No, really.
Whatever happens after today won’t be American.
Call it whatever you want, but not that.
Outright and obvious electoral fraud has been gaslighted, pro forma appeals to authority for redress of legitimate and documented grievances rejected, and civil disobedience has been criminalized to the point of terrorism, by those would-be overlords who seized power because they could, and got away with it, with the mantra of “By Any Mean Necessary”. Liberty, black-letter law, and any pretense of political freedom be damned, and Devil take the hindmost.
Your postulant political pretenders have paid only lip service to legitimacy, pretending that having someone in the score booth dial up the points on the scoreboard is the same thing as having won the game on the field. All the rulebooks, referees, and officials, have been too weak, wobbling, and quisling to step in and do their jobs, to undo such slithering duplicity and obvious theft, of an election, and an entire nation, in plain sight.
They have, rather, joined hands with it, welcomed it, and done everything in their power to usher it in, at every level of the process, and at every turn in the road.
There are and must be irrevocable consequences to those acts and deeds.
There is therefore, and imminently, no more rule of law in this country, and no more social contract between governed and the current sham of a government. It is one thing to ask for, and receive a majority, or even a plurality, of consent of the governed, and proceed to rule.
It is another thing entirely to fill out the ballots of imaginary people, by the million, and manufacture imaginary consent on a nationwide scale, and then act as though that consent was ever given. It has not been any such thing.
You woke up this morning covered by the tattered shreds of liberty once secured by your forefathers.