A Wise Man

Image result for Never take counsel of your fears

Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Since Thomas Jackson was a very religious man, I have no doubt that his quote was directed at earthly fears. Prudence, wisdom, morality and Faith should be the main considerations of our actions. Once evaluated, if action is required then action must be taken. As our Forefathers did when they wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence.

As for today’s issues: we only need to remember that 535 people in the Federal government represent the citizens of the 50 states. When this small body is usurped by outside interests, personal greed and tyranny, then it is time for the people to put them back into their box. Along with their conspirators in the FBI, DOJ, NSA, CIA and DNI.

David DeGerolamo

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a follower
a follower
5 years ago

Put them back in a box. Pandora’s box?
i think most would agree, we just differ at the method.
Those who needle and goad will soon reveal themselves.