cleaning the streets, washing ambulances, etc) and requiring drug and alcohol tests before receiving such benefits?

11. Do you believe that the Government should privatize but regulate the vast majority of public services – such as electricity production, DMVs, etc?

12. Do you believe anyone receiving social welfare benefits (e.g., food stamps) should be required to (A) take a sobriety/drug test before receiving them and (B) work in some capacity helping the locality (e.g., sweeping the streets) until they find gainful employment?

13. Do you believe women should be encouraged to stay home and be mothers through incentives, such as lower taxes and assistance to young families that have more than two children?

14. Do you believe social welfare benefits, such as food stamps, should be a helping hand, not a permanent fix, with time caps on assistance?

15. Do you believe children should be taught to admire aesthetic beauty, physical strength, athleticism – and encouraged to participate in outside group activities as part of their education?

16. Do you believe the goal of schools should be teaching the fundamentals of math, science, history, and civics, instead of social justice and subjective math (i.e., Common Core)?

17. Do you believe marriage is between a man and a woman?

18. Do you believe small businesses should have a greater say in local tax and spend policies of a community than big businesses?

19. Do you believe patriotism is a virtue?

20. Do you believe in a strong military?

Those are the actual policies of the National Socialist German Workers Party of 1932. If you got more than eleven (11) points, welcome to the party.

Padraig Martin

We’ve been fed lies from every quarter for years. Perhaps National Socialist Germany wasn’t perfect, perhaps there were evil deeds done in it’s name during the war, but the student of history would be hard pressed to deny that they answered all of the above questions in the affirmative. And to be clear, I’m not a National Socialist, but I do agree with all of these twenty points. Combine these with our Constitution and problems largely solved.

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Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
9 months ago

BEWARE of a “balanced budget amendment”. Such legalizes the present system where Congress spends money on whatever is put in the budget.
It is the ENUMERATED POWERS which list the items on which Congress has constitutional authority to spend money.
With a “balanced budget” amendment, Congress can spend on whatever they want and will squeeze every penny you have to “balance” their budget.
If spending were limited to the ENUMERATED POWERS, the feds wouldn’t need 14% of your “income”. They could fund the federal gov’t in the way provided in our Constitution -- before the 16th Amdt. and before the monstrously unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
A balanced budget amendment is a trick crafted in the pits of Hell: https://publiushuldah.files.wordpress.com/2020/02/what-supporters-of-the-bba-arent-telling-you.pdf

9 months ago
Reply to  Joanna Martin

Thank you for posting this. It will deepen my understanding of what’s going on!

Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe
9 months ago

So much, if not all, of what we have been taught was a distorted truth. The doctrine of demons mixed with a little truth has corrupted everything.

9 months ago

Could the drafter of this article cite the source of these questions?

I suspect that this list was assembled from various sources.

It is an excellent list of the type of issues presently facing our nation so the source is significant in studying the history behind these questions.

Thank you.

9 months ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Mose likely, I get questions like this many times from various Christian and freedom loving groups as polling questions. So, it’s not uncommon, but the questions are always good to be listed s, the people who normally don’t see them can see them listed.

9 months ago

Never stare at a total eclipse of freedom. You may go blind. Will freedom ever come out from behind the moon of totalitarianism?

9 months ago

Plato’s “benevolent dictator.”

Alex Thrace
Alex Thrace
9 months ago

I stopped agreeing on the “should the government”
I think the government should be sucked into a singularity and after a prayer of thanks we need to make sure this negative experience never happens again by never again allowing something like Washington DC to metastasize as did this one.
The lesson here is no matter how brilliant is your constitution and ser of rules, government by its very nature cannot be controlled. It is pestilence. It is death and enslavement and sooner or later it will turn feral.

Francis W. Porretto
9 months ago

While the NSDAP did publish a “platform” of that sort, be aware that it did not adhere to it:

  1. It did not permit a free market.
  2. It did impose very high taxes and stringent regulations, especially on German businesses.
  3. It showed a strong preference for large businesses, at the expense of small ones.
  4. A great many leading Nazis were homosexual pederasts.
  5. And of course, the NSDAP’s idea of “border enforcement” was to invade neighboring countries.

Socialists are like that: Say white, but do black, usually on the grounds of “national security.”

9 months ago

Patton came to this conclusion as well…maybe too late?

9 months ago

Nearly EVER statement requires the force and violence of GOVERNMENT to enforce. If you can agree with these, WITHOUT noticing that KEY aspect, then you might be part of the problem in general as to why our government is out of control. These are not just value statements, they are proscriptive policy statements to be backed by government action and violence against others.

9 months ago

The policies and agenda of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany in 1933 was perfectly reasonable and acceptable. The problem was that the party was hijacked by Hitler and his cronies and perverted into an evil entity. We’ve seen the same thing happen here. The Democrat Party has been infiltrated, subverted and destroyed. It is now The American Communist Party….under a false name. And it’s leaders are every bit as evil and abusive as Hitler and his subordinates.