Canterbury Supports Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders
On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be voting on Chuck Canterbury, who is the President’ pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
Canterbury headed the Fraternal Order of Police and articulated several anti-gun positions during his tenure there.
Go here to add your name to the pre-written letter (above) which urges Republican Senators to vote against Canterbury as the new ATF head.
This pick to lead the ATF represents another troubling nominee, who has been selected to fill an important position in the administration.
Earlier this year, we warned Republicans Senators that Attorney General nominee William Barr had a long history of supporting gun control, including semi-auto bans.
We pointed out that since Democratic Senators were routinely opposing Trump nominees like this, as few as four Republican Senators could vote “no” and sink Barr’s nomination.
Unfortunately, the Senate confirmed Barr. And so now Barr is roaming the halls of the Senate pushing the central legislative goals of the Bloomberg/Giffords anti-gun lobbies.
Cleaning up this mess has become massively more difficult than if Senate Republicans had done the right thing from the start.
Now, we’re in exactly the same situation with the nominee for the ATF head, Chuck Canterbury.
And people think were going to vote out way out of this mess ?