A Time to Fight for Freedom and the Constitution

Korean men defending Koreatown during the 1992 LA riots.

In 2012, nearly four years ago, after the shooting at Sandy Hook, the future of the Republic and the Constitution looked dim.  We had seen a President who disdained the Constitution, who flaunted his power, who had the media on his side and a Congress that conspired with him, be re-elected.  This happened in spite of numerous scandals that should have resulted in his impeachment.

It appeared the seeds of severe European type gun control were going to pass Congress.  Leaders among Second Amendment supporters were grim.  Some said that we could not win. Some claimed that the best we could do was to  compromise and hope to mitigate the damage.  They were wrong.  It took enormous hard work.  It took determination and guts.  But we won.

The Gun Owners of America were steadfast.  The NRA held firm.  No more infringements on the Second Amendment.  Tens of millions of activists across the nation made our case in emails, tweets, essays, comments, and discussion boards.  We sent overwhelming numbers of phone calls and emails to our representatives.  We were right and we won. No more infringements were passed in Congress.  A couple of Democrat states, financed with Bloomberg money, fortified with dirty tricks, passed some evil measures in a couple of legislatures.  Patriots have steadfastly refused to comply.  In a dozen other states, Second Amendment freedoms are being restored.

Now we face another daunting battle.


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