African Locust Outbreak Returns; Second Wave Approximately 20 Times Larger

According to the Associated Pressthey’re back – with a second wave of the destructive, crop-eating insects up to 20x as large as the first which are swarming by the billions.

The young desert locusts have left their breeding grounds in Somalia, where they will search and destroy fresh vegetation resulting from seasonal rains. This in turn has caused locals to band together to try and combat them, only to risk spreading coronavirus, according to the report.

It is the locusts that “everyone is talking about,” said Yoweri Aboket, a farmer in Uganda. “Once they land in your garden they do total destruction. Some people will even tell you that the locusts are more destructive than the coronavirus. There are even some who don’t believe that the virus will reach here.”

Some farmers in Abokat’s village near the Kenyan border bang metal pans, whistle or throw stones to try to drive the locusts away. But mostly they watch in frustration, largely barred by a coronavirus lockdown from gathering outside their homes.

A failed garden of cassava, a local staple, means hunger. Such worries in the village of some 600 people are reflected across a large part of East Africa, including Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan. The locust swarms also have been sighted in Djibouti, Eritrea, Tanzania and Congo. –AP



George Washington Praying during the Winter at Valley Forge on Wooden Plaque

People want miracles to believe in God. The Bible teaches us to open our eyes and we will see the glory of God everywhere. We also will see the trials and tribulations He imposes on petulant children. Plagues, locusts, volcanoes and impending famine should be enough for any sapient human to realize we are not on the right path.

2 Chronicles 7:14-The Conditions Upon Which Our Land Can Be Healed ...

While I encourage people to get the proper context of the above message by reading by starting at verse 1, ask yourself if this country is on the right path? Look at the popularity of the Socialist/Communist message in this election cycle. Look at the response of the Federal government to this epidemic in the country. The simple question is whether we will follow the Word or follow man.

David DeGerolamo

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