Here is a staunch warning for those who have adopted modern American Christianity – Your form of Christianity is coming to an end. Your idols will be crushed, and your faith tested. God is judging the West, and bringing in tyrants to rule over us. He will purify and reform his bride, and that will require trials of fire. Those who repent and change their life to follow Christ will be strengthened, but those who turn aside to lies will wax worse and worse.
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Daniel 3:18 count me in the BUT IF NOT army. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
2Th 2:11
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
The time of great delusion is upon us . When I watch any Christian service if I see the preacher and congregants masked I turn it off .
Let the preacher preaching do so according to Romans 11:25 and not their own vain lusts. The church has already turned its back on God and God’s children. Hard to believe any man who calls himself a preacher didnt know so out of touch!! These “watchmen” have been wolves in sheep’s clothing. Preach Christ and Him crucified. That is all. There are countless sheep in the streets waiting for a Sheppard.
Your right, the Congregation is suppost to interact, ALL taking part, but lusty preachers or church bosses, that is has killed the body, and deviled its parts.They never talk about all the believers have gifts, and they are to use them, but there never an opportunity for others to use there gifts of the Spirit.
Almost every Sunday our pastor takes a pause to ask if anyone has anything from the Holy Spirit. Our pastor FULLY believes in the 5 fold ministries of the Church and tells us OFTEN that he is not meant to do it all and will not do it all that we ALL must use our gifts in the Body of Christ! I am so glad the Lord led us to this local church. I had almost given up because I was SICK and tired of “church as usual” where the Pastor wanted to either beat the sheep or control them and things were so programmed that Holy Spirit barely had room to work.
May I join in fellowship with you and your church? In Christ, Billie Jo
Amen! We are to participate as the Holy Spirit leads…..the preachers today quench the Holy Spirit and the congregation is nothing more than an audience.
What you’re seeking is Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
Yeah we have our problems, because of the human element.
Eastern Orthodoxy is the faith of the apostles, it’s the Church created at Pentecost by the Holy Spirit.
Most Americans reject the truth. It seems foreign to them because they have been living a lie
Come home America.
There is one exception, the Jesus Movement in the 1969 to around the 1974, I know about it because I was there The main church was Ray Stedman at PBC in the bay area of California. People should read his Book “Body Life” It shows and tells how the Movement started and went world wide for a few years.
We were involved in the great hippy church movement in the late 60’s and 70’s . Watched as the ignorant bapticostals destroyed the incoming children . Sent them to hell for wearing bell bottom jeans and long hair . Windows of the unairconditioned building open and 50 hippies gathered outside each window to hear the Word of G-d. Transvestite shemales crawling down the aisle begging a Holy Gawd to forgive them with a trail of tears all down the aisles . Powerful tome of deliverance , healing , and salvation .
Wrong. Stop worshipping The Impostor Mary instead of Almighty God.
Mary was not an “Imposter” as you say. She was the woman who actually gave birth to Jesus. She was his mother and raised him. So even if the biblical story of the virgin birth is not true (which apparently is your thought process), Jesus was still born of a real woman and that was Mary, his real mother.
True…She was a good woman. .just don’t pray to her or anyone other than God.
Eastern Orthodox Christianity permits for divorce and remarriage (3 times!) That is not Biblical Christianity. Which Apostle divorced and remarried? Not one! They never taught divorce was permitted by Christ Jesus (He called anyone who divorced and remarried an adulterer -- Luke 16:18) The Apostle Paul bragged about being celibate and wished everyone had his gift (1 Corinthians 7:7) and then he said the Lord Jesus commands husbands NOT to divorce and wives not to separate and if they do separate from their husbands, they can only reconcile with their husbands (1 Corinthians 7:10,11). The Apostolic Fathers and thr Early Church Fathers called a divorced remarried woman an adultress. Eastern Orthodox also has fallen away from the truth of Christ Jesus’ word.
This is where American Christianity capitulated 50 years ago, permitting divorce and remarriage (John Hagee) which brought in sexual immorality.
If you cant obey Christ concerning marriage, you will never be persecuted for the gospel and NO way will you ever become a martyr.
In Matthew 5, Jesus addresses divorce for adultery and in 1 Corinthians 7, Paul addresses divorce for desertion by an unbeliever. If I understand what you’ve typed correctly, it seems you suggest divorce is never ok. I think the Scriptures would beg to differ. Obviously, God would prefer that there never be a divorce, but since it’s not a perfect world and other people will sin against us, take advantage of us, and harm us, the Bible teaches us how to live in the real world we’re in until Christ returns to make all things new.
Remarriage, according to Jesus is adultery. I am only quoting Christ Jesus who will judge everyone on the Last Day.
Jesus is to be the Head of the church, and as the Head, He is to be obeyed.
This is where the church has left her first love and did her own thing.
For the first 1500 years, divorce and remarriage was never accepted. Then King Henry VIII, started his own church, with the King of England as the Head of the church and he permitted divorce and remarriage (especially for himself). Other Protestant’s Leaders also allowed divorce and remarriage, of course for adultery. So, they permit a man or a woman to commit adultery (remarriage) if their spouse first commited adultery -- that is called: an eye for an eye, which Jesus preached against practicing an eye for an eye. According to Jesus in Luke 16:18, anyone who remarries while a spouse is still alive is commiting adultery. Jesus was very clear about remarriage being adultery. The Apostolic Fathers and the Early Church Fathers never permitted remarriage. They would actually permit the man to divorce a wife who repeatedly commited adultery, but he was not allowed to remarry as long as his wife was alive. Remember, the Early Church flourished in a pagan world where divorce and remarriage was accepted, but not in the church.
According to 1 Thess 4:2-8, Jesus commands sexual purity and anyone who rejects ‘this’ has rejected God. Adultery is sexual immorality and Jesus hates sexual immorality. Anyone who accepts divorce and remarriage is accepting sexual immorality ( Hollywood also helped push divorce and remarriage on the culture and the church acquiesced. So the Church resembles Hollywood, accepting her morals -- first with divorce and remarriage and now with same-sex marriage).
Marriage is not always easy, pleasant or desirable but a covenant is a covenant and Jesus hates false covenants. First, obey Christ and seek to do His will before claiming what God wants for you or any other person. Divorce happens but remarriage is done willfully. Divorce can be forgiven but remarriage is continuous sin. It must be repented of and forsaken (same for same-sex marriage -- cant keep the sin even if children are involved).
American churches are sexually immoral and have forsaken Christ as their Head. (To be Head, He is to be obeyed!).
As to your assumptions of what God prefers and allows, need I remind you, He sent His Son as a Savior because the world lies in darkness (an imperfect world. and no, Jesus didnt die on the cross so we can get away with sin). No man or woman can ever do good apart from living a sanctified life in Christ Jesus. So, Christ knows that marriages tend to be painful and He still expects the marriage covenant to be kept. Seek Christ’s will for your marriage and He will give you peace, He might not fix the problem, but He will give you supernatural peace. You will spiritually grow and flourish with His righteousness, His joy, and His love. The problem is: most so-called christians want their will over Christ’s. They want to feed their fleshly nature and not wait on the Lord to produce His fruits. And that is why the church in America is so sinful and Christ must now destroy it.
Are you actually preaching divorce? Is that your message because Jesus didnt come to this world to preach divorce and neither did Paul. As to your stressing divorce for sexual immorality, sexual immorality needs to be defined. First, the Pharisees allowed divorce and remarriage. Rabbi Hillel (still famous to this day among the Jews) permitted divorce and remarriage for any trifling reason (wife burns the meal, the man can divorce her) and Rabbi Shamai permitted divorce and remarriage if the wife committed adultery. So there were two schools of thoughts on divorce and remarriage in Jesus’ day. Now Jesus does say, “only for sexual immorality” which is translated in the Greek as porneia. Adultery is moicheia in the Greek. If He meant mocheia, He would have said moicheia.
We know that Joseph was going to ‘put away’ Mary, the mother of Jesus for sexual immorality. So we do have an example of what Jesus is referring to. A woman who was betrothed to a man could be put away for sexual immorality. This is what Jesus is referring to and we have Scripture to prove it. Now the Church also used sexual immorality for divorce if the marriage was illegitimate: incestuous marriage, same-sex marriage, and adulterous marriage (in your 2nd marriage with a spouse still alive). Sexual immorality is a betrothed woman who is unfaithful and/or an illegitimate marriage.
The Pharisees were never seeking the permission for women to divorce and remarry, they were only seeking permission for men. Even Paul calls a remarried woman an adultress. Now Jesus levels the playing field and does not permit even men to divorce and remarry. Jesus in Matthew 5:17 boldly states that He did not come to abolish the Law (Ten Commandments and focus on the 7th -- “Do not commit adultery” -- 2nd marriage with a spouse still alive). Now, the Pharisees permitted men to divorce and remarry and Jesus in in Matthew 5:20 calls out the adulterous Pharisees and tells the crowd that their righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees or they will not enter heaven. Meaning NO divorce and remarriage for any reason!
Women suffered greatly in these male dominated marriages but Jesus never pitied them nor made a way for them to get out of their marriages, He actually put men in their place and told them to stay in their marriages no matter what (1 Cor 7:10,11). The marriage is a marriage until one of the spouses dies (Matthew 19:4-6)
Matthew is written to the Jews and Luke is written to the Gentiles and Jesus is recorded as saying the same thing in 16:14-18. He tells the Pharisees that they are adulterers -- Luke 16:18, and He did not come to change the Law -- Luke 16:17. He is saying the exact same thing as He said in Matthew chapter 5. Now the Gentiles had no social taboos for women divorcing and remarrying -- Luke 16:14-18 is not teaching divorce but forbidding it for everyone.
Again, yes, God knows that we will be sinned against, betrayed by, lied to and hurt by others and He taught us to forgive, pray for those who hurt you, bless those that curse you, and love your enemies. All of Jesus’s teachings applies to marriages.
I am utterly shocked that you actually think and teach divorce because one of the spouses has been hurt in the marriage (Jesus does permit the woman to separate, obviously for safety reasons, but only reconcile with her husband, meaning no divorce and remarriage to another man). Jesus taught us that we would be hurt by others but love them anyway and pray good for them.
Your teaching is popular with the carnal crowd but God’s teaching is from God, who is Spirit and not of this world. It is as Jesus said: His sheep hear His voice and will not follow another.
Amen Brother. I started to write my family a letter about this which turned into a web page. Money has no value there and there is only one to follow, and it’s not me.
Be prepared to think for yourself.
If nothing else at the top of the home page read from:
God’s Family
God’s Church
Then continue to the other tabs.
Best to all any your loved ones.
Excellent! The spirit of suffering and sacrifice is gone from the Church. And the Lord will severely chastise the USA with civil war and limited nuclear war for our abominable sins. And some Christians will either die for Jesus or betray him like Judas. We are almost at the Testing Point. Turn away from sin and pray that you will be faithful.
the last startling statistic I read was that 2/3 of profession Christians have turned to other false pagan and heathen gods within the church, and this why God has cursed the church, it is rotten away from the inside as they do the work of satan and his demons, Satan comes as an angel of light and he sits in the temple thinking he is God, Satan now rules in many of these mainline, evangelical, Pentecostal, etc. churches. If I was a member of any of these synagogues of satan i would flee as fat as you can because your soul will be in jeopardy. Woe to them who call good evil and evil good as Isaiah warned us about
I know of no time of trouble, no trial, no tribulation, that our Great Creator has not used to transform His children that they might reflect an even deeper image of our Lord and Savior Jesus. I know this to be totally true, the enemy of our souls never gets through the hedge without the authority to do so from our Father. A clear look at Job, or a close look of the Apostles, especially Paul, allows us a glimpse of the purpose of it all.
(Daniel 11:33) And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
(Daniel 11:34) Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
(Daniel 11:35) And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
(Daniel 12:10) Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
When lust has been stimulated (Stimulust), my new word…it starts a chain reaction that unleashes every evil work of the flesh known to mankind. If you can watch television without vomitting there is a 99.999% chance that you are either near spiritual death or already dead.
thanks for the encouraging word bob…..Now I know I am not dead…..I don’t watch tv.
vlad, I only point this out because of the power television has over the minds of men, we both know it is only one “device” out of a very long list.
Interesting. More interesting is that Protestants & other Christian denominations in the early 1960s worked with the Vatican to bring us the Novas Ordo, Vatican II mass, in the so called effort to “modernize” the Roman Catholic Church and faith. The result was the complete destruction of the Roman Catholic Church. Only small so called schisms of the true, Traditional Latin Mass Roman Catholic Church exist and are shunned by the Vatican! Bravo! What comes around goes around!
We don’t need some homogenized liturgical pap in any form.
Develop your own PERSONAL relationship with the God of all creation and leave all the Pagan ritual behind
Who is the pagan?
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The American church has been sold out by The Darby Theory.The so called made up Rapture.Show me that Jesus says he’s coming back twice.The red horse is coming here to America.Your so called church will turn u in.They want their 501c3 hand outs.Jesus says They will persecute u also.But no one reads their bibles to know the truth.They brain washed by their religion and their wealthy pastors.Sheep open your eyes and hearts and read the truth
It’s always surprised me how bent born again Christians get when you question the rapture? Especially when you realize just how recent the rapture became a fixture with Christians, and “who” started promoting the idea of the rapture. John Nelson Darby was also considered a heretic, and huckster.
Well said, Amen. The tribulation began the Fall of 2018, and the rapture will occur around the Fall of 2024, after the last total solar eclipse that Summer that completes the huge X thru the US. Read the book Getting to Heaven -- its just over 200 pages, but unlike the money changers today is a free download at
Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”…you have been warned, arm yourself accordingly.
Maybe a better statement would be, “Modern Global Insanity”. As we look out across the entire world we see iniquity in the Churches like never before seen, at least in my lifetime. Not only this, The Word of God contains numerous warnings of the corrupt condition of most of the Christians at the time of the end. To me it is clear that God has allowed in his mercy time for the entire world to repent before He unleashed judgement across the globe. Most have replied to God with a “No Thanks”.
I am done warning Christians, that is a total waste of time. We have had more success with muslims and non believers. Though I do know a few Christians who have been successfully deprogrammed. It’s not easy though, Christians tend to think they’ll get a free ride.
Exactly! Well put! I’m using that phrase! It’s perfect! “Christians tend to think they’ll get a free ride.”
The Church of HOMERISM: The religion that sets it’s standards so low that nobody fails to be a Saint.
Under Homerism everything and anything is permissible. There are no expectations or goals.
Everybody goes to Heaven and gets Participation Harps and Halos
Homer is the God of beer drinking. Pray to him daily for absolution..
“The CHURCH” has been flooded by effeminate unemployables who would starve if they had to compete in the Private marketplace. So they all gravitated to “Spiritual Hogwash” where they are never challenged or forced to produce viable truths, they just spew nonsense.
Pollyanna nonsense.
(1) Jesus was not a TWIT — he LASHED the money changers out of the Temple.
(2) Neighbor does NOT mean every Street Snake that slithers along. It means those within your TRIBE.
This “Pastor” is a BAD “Shepherd of the Flock”
A GOOD Shepherd GUARDS his Flock from the circling WOLVES.
There is a purpose behind the evil.
GODLESS Marxist/Bolshevism considers ITSELF to be God.
Therefore there ARE no God Given Rights as is amply demonstrated by their murderous ENSLAVEMENT of their own People, under EVERY-ONE of their regimes. Under Communism/Socialism You are the Property of the STATE, not a Child of God.
Your Rights do not come from the Constitution. Your Rights come from Our Creator, and the Constitution was written to SUPERVISE, REGULATE, and CONTROL government actors. The 9th and 10th Amendments help make it ABUNDANTLY clear to even the densest of intellects that we truly have NO “Constitutional rights.” What we have(at the risk of being redundant) is Constitutionally-SECURED rights, but these rights are ONLY as secure as:
a) the honor and integrity of those taking the oath, and
b) the ability of the People to COMPEL obedience on pain of perjury charges and removal from office.
The United States of America is the only nation in human history established by mostly Christian people, founded upon 2,000 years of Christian thought, Reformation preaching and Biblical Natural Law principles—and dedicated to the purpose of religious and personal liberty and equal justice under the law.
Human Rights stem from the Church of Slaves, the Poor and Downtrodden.
Not the Tribal Armed Conquest believers.
Christians seem to be indifferent to the fact that any attack against our Liberty is an attack against the God who gave us Liberty. In other words, it is an attack against our Faith.
our Creator’s Law, which is what endows every American with the UNALIENABLE rights we enjoy, among those Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, exactly as it states in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed BY THEIR CREATOR with certain UNALIENABLE Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
That which distinguishes CHRISTianity from the tribal faux religions is the human suffering and appeal to the downtrodden as opposed to Judaism and Islam with their appeal of conquest and oppression of non-members . Judaism & Islam endorsed slavery
The claim that “All religions are the same” is foolish.
THE CHURCH was given the FIRST and second amendment of the us constitution,to make sure DEVILS didn’t invade our country..THEY USED OUR CONSTITUTION TO WIPE THEIR ASS,THEN THREW IT IN THE TRASH,NOW AMERICA IS NO LONGER A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY,the children worship witches,devils,and evil..and most of the young adults have NEVER HEARD THE LORDS NAME,THEY’VE NEVER SEEN A BIBLE ,MUCH LESS READ IT..the christians are completely silent,their NOT out on the streets warning of GODS JUDGEMENT coming on everyone,THEY DO NOT CARE,they believe they will be taken to heaven before anything bad happens on earth,THEY DON”T REALIZE ITS THEM WHO WILL BE LEFT BEHIND,and THAT will be their last chance to return to the LORD or become SATANS property,90% of the women have chosen SATAN and 95% of the men have chosen SATAN..very few in America and Canada will ever see heaven..they have chose poorly…
OH,by the way,EVERYONE should read PSALMS 91,in their BIBLE,..DO YOU TRUST THE LORD??..IF not.. hes sad.. but you will be on your own durning JUDGEMENT AND THE GREAT TRIBULATION,OH,there will only be a few survivors you know..100-300 in america,none in canada…
I would gladly share this if not for shamefully equating the abolishinists with Christianity. I don’t want to hear the “b…b…but” retorts I know you have lined up, by aligning yourself with those destructive radicals in the stupid attempt to conform to 20th century Liberal morality, you discredit yourself.
Oh those radical abolitionists, how dare they demand the complete and total end to the genocide of the unborn. Along with it demanding judicial consequences for those who not only perform murder but those mothers and fathers who gladly offer their sons and daughters on the alter of self. How dare any Christian stand at the gates of hell (abortion mills) and proclaim God’s law and word and plead mercy for those being led to the slaughter. And how dare those radicals call the church corporate to repentance for its apathy and willful ignorance concerning genocide or sodomite marriage
No neighbor they are not radical because this is what true Christianity looks like, not the become the world to entice the world luke warm post modern christianity we have all become so accustomed to.
Repent with us.
Wake Up, White People! the ‘judeo-christian religion’ that you have been Brainwashed into believing has its Origins in North Africa. The ‘babylonian talmud’ is its base document, still worshiped by the (false) ‘jews’. Those who call themselves ‘god’s chosen people’, but who in Fact are the ‘synagogue of satan’, and they worship moloch.
‘Christianity’ is an offshoot of this evil, created to ‘keep the sheep in line’, with platitudes like ‘Love thy Neighbor’ (even if your neighbor commits crimes against you) and vague promises of ‘salvation’ and ‘eternal life’. So-called “churches” are just part of the Scam, ‘fleecing the flock’ while filling their minds with lies.
But go ahead, pray for jesus the ‘jew’ to ‘save your soul’, tithe to Cesar, and most importantly, send your Sons and Daughters to Fight and Die in the zionist occupation government’s endless wars for $hekel$.
Time to bring back turn the other cheek and get rid of the bible and gun revenge speech.
Jesus please give me the strength to stand. I love you Jesus. I love you…
1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”
1 John 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”
1 John 5:5 “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” (KJV)
I agree 100%. We have lost our way and we must pay. The West has been under the impression Christians will be whisked away before they see suffering. Meanwhile, Christians the world over are dying. Most families and friends will be split. It is too easy to go along with the crowd and too difficult to go it alone. It has already been stated that many of us will die in contrast to all of us will die. How we die is the key. Will it be in Christ or Satan? Be strong and of good courage.
Three comments:
Modern American Christianity is Cuntstainity just another form of Demonism. READ THE BIBLE -- THAT’S THE TRUTH -- NOT SOME FALSE PROPHET OF SATAN. But a lot of Americans Love Cotton Candy Christianity where you Forgive Anyone, Anything at Anytime while they “Pray” to Jesus for a Million Dollars.
I wrote this November 28, 2020 Johns Hopkins Reveals COVID HOAX
In the current battle the Churches around the globe are facing from political persecution to close down their places of worship, I can see many points of interest. One is so obvious, “The Mask”. This is how I see this, though multitudes of Christians may take these masks off when they arrive back home, is there another mask we wear, one that is unseen by men, one that we hide the truth of our spiritual health behind? A mask that hides our hypocrisy?
There is another thing I see, this “Virus”, Is the Spirit crying out and saying to the Church, “Who are these that speak words that subvert the hearers, whose words spread as a cancer through my Body. Your words have filled my people with doctrines that have swollen the unrighteousness of men, and it has reached the point that it now overruns the banks”?
I will close with this thought, with all the warnings about the time of the end and the condition of many Christians at the time…where are the cries from our pulpits, where are the trumpets in Zion, the cries to sanctify a fast, the calls for a solemn assembly throughout the Church? A cry for repentance!
Ecclesiastes 8:11
Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
I suggest moving out of the 501C3 Churches with the Name it and Claim it Preachers with the boofont hairdos, $5K suits, and trophy wives, where they don’t even tell you the true name of YAHWEH GOD! Nor of Christ Yahshua’s true name! That’s just a start of the reasons to GET OUT.
And with the info I just gave you, begin praying to Yahweh the Father in the name of Christ Yahshua. Pray that way for 30 days and see if your prayer life improves. I say it will.
There are 20K to 30K errors in the KJB according to the late Dr Jean Scott. Find someone who can explain some of these errors, such as, the Serpent in Genesis. The actual word is Nachash which means “Shining Enchanter (Strong’s Concordance).” The Nachash took Eve sexually (beguiled her) in the Garden and their offspring was Cain. Abel was of Adam and Eve. The whole story of whom Christ’s enemies are begins there.
He tells us this in John Chapter 8 speaking to the Edomites -- “You are of your Father the Devil and his desires you will do. He was a LIAR and MURDERER from the beginning. You are not my sheep and you are NOT of (Yahweh) God!”
And most importantly, Christ Yahshua WAS NOT an Edomite! You will NEVER hear a 501C3 pastor tell you any of this on Sunday. This info should be enough to get you on the correct path. Yahweh bless.
Right. Don’t forget Matt 13 the parable of the tares. Not many know the first prophesy (and therefore primary) in God’sWord: Gen3:15.
Super happy to have found this blog with fellow Believers who are on the same page!
Our brothers and sisters in Christ in other countries (Nigeria, China, any country in the Middle East, Sudan, India, North Korea, etc…) are being attacked by their government because they are being obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ. We can also learn a lot them.
Repent and return to the biblical plan of salvation!
[…] A Warning for Christians: Here is a staunch warning for those who have adopted modern American Chris… -- (4 minutes) […]
When many churches learn that I study and know Hebrew, not Greek .. they shun me. “Lead us not into temptation” -- not in Hebrew .. Isa 6:13 God burns the idol worshipers with the trees from which they cut their idols and puts his Holy Tenth between the pillars of the temple forever .. Woman what do I have to do with thee -- King James B.S. “If I do as you request it will start my ministry and you will have to take my body from the cross .. I will not turn this water into wine without your understanding .. to the servants “whatever He says you are to do, do it” .. the most tender exchange in God’s Word .. Mary places the ball in her Son’s court .. study Hebrew! e-Sword
I’ve returned to this discussion.Not all people will have their eyes open to whats coming.Its written of even the elect will be decieved.U r being conditioned to communism by submitting to the laws of covid and the ungodly running the states.Preachers pushing for u to be vaccinated.Its called world control for the bringing in of the antichrist.The bible explains it all.But on a different note,when we pray to do Gods will u don’t know how he’s to put u in that place.In 2019 I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.I never questioned God why.But this past yr I’ve been in the hospital monthly.I call it my vacation.I sound the alarms and witness.Of all to read their bibles.Time is almost up.The greatest experience i had in the hospital one of my doctors figured out I was a Christian.On the day I was leaving the hospital he asked to pray with me.Oh my.I just cried of how great our God is.So reach them high ways and biways.Repent daily.Thanks for reading.Sister in christ