Absurdity of Reason

The one thing I know for an absolute fact is that until individuals recognize their power as such, there’s not much chance of survival. What’s left of the American ideal is quickly diminishing. Between people being indoctrinated to believe that capitalism is guilty of every sin in the world and that it takes a village to raise a child as Hillary Clinton proclaimed in her time-honored means of funneling cash to political figures, a book, the America that was successful, powerful and solvent is being hidden behind lies and distortions, if it hasn’t already disappeared.

The future is not bright. Gen Z or Y, or wherever that stands now, might as well be called Gen L(ast). There will be no future generations, there won’t be enough children born in a given time frame to comprise of a particular generation per se. This idea of naming generations is corrupt anyway; it’s a means of destroying unity, pitting one against the other; of accusing one or the other of the destruction of the nation; of pointing fingers at anyone but those responsible; the traitors in our own government, our schools, now even our hospitals.

Generation L, comes about by every means possible. The young, virile men and fertile women of the current generation are being killed by the jab at an astonishing rate. Do you know the considerable amount of death that has to be taking place in the background for notable athletes in their mid to late twenties to be dying in the alarming volumes that they are today? What is the exponent of young people per notable athlete? It’s astronomical.

Those who aren’t dying are sterile or infertile. Those who were able to conceive have more often than ever, by 1000%, miscarried. The children are being taught in school, in school mind you, to reject their gender and seek acceptance in disfigurement and derangement making them incapable of reproduction. On top of that, the ones who have survived are being deluged with the idea of being nothing other than sexual toys for the growing and openly admitted pedophiles among us.

This is a subject so disgusting that it’s difficult to keep typing. I’m appalled by what this society has become, with no apparent backstop, no huge gathering of resistance to it. Yes, we’re all sickened by it and wander around angry and hostile, upset and wanting to lash out, but that does no good. It amounts to nothing but internal, roiling acidity. We’re witnessing the prosecution of an agenda so foul that one would think it would inspire a great uprising, but it has not.

Those involved in drafting and executing the plan for this are well known figures. They have their faces on television and newspapers and are recognizable to everyone with an internet connection, which, today, is everyone. Yet, they walk around freely, continuing the agenda, buying off politicians with funds that lead right back to them or their foundations as if that’s normal, it’s not. That’s flat out corruption, again, in-your-face to prove that you are inconsequential, irrelevant and powerless.

We are a nation now that cannot house and feed our veterans, but can house and feed the millions of illegals streaming across the border. There literally is no limit to the amount of affront that is taking place, a total absurdity of reason from minds unfathomable to me. And I wait for my brothers to rise so I can join them, to add my miniscule voice to the immense roar of outrage and demand for justice.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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dov sar
dov sar
2 years ago

Well, on the bright side, the Amish are still getting married and having a dozen or so healthy, happy children per married couple (no divorce!). The meek shall inherit the earth; apparently soon.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  dov sar

Are they the only ones who may become meek?
How many join the military?
Of all their many “disconnects” with the world they are still part of what is coming.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Being subjected to it is not the same as being “part” of it.
Everybody will be subject to what’s coming. Not everybody is “part” of it.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  FJQ

When i say part of. That is there is no escape. we must go through it.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  dov sar

-The meek shall inherit the earth- looking around, doesn’t sound like a very good deal after all….like having to clean up after an eighties cocaine’n kegs party….on a global scale, Sticky and gross.

2 years ago

Jan 6 was designed to be a STFU operation, locking good people up for two years and making the rest of us do nothing for fear of losing our comfort! TL is right, he’s a canary in the coal mine, an early warning of what’s coming. The level of surveillance on society now is to prevent organizing a movement to take America back from the real insurrectionist running the government currently. Get your preps together, talk to your trusted neighbors and get ready for reality to set in. You’ll lose contact but know that acting locally will help nationally and keep praying, the time to act will be given to you through your GOD.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

The problem is capitalism does have problems. So when one side points out the wrongs the other side goes into denial. Right vs. left
The Truth you see is in the middle.
Michelle malkin talked quite a bit about crony capitatim. The people.
we were warned of all of these things and more, we just could not imagine it. The Bible.
myself, another small voice in the wilderness, am one of those still going to work, still shopping at stores (not with a mask, i recognized it from the beginning) Now i did wear one to satisfy eye Dr. etc. yet i also made clear my view) Plant seeds along your way. Still walking amongst them yet also becoming set-apart (Biblically.) Not better than them, yet not joining in their fear and or ignorance. Am still providing for my family , prepping Spiritualy and physically as He guides me, worshiping and giving Praise for His family, His governance, and all His Gifts of Insight, Peace and New understanding, Revelations, His Gifts of Remembrance..(my past and why things happened)
Jan. 6th was a trap for those who went to far. A few of them did, did they not? if we are different (set-apart in our behavior) would we have been their acting like BLM or others? Would we allow ourselves to be ushered in to a trap? i pray for those who did!
i am not saying they are now being treated with justice in mind. The Lies and propaganda on both sides (of everything)are quite overwhelming! I pray for those who did!
i have watched people on “our side” for approximately 11 years openly mock God, prayer, hope, faith, the Bible, Mercy, forgiveness, almost anything YAHusha the Mashiak Has said.
 i have witnessed the politics, gamesmanship the Clichés inside and outside the physical assemblies that claim they are the “church.” The results of the many false prophets and antichrists that are among us. Believers who have been taught the ten commandments are a part of the old law that we should avoid. 
When all of this hits a person we suffer for Him. we were warned and we should take heart and listen, listen well. Yet we are told Still Many will not repent, and so it goes.
 YAH-USHA weeps. This is the pain and the grief that He also suffered!
The Light we seek for is over and above this muddy water that the evil one has been churning up for thousands of years. Daniel 12:5 as He has shown me.

2 years ago

Whatever you believe the J6ers did during their “insurrection,” they deserved bail, a speedy judged by their peers in a court of law, etc.
Just saying. 

2 years ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

J6er’s are political prisoners in the same sense that dissenters who went to Dachau, The US of A’s government has become a Nazi regime and is backing the Nazi regime in Ukraine.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

i did not say otherwise.

2 years ago

An excellent article that is hard to find fault with. The only flaw I see is the statement that it is “corrupt” to name generations. It most definitely is not, it is accurate. i have now lived long enough to have known multiple people from 5 different American generations. There is indeed a vast difference between the WW1 generation and the so called Millennials. Even the Boomers differ substantially from the current so called Gen Z. The concept of a Generation is also Biblical; For example Matt 3:7, Luke 7:31, Acts 13:36, etc. etc. etc. Say what you will but the Boomers were out in the streets en masse as is occurring in other countries today. Millennials; not so much. .

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

i think you are right people make a choice choose to blame one over another. Pointing fingers at each other instead of looking in the mirror.

James Wood
2 years ago

The truth of the matter is -we’ve become a spoiled -ungrateful nation -the majority of people live in apathy and if no one wants to rock the boat affecting their life — Our people and its society has chosen money over God and a godly life -- we no longer value the important things this nation was founded on -- I too want to fight but realize their no one person or thing that would be worth killing fight -- God will show everyone the truth and their will be no question who did it --

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

What’s absurd about reason? Objective logic bad, also?