I’m giving President Trump and Team 100 Days. If then no arrest My Opinion may take a different turn. I like lot of the changes and findings, but we need accountability or we leave them free to take advantage again.
I agree, with what garland and his henchmen did to Christian’s, conservatives, etc. is well documented and if I don’t see any of these marxists in the deep state going to prison with the federal judges who are in the cabal as well than I am finished with him for good and it’s all been smoke and mirrors. He needs to use the power of the office to just arrest all of them and charge them under military jurisdiction with treason and sedition and put them all in the military brig and let them rot.
In my opinion, we got a small reprieve that is all. The administration is not concentrating on the true enemy of we the people. Did you ever think President Trump would even consider becoming a commonwealth of the British Empire? What have we in common with that dictatorship? If you want peace prepare for war, that looks like our last and only option.
Hey Tom if he doesn’t declare the insurrection Act with in the next 27 days then I know he’s full of it and I’ll act accordingly. I have always thought that he was a wolf in a rich man’s suit.
If He goes down that road with the lizard people in that pedophile corrupted family than he will surely be finished with inless he is using another tactic to dismantle them. He can’t do anything anyway, every treaty or compact he makes must go to the senate for approval and once it goes there it will be DOA because it requires 60 votes to pass compacts like this.
Yup. 06/30/2025 is my cut-off date. Throw us a bone, Golden Golem! Nuland and the Vindman Clan come to mind.
1 day ago
They should be accountable indeed, but crickets so far on some things.
When I sit back and observe, the silence on some things is deafening.
RFK and the admin have seemed oddly silent on the genetic therapy experimentation foisted upon the public. The accrued evidence of harm and death is being openly ignored. Children (9 million I think) have been administered the genetic therapy for no good reason, excess deaths and disabilities worldwide should command investigations, answers, and consequences. Yet, the headlines scream about soda and processed foods and SNAP (which to be clear I agree with in principle).
People that have openly been involved with sedition, possibly treason, still walk freely among us. No great headlines about prosecuting them.
We continue to fund proxy wars. Yes “negotiations” in progress on one of them, the other..crickets.
I have no idea anymore what is “real” and what is manipulation from all parties involved. There seems to be a lot of “look over here” for quick headlines and emotional responses but substance seems to be lacking. Can we overcome the damage that has been done in the brief time window we seem to have, or is there even a real desire to do so?
I continue to pray, and to a lesser degree hope.
1 day ago
I want to be optimistic, but the cancer has metastasized into the entire body politic. An excision here and there is noble, but ultimately pointless. Our owner’s manual (read Bill of Rights/U.S. constitution) spell out remedies. It was an interesting political experiment, but nothing lasts forever.
1 day ago
There ae consequences to putting high hopes in man. Same prison, different warden. Are we really that easy to fool?
Yikes. You guys aren’t being realistic. The Wheels of Justice Turn Slowly. These attorneys aren’t going to serve warrants for arrest unless every i is dotted and every T crossed. They want these peeps dead bang or it’s going to look really bad for MAGA. I’m saying a year before you start seeing perp walks.
Worth a read. No, it’s not putting on plates and getting all Thomas Paine.
The crux is SNIP
More specifically, the president’s memo asserts:
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 prohibits attorneys from engaging in certain unethical conduct in Federal courts. Attorneys must not present legal filings “for improper purpose[s],” including “to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation.” FRCP 11(b)(1). Attorneys must ensure that legal arguments are “warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law or for establishing new law.”
This is the first time that legal discipline has been leveled directly at the lawfare lawyers themselves. (Election-rigging maestro Marc Elias is mentioned by name in the memo.) It means that after eight years of this noxious gamesmanship, they are going to have to start answering for their actions, they will have to lawyer-up on their own account, and they are going to discover (the old saying goes) how the process is the punishment.
Next, if it is not already underway at the DOJ, Mr. Trump must direct AG Bondi to explore the parties financing this lawfare — this “frivolous, unreasonable, and vexatious litigation” — and you should suppose that it has been emanating from the checkbooks of George Soros, Reid Hoffman, and other wealthy seditionists, who, likewise, will have to do some serious ‘splainin’ why they should not go to prison. One thing for sure: the money for all this is going to dry up.
But let’s pretend we can “PUT PRESSURE” on the Trump Admin with our keyboards here. I wonder if Grok has been asked IF Trump’s folks even know NC Renegade exists?
DOJ was forced to arrest a rather senior FBI agent that was attempting to flee the country a couple days ago. Which tells me he forced their hand. It also tells me DOJ is full steam ahead on these tratiterous POSs. Watching them sweat might be fun.
Just where did you get your talking point about barking porch dogs? Was it some back room MSM portal or your decent liberal neighbors you seem so fond of.
So again, any real word of what you think we should do to restore the Republic?
The outrage of the hour is getting dull. Been going on for more than the 8 years I’ve been aware of this site.
Maybe I’ve missed some of your writings. A link or such please?
Meanwhile I only hear porch dogs barking again.
Stan Sylvester
12 hours ago
“We’re governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested by men we have never heard of.” H.L. Mencken
Let’s give those at the top of the pyramid of evil a little credit. Any arrests would most likely be in the category of low lying fruit.
There’s a rainbow hidden in the clouds however!
The world is healing.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Couldn’t resist.
I’m giving President Trump and Team 100 Days. If then no arrest My Opinion may take a different turn. I like lot of the changes and findings, but we need accountability or we leave them free to take advantage again.
I agree, with what garland and his henchmen did to Christian’s, conservatives, etc. is well documented and if I don’t see any of these marxists in the deep state going to prison with the federal judges who are in the cabal as well than I am finished with him for good and it’s all been smoke and mirrors. He needs to use the power of the office to just arrest all of them and charge them under military jurisdiction with treason and sedition and put them all in the military brig and let them rot.
In my opinion, we got a small reprieve that is all. The administration is not concentrating on the true enemy of we the people. Did you ever think President Trump would even consider becoming a commonwealth of the British Empire? What have we in common with that dictatorship? If you want peace prepare for war, that looks like our last and only option.
Hey Tom if he doesn’t declare the insurrection Act with in the next 27 days then I know he’s full of it and I’ll act accordingly. I have always thought that he was a wolf in a rich man’s suit.
I’m putting your 27 days on my calendar.
And as 8+ years of such comments have shown.
Nothing will happen.
Maybe Irod Folsom actually will get busy.
If He goes down that road with the lizard people in that pedophile corrupted family than he will surely be finished with inless he is using another tactic to dismantle them. He can’t do anything anyway, every treaty or compact he makes must go to the senate for approval and once it goes there it will be DOA because it requires 60 votes to pass compacts like this.
Yup. 06/30/2025 is my cut-off date. Throw us a bone, Golden Golem! Nuland and the Vindman Clan come to mind.
They should be accountable indeed, but crickets so far on some things.
When I sit back and observe, the silence on some things is deafening.
RFK and the admin have seemed oddly silent on the genetic therapy experimentation foisted upon the public. The accrued evidence of harm and death is being openly ignored. Children (9 million I think) have been administered the genetic therapy for no good reason, excess deaths and disabilities worldwide should command investigations, answers, and consequences. Yet, the headlines scream about soda and processed foods and SNAP (which to be clear I agree with in principle).
People that have openly been involved with sedition, possibly treason, still walk freely among us. No great headlines about prosecuting them.
We continue to fund proxy wars. Yes “negotiations” in progress on one of them, the other..crickets.
I have no idea anymore what is “real” and what is manipulation from all parties involved. There seems to be a lot of “look over here” for quick headlines and emotional responses but substance seems to be lacking. Can we overcome the damage that has been done in the brief time window we seem to have, or is there even a real desire to do so?
I continue to pray, and to a lesser degree hope.
I want to be optimistic, but the cancer has metastasized into the entire body politic. An excision here and there is noble, but ultimately pointless. Our owner’s manual (read Bill of Rights/U.S. constitution) spell out remedies. It was an interesting political experiment, but nothing lasts forever.
There ae consequences to putting high hopes in man. Same prison, different warden. Are we really that easy to fool?
It would seem so.
Yikes. You guys aren’t being realistic. The Wheels of Justice Turn Slowly. These attorneys aren’t going to serve warrants for arrest unless every i is dotted and every T crossed. They want these peeps dead bang or it’s going to look really bad for MAGA. I’m saying a year before you start seeing perp walks.
Realistic friend isn’t what is popular here.
(10) The Last Resort -- by James Howard Kunstler
Worth a read. No, it’s not putting on plates and getting all Thomas Paine.
The crux is SNIP
More specifically, the president’s memo asserts:
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 prohibits attorneys from engaging in certain unethical conduct in Federal courts. Attorneys must not present legal filings “for improper purpose[s],” including “to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation.” FRCP 11(b)(1). Attorneys must ensure that legal arguments are “warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law or for establishing new law.”
This is the first time that legal discipline has been leveled directly at the lawfare lawyers themselves. (Election-rigging maestro Marc Elias is mentioned by name in the memo.) It means that after eight years of this noxious gamesmanship, they are going to have to start answering for their actions, they will have to lawyer-up on their own account, and they are going to discover (the old saying goes) how the process is the punishment.
Next, if it is not already underway at the DOJ, Mr. Trump must direct AG Bondi to explore the parties financing this lawfare — this “frivolous, unreasonable, and vexatious litigation” — and you should suppose that it has been emanating from the checkbooks of George Soros, Reid Hoffman, and other wealthy seditionists, who, likewise, will have to do some serious ‘splainin’ why they should not go to prison. One thing for sure: the money for all this is going to dry up.
But let’s pretend we can “PUT PRESSURE” on the Trump Admin with our keyboards here. I wonder if Grok has been asked IF Trump’s folks even know NC Renegade exists?
DOJ was forced to arrest a rather senior FBI agent that was attempting to flee the country a couple days ago. Which tells me he forced their hand. It also tells me DOJ is full steam ahead on these tratiterous POSs. Watching them sweat might be fun.
EXACTLY, here and there often hidden by the Media a few cracks here and there are showing.
AND FORCED is the proper terms. Trumps team is Fighting their own DOJ and such trying to get things done.
BUT WE BLAME TRUMP for the “Slow Progress”.
Deep State Actors Are Using Color Revolution ‘Lawfare’ Tactics to Thwart Trump’s Agenda There is more than enough evidence to start arresting these criminals, the let us be patient while they build airtight cases BS.
Sigh, your law degree is showing again Tom.
Never mind that our Host here told you about some of the law.
Never mind you never TOLD US as I asked YOUR Personal knowledge of pursuing someone in court when they LAWYERED UP.
But do go ahead and bark a lot about how Trump, Bondi and everybody in Trumps team isn’t performing to your level of EXPERTISE in Law.
Just where did you get your talking point about barking porch dogs? Was it some back room MSM portal or your decent liberal neighbors you seem so fond of.
Weak even for you Tom.
I get things done.
Do you?
I saw your post on GeoWatch… be patient….
Kind of neat Wes. You create a matrix and in just a few seconds just change the date.
POW, a bunch of the same porch dogs start barking again.
Can I ask YOU, Wes, what YOU THINK WE SHOULD DO, aside from being amusing.
Put something out there so we can see if you actually do it.
It is Neat isn’t it. Perhaps you should go thru my extensive history of writings here. Glad I can entertain you.
I do read your writing Wes.
So again, any real word of what you think we should do to restore the Republic?
The outrage of the hour is getting dull. Been going on for more than the 8 years I’ve been aware of this site.
Maybe I’ve missed some of your writings. A link or such please?
Meanwhile I only hear porch dogs barking again.
“We’re governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested by men we have never heard of.” H.L. Mencken
Let’s give those at the top of the pyramid of evil a little credit. Any arrests would most likely be in the category of low lying fruit.
Exactly Stan.
We KNOW SO VERY LITTLE ABOUT What’s Really Happening.
But,But,But we have a KEYBOARD and ability to post links…
This is the most boring political fight ever. I would wager that less than 5 people ever get arrested and maybe 2 or 3 are inprisoned.
It is becoming very boring.
Courtrooms are boring Randolph.
It’s not a 30 minute Perry Mason show.
I hear it’s Baseball season so that should help your boredom.