Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Rep. Glen Bradley posted the following information concerning a meeting with Rep. Darrell McCormick:

“When for the hundredth time I asked Chairman Darrell McCormick for a voted hearing on HB 587 NC Job Growth Through Regulatory Reform, now having the support for passage in the committee guaranteed, the man put his hands on me and shoved, called me childish, and then said the bill would not be heard in his committee. I am announcing a discharge petition on the floor tonight.”

After reading Rep. Bradley’s letter to Rep. Thom Tillis, I have to ask the Republican Party two questions:

  1. Whom do you represent?
  2. Why did you abandon the people and principles that put the Republican Party in charge of the General Assembly in 2010?

I also have to ask what happened to the Tea Party/Patriot groups in North Carolina? This Thursday is crossover and everything that we were fighting for in our state for legislation will be done until 2013. I have two questions for your leaders?

  1. Do you know the status and compromises for immigration, 2nd amendment, 10th amendment, force annexation and voter ID legislation in our state?
  2. Why did you not lead your fellow patriots to action?

The only recourse when our leaders fail is to replace them. If we do not hold them accountable, we only have ourselves to blame. We hold the keys to our chains and anyone who chants “Vote Republican in 2012” to fix this state needs to look at the actions of the Republican led General Assembly in Raleigh to see the consequences of absolute power.

David DeGerolamo



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Bill Randell
13 years ago

I would do more than announce a discharge petition, I would file assault charges against him, especially if anyone else was there to see what happened. I don’t care what the legislation was about, this type behavior cannot be condoned, especially in our wonderful state house. Wonder how McCormick would respond to that? Perhaps another shove?