Dear NCFIRE Activist:

We just received word that Senator Tillis has come to an agreement with Democrats on an amnesty bill.

You heard that right — in the middle of a border crisis with no end in sight, Senator Tillis has been quietly working on amnesty. 

What he’s doing must be stopped — and fast!

To help stop this amnesty push and make Senator Tillis rethink his misplaced priorities, we ask that you call his DC office at 202-224-6342 and relay the following:

– I oppose any amnesty for illegal aliens!

– STOP working with open-borders Democrats to ram through an amnesty in the lame-duck session. 

– The only issue you should focus on is addressing the border crisis, not amnesty.

After you call his office, encourage your family and friends to do the same.

The American people are counting on North Carolinians to stop amnesty!
Thanks for your support!

James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Truth Social:

Cell #  910-286-3022

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2 years ago

Another shitbag RINO?
Nope, A Plant/Spy/Infilitraitor….

Damn there good.

2 years ago

Great use of a web page. Thanks for posting.

2 years ago

Uni-party, only one way to stop this and we all know what that is.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

Tillis is scum. I have contacted his office on various occasions, and received sloughed off replies. He is a turn coat, and the truth is not in him. I will never vote for him.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

He appears to be onboard with the Globalist agenda. It’s late in the game folks. We have our work cut out for us. As a reminder, the US Chamber of Commerce spends millions of dollars each year bribing politicians to keep the border open. It seems their reasons are more about not wanting to pay first world pay scales when they can import people who will work for much less. Then you have the communist reasons for the invasion making it even worse. This is a crisis in all Western countries.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Yessir, its not just North Cakalackie, its not just the FUSSA…Its global, brother. Ask Brazil, ask any European, ask New Zealand, Canadia, etc. Etc.
Its time to start shooting the bastards.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Absolutely Joe, way past time to raise the black flag and start slitting throats.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

These vermin are not your elected representatives. They deserve to be hung from the town square.