After a Trial

Americans like justice. Without the rule of law, a Republic falls. And our Republic has fallen. The traitors who destroyed our God, country and wealth should pay the price for treason. After a trial. At least that is what I pray will happen. I wrote the Washington trials in 2012. Here we are 11 years later.

If the country has no rule of law, we will descend into chaos and vigilante justice. A measure of the morality of a people will be on full display when WWIII or CWII breaks out. In the novel “One Second After”, justice is swiftly carried out on the two youths found guilty of stealing medications from old people. They were executed for their crime and to set an example that actions will have consequences so that order out of chaos would develop quickly.

The restoration of justice must be swift, fair and harsh. Treason, sedition and real insurrections must be punished. The Deep State knows their time is coming to an end. The economy/financial industry is bankrupt. The military is mostly woke and weak. Our Department of Injustice is corrupt and criminal. Our government is formed by selected “leaders” who are trying to limit our ability to defend ourselves.

What will be the straw that broke the camel’s back? I suspect every man has a different breaking point before they stand up. If the planned pandemic and subsequent death vaccine were not enough, I do not know what it will take.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Founding Fathers Quotes on Guns and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in the Second Amendment We have but one choice if we want to have freedom and liberty, May God almighty give us strength and courage.

Old Iron
Old Iron
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Excellent link tom finley.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Old Iron

Thank you Old Iron, the path is clear.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

Update on the potential for rioting and looting in Cook County Illinois today the 22nd. The North Riverside Mall has the barricades ready to go. They plan to do a soft lock down at 2pm. Maybe a full lock down. All neighboring Police are on standby. As is the National Guard. Some suburbs nearby have blocked the roads to vehicular traffic. Berwyn police are ready for action. It’s supposed to start after 4pm. The good news is the weather is real nasty right now. Cold, windy with sleet. Some nearby businesses have boarded up their stores. That’s all for now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

I don’t know! That’s a LOT of precautionary preparation for the mere THREAT of a bunch of disgruntled Amish.
The rioters WERE AMISH, were they NOT? Because, in virtually every riot, street action, knockout game and the pushing of decent people onto subway tracks, each of these crimes have clearly been committed by Amish--video PROOF!
We don’t have a race problem, we have a problem race.

1 year ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

I don’t understand, Amish, a joke? I try to keep up with the news, but I have heard nothing about Amish.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Joke, yes. The Amish are the antithesis of the group to which I refer, above.

Roger Johnstone
Roger Johnstone
1 year ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

The Amish are a religion, not a race. The disgruntled are gimme free stuff blmantifa, not Amish.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

So far no looters. The weather sucks today. apparently that was enough. But warm weather will return.

1 year ago

The Powers That Shouldn’t Be have cornered themselves. They will do something wickedly stupid. Brace, brace, brace.

Chris Mallory
Chris Mallory
1 year ago

Anti Sedition laws are mainly used to silence those who are critical of the government. I will stand with Madison , Jefferson, and my ancestors in opposing anti sedition laws. I also stand in full support of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions that said that the states have full authority and a duty to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional if there is no authority in the Constitution for that law.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chris Mallory

Chris M.,

1 year ago
Reply to  Chris Mallory

Mr. Mallory: The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions were fine for their time. That time has long past. All Mr. Biden has to do is federalize the National Guard(Remember the Inauguration?). The Orcs and Orcettes with badges guns, .mil gear and weapons will gladly do battle with their fellow citizens for Biden Bucks. Look at Venezuela. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 year ago

What would Henry Bowman do.

Last edited 1 year ago by Randolph Scott
1 year ago

This summer will be the point at which there will be no return. It will be the beginning of our long fight back to freedom.

1 year ago

I couldn’t agree more. Rule of Man vs Rule of Law. When the federal Dept of Justice is considered a criminal organization… all bets are off.
We have to clean house. The Lee County, FL (I spent 22 years there) GOP just came out with a Ban The Jab resolution. They are on fire to identify the globalist on every one of the 67 FL county commissions and the state legislature. Counties are joining and Collier County (just South of Lee Co) sent back $1.5 million in federal jab funding. Karen Kingston on has done a lot of work with the Collier county commission.
Covid and Coffee on-line newsletter by attorney Jeff Childers is a powerful vehicle for state political change. Every donation the C&C army makes to legislators ends in the number two… so those legislators know that members of a readership 30,000+ strong are watching and supporting what they are doing… so they do more of it.
Check out Covid and Coffee on Does anyone know of a platform like that in NC? or a person or organization that could do that kind of reporting? Let me know:
The NC State GOP offices have to start grasping that 42% of the US electorate is now registered Independent because they are IRRELEVANT old boys clubs. If the rest are like the one where I am, then they have no idea what is going on at any level. Asheville GOP still separates the women out!!
If we don’t stop the FEDNOW system in 60 days -- an evil corporate private bank cartel that has enslaved us for over 100 years is going to take over payments to US citizens from the US Treasury. Imbecilic, former fed chairman Janet Yellen has been positioned as the head of the US Treasury to make sure that there is no opposition. I did an Office of Inspector General Complaint against her for lying about the cause of inflation.
Where is the fightback in the Great State of NC???

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Every State has the right to declare their own position on our Constitution
which includes both stating it valid and declaring it or dismissing it.
Dismiss it? = Out of the union and do your own thing Baby. People can
choose where to live and can leave a state if they want to. Welfare
benefits? Social benefits? Social Security? Medicaid/medicare?
Abandoning Federal pensions/benefits? That will be a challenge.
Best we are are all prepared to live lean and mean, .gov is broke.

Ruth Ginsberger
Ruth Ginsberger
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Rule of man vs rule of law? Since rol is communism, you are right. We have the rule of Constitutional law of a representative republic! Don’t get drawn into using fake news leftist buzz phrases. We are a representative republic, not a democracy. There is no -we the people-component in a democracy. A democracy is a top down, rule of law, of the self proclaimed elites, for the self proclaimed elites, by the self proclaimed elites. Example- Afghanistan.
A representative republic is a bottom up, rule of Constitutional law, government. Of The People. By The People. For The People.

1 year ago

Well, what will it take?
Keep it simple, do not comply.

Roger Johnstone
Roger Johnstone
1 year ago

Typo- we don’t have rule of law. Never have. We have The Rule of Constitutional Law! Afghanistan has rule of law! Attention to detail!