Every day, news reporters, traders, and workers of all sorts the world over wake to do their work as they always have. Part of that requires that everyone pretend that life is normal, fixable, and more or less stable. All of this is temporary. It will come and go and really not be that bad.
Strange, isn’t it? Human beings have a hard time adjusting to disaster, in their decision-making and even in their mindset. Reporters have to do their jobs as they are trained. Traders too. Everyone does. They please their bosses. They don’t sound alarms. They don’t scream and yell as they probably should.
But there is a moment in the day when the work is done and perhaps a cocktail comes out or the dishes are washed and the kids are in bed and the room falls silent. At this moment, millions and billions of people the world over know it. Disaster is all around us. We are just pretending otherwise, simply because this is what we have to do…
Small businesses cannot function under these conditions. “Tom Kerridge, the celebrity chef, revealed that the annual energy bill at his pub has soared from £60,000 to £420,000 and warned that ‘ludicrous’ price rises left the hospitality sector facing a ‘terrifying landscape’,” reports Telegraph.
This is all running wildly ahead of consumer prices generally. This is only through June. We are already approaching 100% inflation in energy…
How Quickly Things Fall Apart
My friends in the UK are truly panicked. They want to come to the U.S. just to get away. But many of my friends are rebels and did not accept the vaccine because they are healthy and under the age of 80. They rejected the jab. Now they cannot come to the U.S. because the U.S. is still imposing rules that forbid travelers from foreign countries who are not vaccinated from getting across the borders.
These policies again trace to the lockdown era: March 12, 2020, in particular, when the office of the president decided on its own to do the unthinkable and shut travel from Europe, UK, Australia, and New Zealand. It caused family disruption, business loss, and tragedy all around. It is still not normalized, which makes the point: no one in Washington has any regrets.
This is the essence of policy in America today. Truly people are being locked out of our country for being insufficiently loyal to Pfizer, which seems to be the real government here at home, at least as it pertains to public health.
The most striking feature of that which afflicts the UK today is the sheer speed of it all. One day life was normal and then suddenly the bills were through the roof. No one could explain why. It was some kind of mystery, and extremely disorienting.
Why energy, for example? Well, inflation strikes in strange ways. It gravitates to the thing most vulnerable to price hikes. This could be dictated by fashion or policy or both. But when it happens, no power can stop it.
The story of going from normal to double and triple prices, forecasting to go much higher, reminds me of books I’ve read about Weimar, how things were fine until suddenly they were not and life itself took a shocking turn.
Until recently, Americans have looked at the chaos abroad and thought oh that’s what these weird foreign people do, just strange stuff with unstable governments and unsound financial systems. And yet right now it is happening to our mirror country across the pond, a place that Americans think of as cousins with a Royal family.
The remarkable thing is that the UK’s monetary policy was not as bad as the U.S.’s own. The only difference is that there is a larger international market for dollars than for pounds. This allows the Fed a bit of breaking room to do more damage.
But can it happen here? Yes, certainly, and it could happen before year’s end. The policies of the last three years have created an incredible powder keg. No one knows when it will go off, and no one knows what to do when it happens.
There are so many other data points: missing workers, food shortages, political instability, and the breathtaking entrenchment of Xi-backed lockdowns in China.
The world is on fire. Most people are not willing to think about it or talk about it. Yet.
For the ones wanting to come to America, everyday, hundreds cross our southern border…..Get a flight to South america and head north. Cross the border and say your name is Poncho Garcia.
Watched this last night. If you’ve been following Suspicious Observers, you know we’ve seen nothing yet. The evidence is already overwhelming, and most don’t even see it.
It is difficult for me to separate which of this phenomenon is natural or geoengineered. I have read and researched the peculiar weather since the Colorado Big Thompson Flood in the 1970s when the state contracted for cloud seeding. Two hundred people were killed it came on so quickly. Dana Wiggington’s reports are very good and there are writers who do an excellent job explaining this web of natual change verses the engineered weather by international military strategy. The only hope is in God. Otherwise, we are fighting microplastics, nanobots, graphene, or Morgellons falling from the sky with no expectation other than disease and starvation. Do you know that you can buy faraday clothing? Hoodies or beanies are less obvious than aluminum foil and help mitigate the radiation effects, especially for people who are susceptible to depression or aggression.
i believe evil wishes us to not see God in this picture. man gets all the credit, all the blame.
agree. my concern , The world theatre has many distracted.
i have a question that came to me yesterday. something to ask ourselves.
Out of the four horseman, which one are we join up with?
They travel together, we will likely see all of them before it is over!
Born again believers won’t be around for the events of Revelation, [1Thessalonians 4: 13- 18.] Look up “crowns” in the epistles. There are rewards to be given out. Revelation is for those who choose not to get born again, [Romans 10: 9,10.]
All do respect, i believe this is a trap in order to keep people from recognizing the times we are in, therefore many do not Truly come to repentance.
They are waiting for something (Left-behind) that is not going to happen the way they think.
Who’s sitting around waiting? Only those that haven’t been taught about the 5 crowns that are earned. Eternal life is a gift from God, the rewards are earned. Reread my post you commented on. If I can be of any help, stansylvester59@aol.com.
It’s the world’s gone crazy cotillion
The ladies are dancing alone
Causeos the sidemen all wanna be frontmen
And the frontmen all wanna go home.
The Johnny Comelateleys are comin’ in early
The early birds showin’ up late
The straightmen all wanna be funny
The funny men all wanna get straight.
The villains have turned into heroes
The heroes have turned into heels
The dealers all wanna be lovers
And the lovers all wanna make deals.
It’s the world’s gone crazy cotillion
The ladies are dancing alone
Causeos the sidemen all wanna be frontmen
And the frontmen all wanna go home.
Like they ain’t inherited nothing
The leaders have fallen behind
So I’m singing my songs to the deaf men
Dancing my dance to the blind.
It’s the world’s gone crazy cotillion
The ladies are dancing alone
Causeos the sidemen all wanna be frontmen
And the frontmen all wanna go home…
I believe the world is kind of like on auto pilot with AI leading the leaders. If AI is worth its salt and none of us know for sure, but if it is, it would show the positive and negative outcomes of each of its “decisions” or “deductions”.
It’s insane to make those decisions without the benefit of consciousness. People who believe in that don’t have souls themselves.
Remember the old saying “rules are made to be broken”. I’m guessing AI could say something similar one day. That could take a long time but where does that leave the remaining population if AI says oops??
Remember, Aime, that demons (which are disembodied spirits seeking a host) commonly occupy innate objects and/or technology. They love technology because much of it comes from the fallen angel realm, for the sake of helping mankind, right? No, the technology I am speaking about is to control and enslave mankind for lucifer. So, beware AI. As Elon Musk warned, humanity should be very, very careful concerning AI. It really is not a mechanical technology; it really is non-human intelligence which rapidly assimilates and adapts.
I read the first 6 comments here. They just don’t get it. Europe is intentionally being destroyed as we watch. By the end of winter, there will be no EU, no ECB, no NATO. Governments will be overthrown. Starvation and suffering. That’s the plan. And we’re next. The WEF is working hard. And so is the Globalist Empire. It’s in progress here. If you last long enough, you will see starvation and death here. Perhaps by the end off this winter. The Great Reset brings with it the great die off.
I don’t understand how you believe that they (we) don’t get it. It is one of the most discussed topics on this site. Anyone who DOESN’T know this destruction is intentional is either ignorant or just a liar. Look at the highlighted text of the article toward the bottom. Could it happen here? Rhetorical question, because obviously that is the intent. We are in the midst of a marxist takeover of our government, economy, and lives.
The people out there who are not paying attention yet, and that number is decreasing by the day, will be paying attention when they cannot get gas to get to the store, where there will be nothing to buy and less than nothing to buy it with.
You are not the only one who sees this agenda unfolding without much resistance. It is alarming. However, there is point of realizing that we are here, and we are facing it, and we are probably not going to die or be raptured before it happens. So, then what do you do? There are essential things we know: 1.) continued verbalization of a negative outcome breeds a precondition of hopelessness and surrender; 2. strength to resist has to be fortified through faith in a positive outcome on an individual level, which is why certain people speak of their own preparedness to die and take as many of the debauched with them as possible; 3.) there has to be an articulate hope for success and continuation of life in general; such as saving others, or speaking heroism of people who have fought before us… Founding Fathers, WWII vets, Viet Nam vets, or the Afghanistan-Iraq vets; and 4.) there has to be an articulated belief which is shared with others that God has not abandoned us but is very much a part of our current situation. Internally thinking these things is not enough because we, meaning authentic humans, are built to respond strongly to speech and the power of agreement with our fellowship. So, don’t think anyone here is ignorant of what is ahead simply because we respond with bravado or idle commiseration. This group knows, really knows the proverbial s--t from Shinoda.
WEF’s Harari: Hand Over Power To The Technocratic Elite Or Die They openly tell us.
Thank you for posting this. I keep warning people to pay attention to this entity because he has been around for decades and wields a great deal of global influence. He is far worse than Gates and he exhibits characteristics of the luciferians and their goals.
Have them fly to mess-ico, and walk across, no jabs required. For $50, they can geta messican id, then once in the U.S., revert to being a Brit, and continue on their merry way. Or fly into Canada, and walk across, or just take a taxi.