David said, “This is as good as the regular news.”
To which I can only add, “it’s at least as relevant.”
After all, it doesn’t matter who the next occupant in the white hut is -- the economic calamity which the 0.01% have engineered is, at this point, utterly unavoidable. And it is these inevitable workings of economics [as distorted and corrupt as they are] which will have by far the greatest impact upon your life for the foreseeable future. Over the next decade, everything else will pale beside Economics, and War.
And while many consider it a ‘conspiracy theory’ that wars are concocted by the elite, to bleed personal and national coffers dry for their own gain, I don’t even need to address such an accusation, in order to validate my point that a major war is coming -- because whether you wear a tinfoil hat 24/7 or laugh at those who do wear one: there is no denying that an existential conflict is coming, between Western Society and Islamic Society, both in Europe and North America.
It doesn’t matter whether the massive influx of muslims into Europe and North America was a purposeful ploy by the globalists to destroy national sovereignty, or just an unfortunate twist of fate.
The facts are the facts -- and the facts are pretty clear.
There are now very close to a hundred million unassimiliated** muslims living throughout Europe at present (by conservative estimates). And the fact that they are “unassimilated” means that, if they are not radicalized prior to entry, the potential for becoming violently radicalized while struggling to live in a new environment and a foreign society are profoundly high.
Here are some absolute numbers --
-- The total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010 was about 44 million, or roughly 6% of the total European population [4], which is between 720 and 750 million people (depending upon which source you choose to cite)
-- Estimates for the number of “refugees” who have entered the EU in the past 36 months vary from 5.7 million to upwards of 14.7 million, of which approximately 94% are muslims
-- over 800,000 refugees entered the EU via Italy in 2015, and approximately 1.1 million entered via Greece in 2015
-- Refugees entering via Italy surged by 80% in 1Q2016 [13] to nearly 375,000 in the 3-month period between 1 January through 31 March 2016
-- Documented refugees entering the EU via Greece, for the year of January 2015 through February 1st 2016 totaled 980,725 [14], and an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 additional migrants entered Greece in the same period without registering as refugees.
-- Paris, including inner suburbs -- 1.78~1.92 million muslim residents, as of 2010 [2]
-- London Metropolitan Area -- 1.09 ~1.17 million in 2010 [1]
-- Frankfort and Suburbs -- 236,250 muslims in 2007 [2,3]
-- Frankfort estimated to have approximately 1.33 million muslim residents as of December 2015 [5]
-- Over 1 million muslim refugees/immigrants entered Germany in the calendar year 2015 [10]
-- Belgium, over 628,700 muslim residents as of 2005 and 45% of new applications for non-citizen residence were made by muslims in 2005 [11]
-- Over 120,000 muslims residing in Cologne, Germany, as of February 2012 [12] current estimates place the muslim refugee population of Cologne at between 190 thousand and 280 thousand -- the refugee figure is in addition to the ‘permanent’ population, currently estimated at ~180 thousand muslims, for a conservatively estimated figure of 370 thousand as of 4Q2015
-- Berlin, aprox. 160,000 muslim residents as of 2009 [9]: due to the influx of refugees, the current estimates for Berlin’s muslim population are now between 450,000 and 620,000
And some percentages:
-- Amsterdam -- 14% muslim in 2001 [6], now estimated at between 36% and 41%, roughly half of whom are currently living in temporary housing facilities such as the ‘tent city’ at Nijmegen [8]
-- Antwerp, Belgium, 16.9% in 2010 [7], current estimates place the muslim population at between 24.9 and 30% muslim in Antwerp
-- Birmingham, England, 26.9% muslim as of 2011 [15], now as high as 38% muslim due to the influx of refugees through Calais. [16]
-- London, England, 12.8% as of 2011 (15], now in excess of 23% muslim due to the influx of refugees through Calais. [16]
The muslim populataion of North America has not grown at the same pace as that of Europe over the last 5 years, but neither has the cadence of islamic immigration into North America been sanguine --
In America, we have a dozen cities with large islamic populations --
Detroit/Dearborn, MI, Washington, DC, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Philadelphia, New York City, Atlanta, Peoria, Illinois, San Francisco, Houston, Chicago, Baltimore MD, and Richmond VA. Just in these 12 American cities, we have over 2 million immigrant muslims with Permanent Resident status, A.K.A. they have a ‘Green Card’. The total count of muslims residing in the United states is given as 3.3 million in 2015, according to Pew Research [18] There are currently estimated to be somewhere between 450,000 and 800,00 muslim illegal immigrants, as well, according to unofficial sources within DHS/CBP. So the US total muslim population is roughly 3.8 million.
In 2011, there were well over a million muslim resident of Canada (1,053,945 lawful residents and Citizens) [17], and that number has since increased by an estimated 220 thousand, for a currently estimated total of 1,274,000 muslims in Canada, most of whom are concentrated in the cities of Toronto and Montreal --
Toronto currently has a metropolitan area population of 6.1 million people, of which some 687 thousand are muslims, put another way, the muslim population is just under 10% (9.57%) using the best available figures for 2014~2015. Greater Montreal has a total population of 4.1 million people [19], of whom it is estimated that 587,000 are muslims, which about 14.3% of the population.
The muslim population of Europe has more than doubled in the last 5 years, and the majority of the increase over this most recent 5-year period have been predominantly young men from war-torn areas such as Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, & etc. This means that in Europe at present, there are approximately 43~58 MILLION military-aged muslim males, from home countries with active wars going on, who are as likely as not to have experience as soldiers, terrorists, saboteurs, and/or agents provacateur. Even taking the low figure of 43 million, this is a fighting force far larger than England and the United States combined put into military service to fight in WW-II. And they neither have to storm the beaches at Normandy, nor break through the strong defenses of Calais and the low-lands… they are already in place.
In North America, while the numbers are not quite as grim as in Europe, our open and free society makes the activities and contacts of muslim migrants (legal or other wise) very difficult to track. Additionally, as with native American Citizens, muslims will find that access to firearms is quite easily obtained. As we witnessed in Orland just two weeks ago, a single man with a rifle can do a lot of damage. But what America has not experienced yet, is a coordinated action such as the Mumbai, Antwerp, or Paris attacks, where multiple attackers act in concert at multiple locations, using truly military grade (FULL-AUTO) small arms and/or improvised explosives, to work death on an unprecedented (for America) scale.
I have additional research data, but I have not yet finished preparing the data, nor finalizing my conclusions for publication -- but rest assured, that I will be posting an even more complete survey and risk-profile regarding islam and North America, as soon as I have completed the work required to prepare it.
1. Farmer, Brian R. (2010). Radical Islam in the West: ideology and challenge. McFarland & Co. p. 8. ISBN 9780786459537.
2. “When islam claims to be the victim”. The Economist. 4 December 2008.
3. “Frankfurter Statistische Berichte”, 2010
4. Pew Forum, “The Future of the Global Muslim Population”, January 2011
5. Statistic broadcast on RT news, 5 January 2016, RE: the mass sexual assaults in Germany on New Years Eve 2015.
6. “Bureau voor Onderzoek en Statistiek: ‘Geloven in Amsterdam'” [Bureau of Research and Statistics: Faith in Amsterdam] 2001
7. “Moslims in Brussel 2010–2030”. Npdata.be, 13 February 2012
8. While I could not locate consolidated figures for current Dutch ‘refugee’ or moslem populations, there are dispersed figures for particular housing facilities in Dutch news articles over the last 3 years, regarding the ‘refugee crisis’ and particularly ‘overcrowding’ at the numerous temporary housing facilities which the Dutch government is currently operating in the Amsterdam, Potsdam, and Rotterdam areas -- over 20 such facilities in all; and each with a population between 5,000 and 24,000
9. http://www.euro-islam.info/country-profiles/city-profiles/berlin/#identifier_0_471
10. http://www.euro-islam.info/2016/04/24/islam-not-compatible-with-german-constitution-says-far-right-afd-party/
11. Non-Profit Population and Demographic Statistics of Belgium -- http://www.npdata.be/BuG/100/
12. “Die Welt” Magazine, February 2012 -- http://www.welt.de/print/welt_kompakt/vermischtes/article13844948/Moschee-fuer-Muelheim.html
13. Zerohedge, “Refugees Flooding Italy Surge 80%; Proposed Solution in Single Picture”, 4 April 2016, http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-04/refugees-flooding-italy-surge-80-proposed-solution-single-picture
14. London Telegraph, “Which Greek islands are affected by the refugee crisis?”, 3 March 2016 -- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/greece/articles/greek-islands-affected-by-refugee-crisis/
15. 2011 Census: Religion, local authorities in England and Wales. United Kingdom Census 2011.
16. There exist no formal records of unauthorized migration from France to England via the “Chunnel”, but it is estimated that as many as 4 to 7 thousand migrants stow away on commercial vehicles each week, either at the Calais freight transfer facility, or along the approach between the freight terminal and the tunnel entrance itself. It is now a well documented practice, that these unlawful migrants will swarm the vehicle approaches to the tunnel, causing vehicles to stop, and then will stow away aboard the trucks while they are caught in the traffic jams which the migrants have created
17. National Household Survey of Canada, 2011
18. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/01/06/a-new-estimate-of-the-u-s-muslim-population/
19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal
oooohhhhh my you made my day ! thats awsome and spot on
Bwahahahahaha Thanks for the laughs! It tops a day of great news.
David said, “This is as good as the regular news.”
To which I can only add, “it’s at least as relevant.”
After all, it doesn’t matter who the next occupant in the white hut is -- the economic calamity which the 0.01% have engineered is, at this point, utterly unavoidable. And it is these inevitable workings of economics [as distorted and corrupt as they are] which will have by far the greatest impact upon your life for the foreseeable future. Over the next decade, everything else will pale beside Economics, and War.
And while many consider it a ‘conspiracy theory’ that wars are concocted by the elite, to bleed personal and national coffers dry for their own gain, I don’t even need to address such an accusation, in order to validate my point that a major war is coming -- because whether you wear a tinfoil hat 24/7 or laugh at those who do wear one: there is no denying that an existential conflict is coming, between Western Society and Islamic Society, both in Europe and North America.
It doesn’t matter whether the massive influx of muslims into Europe and North America was a purposeful ploy by the globalists to destroy national sovereignty, or just an unfortunate twist of fate.
The facts are the facts -- and the facts are pretty clear.
There are now very close to a hundred million unassimiliated** muslims living throughout Europe at present (by conservative estimates). And the fact that they are “unassimilated” means that, if they are not radicalized prior to entry, the potential for becoming violently radicalized while struggling to live in a new environment and a foreign society are profoundly high.
Here are some absolute numbers --
-- The total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010 was about 44 million, or roughly 6% of the total European population [4], which is between 720 and 750 million people (depending upon which source you choose to cite)
-- Estimates for the number of “refugees” who have entered the EU in the past 36 months vary from 5.7 million to upwards of 14.7 million, of which approximately 94% are muslims
-- over 800,000 refugees entered the EU via Italy in 2015, and approximately 1.1 million entered via Greece in 2015
-- Refugees entering via Italy surged by 80% in 1Q2016 [13] to nearly 375,000 in the 3-month period between 1 January through 31 March 2016
-- Documented refugees entering the EU via Greece, for the year of January 2015 through February 1st 2016 totaled 980,725 [14], and an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 additional migrants entered Greece in the same period without registering as refugees.
-- Paris, including inner suburbs -- 1.78~1.92 million muslim residents, as of 2010 [2]
-- London Metropolitan Area -- 1.09 ~1.17 million in 2010 [1]
-- Frankfort and Suburbs -- 236,250 muslims in 2007 [2,3]
-- Frankfort estimated to have approximately 1.33 million muslim residents as of December 2015 [5]
-- Over 1 million muslim refugees/immigrants entered Germany in the calendar year 2015 [10]
-- Belgium, over 628,700 muslim residents as of 2005 and 45% of new applications for non-citizen residence were made by muslims in 2005 [11]
-- Over 120,000 muslims residing in Cologne, Germany, as of February 2012 [12] current estimates place the muslim refugee population of Cologne at between 190 thousand and 280 thousand -- the refugee figure is in addition to the ‘permanent’ population, currently estimated at ~180 thousand muslims, for a conservatively estimated figure of 370 thousand as of 4Q2015
-- Berlin, aprox. 160,000 muslim residents as of 2009 [9]: due to the influx of refugees, the current estimates for Berlin’s muslim population are now between 450,000 and 620,000
And some percentages:
-- Amsterdam -- 14% muslim in 2001 [6], now estimated at between 36% and 41%, roughly half of whom are currently living in temporary housing facilities such as the ‘tent city’ at Nijmegen [8]
-- Antwerp, Belgium, 16.9% in 2010 [7], current estimates place the muslim population at between 24.9 and 30% muslim in Antwerp
-- Birmingham, England, 26.9% muslim as of 2011 [15], now as high as 38% muslim due to the influx of refugees through Calais. [16]
-- London, England, 12.8% as of 2011 (15], now in excess of 23% muslim due to the influx of refugees through Calais. [16]
The muslim populataion of North America has not grown at the same pace as that of Europe over the last 5 years, but neither has the cadence of islamic immigration into North America been sanguine --
In America, we have a dozen cities with large islamic populations --
Detroit/Dearborn, MI, Washington, DC, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Philadelphia, New York City, Atlanta, Peoria, Illinois, San Francisco, Houston, Chicago, Baltimore MD, and Richmond VA. Just in these 12 American cities, we have over 2 million immigrant muslims with Permanent Resident status, A.K.A. they have a ‘Green Card’. The total count of muslims residing in the United states is given as 3.3 million in 2015, according to Pew Research [18] There are currently estimated to be somewhere between 450,000 and 800,00 muslim illegal immigrants, as well, according to unofficial sources within DHS/CBP. So the US total muslim population is roughly 3.8 million.
In 2011, there were well over a million muslim resident of Canada (1,053,945 lawful residents and Citizens) [17], and that number has since increased by an estimated 220 thousand, for a currently estimated total of 1,274,000 muslims in Canada, most of whom are concentrated in the cities of Toronto and Montreal --
Toronto currently has a metropolitan area population of 6.1 million people, of which some 687 thousand are muslims, put another way, the muslim population is just under 10% (9.57%) using the best available figures for 2014~2015. Greater Montreal has a total population of 4.1 million people [19], of whom it is estimated that 587,000 are muslims, which about 14.3% of the population.
The muslim population of Europe has more than doubled in the last 5 years, and the majority of the increase over this most recent 5-year period have been predominantly young men from war-torn areas such as Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, & etc. This means that in Europe at present, there are approximately 43~58 MILLION military-aged muslim males, from home countries with active wars going on, who are as likely as not to have experience as soldiers, terrorists, saboteurs, and/or agents provacateur. Even taking the low figure of 43 million, this is a fighting force far larger than England and the United States combined put into military service to fight in WW-II. And they neither have to storm the beaches at Normandy, nor break through the strong defenses of Calais and the low-lands… they are already in place.
In North America, while the numbers are not quite as grim as in Europe, our open and free society makes the activities and contacts of muslim migrants (legal or other wise) very difficult to track. Additionally, as with native American Citizens, muslims will find that access to firearms is quite easily obtained. As we witnessed in Orland just two weeks ago, a single man with a rifle can do a lot of damage. But what America has not experienced yet, is a coordinated action such as the Mumbai, Antwerp, or Paris attacks, where multiple attackers act in concert at multiple locations, using truly military grade (FULL-AUTO) small arms and/or improvised explosives, to work death on an unprecedented (for America) scale.
I have additional research data, but I have not yet finished preparing the data, nor finalizing my conclusions for publication -- but rest assured, that I will be posting an even more complete survey and risk-profile regarding islam and North America, as soon as I have completed the work required to prepare it.
1. Farmer, Brian R. (2010). Radical Islam in the West: ideology and challenge. McFarland & Co. p. 8. ISBN 9780786459537.
2. “When islam claims to be the victim”. The Economist. 4 December 2008.
3. “Frankfurter Statistische Berichte”, 2010
4. Pew Forum, “The Future of the Global Muslim Population”, January 2011
5. Statistic broadcast on RT news, 5 January 2016, RE: the mass sexual assaults in Germany on New Years Eve 2015.
6. “Bureau voor Onderzoek en Statistiek: ‘Geloven in Amsterdam'” [Bureau of Research and Statistics: Faith in Amsterdam] 2001
7. “Moslims in Brussel 2010–2030”. Npdata.be, 13 February 2012
8. While I could not locate consolidated figures for current Dutch ‘refugee’ or moslem populations, there are dispersed figures for particular housing facilities in Dutch news articles over the last 3 years, regarding the ‘refugee crisis’ and particularly ‘overcrowding’ at the numerous temporary housing facilities which the Dutch government is currently operating in the Amsterdam, Potsdam, and Rotterdam areas -- over 20 such facilities in all; and each with a population between 5,000 and 24,000
9. http://www.euro-islam.info/country-profiles/city-profiles/berlin/#identifier_0_471
10. http://www.euro-islam.info/2016/04/24/islam-not-compatible-with-german-constitution-says-far-right-afd-party/
11. Non-Profit Population and Demographic Statistics of Belgium -- http://www.npdata.be/BuG/100/
12. “Die Welt” Magazine, February 2012 -- http://www.welt.de/print/welt_kompakt/vermischtes/article13844948/Moschee-fuer-Muelheim.html
13. Zerohedge, “Refugees Flooding Italy Surge 80%; Proposed Solution in Single Picture”, 4 April 2016, http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-04/refugees-flooding-italy-surge-80-proposed-solution-single-picture
14. London Telegraph, “Which Greek islands are affected by the refugee crisis?”, 3 March 2016 -- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/greece/articles/greek-islands-affected-by-refugee-crisis/
15. 2011 Census: Religion, local authorities in England and Wales. United Kingdom Census 2011.
16. There exist no formal records of unauthorized migration from France to England via the “Chunnel”, but it is estimated that as many as 4 to 7 thousand migrants stow away on commercial vehicles each week, either at the Calais freight transfer facility, or along the approach between the freight terminal and the tunnel entrance itself. It is now a well documented practice, that these unlawful migrants will swarm the vehicle approaches to the tunnel, causing vehicles to stop, and then will stow away aboard the trucks while they are caught in the traffic jams which the migrants have created
17. National Household Survey of Canada, 2011
18. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/01/06/a-new-estimate-of-the-u-s-muslim-population/
19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal