I have copied each of the representatives or members on the Common Core Study Committee here:
Bryan.Holloway@ncleg.net, Dan.Soucek@ncleg.net, Marcus.Brandon@ncleg.net,
Tricia.Cotham@ncleg.net, Jeffrey.Elmore@ncleg.net, Craig.Horn@ncleg.net,
Larry.Pittman@ncleg.net,Michael.Speciale@ncleg.net, Chad.Barefoot@ncleg.net,
Warren.Daniel@ncleg.net, Martin.Nesbitt@ncleg.net, Buck.Newton@ncleg.net,
Earline.Parmon@ncleg.net, Jerry.Tillman@ncleg.net,Tim.Moore@ncleg.net,
- Non elected boards running the school system and making the tests
- Not state led, developed or controlled
- More debt and costly, more Federal debt involvement
- Unproven and untested standards
- Unwanted data collection on our students
- Teacher’s hands are tied, made to level the standards, not raise them
- a political agenda rather than an educational standard
Former message I sent a week or so ago………….below here (don’t forget the time to sign up to speak has passed, you can only attend or email now):
Public Hearing Guidelines for the March 20th meeting:
1. The two hour public hearing scheduled for March 20, 2014, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in Room 643 of the Legislative Office Building is conducted to accept comment and opinion on implementation of the Common Core State Standards in North Carolina public schools.
2. Registration for speaking at the public hearing may be made as follows:
a. On-line: On-line sign-ups will occur prior to the public hearing, opening at noon, March 13, 2014, on the General Assembly website. Online sign-ups will be limited to 30 speakers, and will close 48 hours in advance of the hearing. The link to the on-line sign-up can be found here:
b. At the hearing site: Sign-ups at the hearing site, Room 643 of the Legislative
Office Building, will begin 1 hour prior to the convening of the hearing, and will
close 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the hearing.
So this means there will be another 30 slots for the public but you can only sign up in person on the day of the meeting.
3. On-line registrants will need to check-in at the hearing site prior to the start of the hearing. Slots for on-line registrants who do not check-in prior to the start of the hearing will be released to on-site registrants.
4. Speakers will have up to 2minutes for presentation to the Committee.
5.Speakers will be called according to the order of registration. The presiding chair reserves the right to re-order the speakers, in order to provide the committee with a full spectrum of opinion and ideas.
6.Speakers who have registered may elect to allow another individual to speak in their
place at check-in if both parties are physically present at the hearing site. Substitutions
and yielding of time to other parties will not be permitted after the start of the hearing.
7. The presiding chair, at the chair’s discretion, may change these guidelines.
Based on items 6and 7 above, be prepared for anything. While 2 minutes is not enough time to educate the committee about your concerns with Common Core, National Assessments, data collection, etc., make the best of it and submit additional comments via email. Expect the Chamber of Commerce and others in the business community to have a strong presence at the meeting.
This is an important opportunity citizens must take advantage of to provide your comments. Please share this sign up information with your contacts.
LRC Common Core Study Committee Members. Please note Sen. Nesbitt Jr. passed away last week, my thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time and I thank him for his service on the committee and representing his district.
Chair |
Rep. Bryan R. Holloway (Chair) |
House Appointment |
Sen. Dan Soucek (Chair) | Senate Appointment |
Legislative Members | |
Rep. Marcus Brandon | House Appointment |
Rep. Tricia Ann Cotham | House Appointment |
Rep. Jeffrey Elmore | House Appointment |
Rep. D. Craig Horn | House Appointment |
House Appointment | |
Rep. Michael Speciale | House Appointment |
Senate Appointment | |
Senate Appointment | |
Sen. Martin L. Nesbitt, Jr. | Senate Appointment |
Sen. E. S. (Buck) Newton | Senate Appointment |
Sen. Earline W. Parmon | Senate Appointment |
Sen. Jerry W. Tillman | Senate Appointment |
LRC Member | |
Rep. Tim Moore | Ex Officio |
Sen. Tom Apodaca | Ex Officio |