A warning to a certain kind of prepper

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fed up
fed up
11 years ago

I have met a few that say they are not “prepping” because they will just go and take from others that have. Glad to see this guys equipment. I pray when the time comes we whittle down those that believe they will take what they want. It’s the guys in black that will be the first to go, assault vehicle or no. Then the guys that want to take. the government believer are just cannon fodder and traitorous leaches. “Come and take it”

Harpo Marx
Harpo Marx
11 years ago

I will defend myself and others against the thugs that “take what they want”. If I can’t defend it then it will be either torched or contaminated either way they won’t get what they want.

LT Prepper
11 years ago

I will not surrender any of what I have stored up to “takers” of any stripe. If I can’t exfil with it, then I will destroy it in place. Those who know understand that “spatial diversity equals success” in asymmetric warfare scenarios -- your enemy cannot be everywhere at once, so use this fact against him. Spread your equipment and supplies out between several caches, and rotate these with an irregular cadence. Have a clear and simple “don’t come home” signal for your spouse and kids, and rotate the rallypoint associated with this signal, so that their whereabouts will remain a mystery to your enemies for as long as possible…

Be safe, fight hard, for the alternative is unthinkable…