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- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on Two Questions
- kal kal on Trump on FAA Diversity Requirements
Where are the leaders of that lying murdering pond scum government who threatened the people with fema type camps and with a host of other wicked threats against the people, why aren’t they up there before there senate hearing on the fraud the prime minister perpetrated against his own people, as well that wicked women female bitch health commissioner who took to the mic. many times, in threatening honest people.
this entire charade is a dog and pony show because they all got caught lying to their citizens, remember all that stink crap from the top of their leadership rolls down to the smallest S-Bags who work in the bureaucracy, just like the U.S. The entire board of directors and every high executive in the Pfizer Company, J & J, Moderna, etc. should all be arrested and hanged for murder.
Wait til the “hydrogel conspiracy” makes it into the fight back info channels. Brooke Jackson’s whistleblower lawsuit surfaced the FACT that US DoD’s DARPA developed the deadly formulation provided to Pfizer. Pfizer’s defense was that the US DOD contract specifically excluded safety trials and best mfg processes… Why bother? They could save a few million tax dollars because they wanted the shot to maim and kill…
And now UN-injected people are getting live blood analysis and learning that they have the SAME hydrogel compounds forming hydrogel strings in their veins and arteries. Go to and look at Dr. Ana Mihalcae’s work for pictures of what is growing in everyone’s veins and arteries.
Hydrogel originated in DARPA’s “tissue engineering” research program over 15 years ago. It is considered one of the premier substances for implementing human machine interfaces of the Transhumanist agenda. It is a shame that most people are still utterly clueless about Transhumanism -- right when the global financial elite is very busy turning us all into human machine hybrids for high control and service to their whims…