A lot has been said here recently about Agenda 21. What follows here is a recap and reference to the domestic “civilian army” that will enforce this new form of slavery.
The excerpt below is from a lengthy article published on Gulag Bound
Unbelievable you say? You think it’ll never happen? The planning is going on right now in your community and in every region throughout the United States. This is Agenda 21. This is what they mean by Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), etc. It’s already embedded into the general plan of every community.
The transformation will be complete within 25 years and it’s funded with our tax dollars and funds from George Soros and Van Jones’ radical left organizations like OSI, the Tides Foundation, Apollo Alliance and Green For All.
First question: How will they get us to buy into such a radical transformation of our way of life?
Answer: Social Justice. They’re already infiltrating our churches and indoctrinating our youth so that their agenda will have momentum with easily influenced and impressionable kids and adults.
Second question: What about our right to own property? They cannot take private property from its rightful owner, can they?
Answer: Yes, they can and they are. Laws and Executive Orders have been enacted and many people are already losing their property through eminent domain, greenlining and oppressive environmental regulations which make it cost prohibitive for them to comply or legally fight it in the courts.
Jobs will be assigned by the government and many of us will work to provide the food, healthcare and maintenance of the tenements that’s needed to sustain ourselves and those in our city. I’m sure we won’t be doing these jobs to earn a paycheck. We’ll do them in exchange for the food, home and healthcare they permit us to have. If we object, they’ll withhold those things from us and our family until we no longer object.
Fifth question: That’s slavery. How can they possibly keep us under control and prevent us from protesting?
Answer: Why would our President need a national civilian security force? To keep us under control. If this seems unbelievable, ask yourself: “Why did Obama say this?”
Oh Yeah … that pesky civilian national security force that so many people are willing to discount as campaign rhetoric…
Wonder what’s being done in the shadows? The excerpt that follows is from an editorial at The Rutherford Institute:
The transition to a police state will not come about with a dramatic coup d’etat, with battering rams and marauding militia. As we have experienced first-hand in recent years, it will creep in softly, one violation at a time, until suddenly you find yourself being subjected to random patdowns and security sweeps during your morning commute to work or quick trip to the shopping mall.
Now, thanks to TSA Chief John Pistole’s determination to “take the TSA to the next level,” there will soon be no place safe from the TSA’s groping searches. Only this time, the “ritualized humiliation” is being meted out by the serpentine-labeled Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) task forces, comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection canine teams. At a cost of $30 million in 2009, VIPR relies on 25 teams of agents, in addition to assistance from local law enforcement agencies as well as immigration agents. And as a sign of where things are headed, Pistole, himself a former FBI agent, wants to turn the TSA into a “national-security, counterterrorism organization, fully integrated into U.S. government efforts.” To accomplish this, Pistole has requested funding for an additional 12 teams for fiscal year 2012, bringing VIPR’s operating budget close to $110 million.
The question that must be asked, of course, is who exactly is the TSA trying to target and intimidate? Not would-be terrorists, given that scattershot pat-down stings are unlikely to apprehend or deter terrorists. In light of the fact that average citizens are the ones receiving the brunt of the TSA’s efforts, it stands to reason that we’ve become public enemy number one. We are all suspects. And how does the TSA deal with perceived threats? Its motto, posted at the TSA’s air marshal training center headquarters in the wake of 9/11, is particularly telling: “Dominate. Intimidate. Control.”
TSA and VIPR searches also indoctrinate children to accept pat-downs, full-body scans, and the like, as a regular component of the relationship between government and its citizens. In this way, police state tactics will gradually grow in acceptance as simply “the way things are.” A child who has been molested by government officials since before he could read is unlikely to question such activities as an unjustified exercise of authority when an adult.
The goal of VIPR is to have an omnipresent anti-terrorist force deployed at every moderate or high-density site: malls, stadiums, restaurants, grocery stores and so on. Expanding VIPR to its logical conclusion necessitates a police state. Additionally, VIPR, by expanding intrusive searches beyond the spatially circumscribed confines of airports, regularizes abusive behavior by government officials and inculcates submissiveness and subservience on the part of the average citizen.
In effect, VIPR paves the way psychologically for the implementation of totalitarian apparatuses of control. Furthermore, by entrenching frequent, intrusive searches in the American mindset as an unquestioned component of everyday life, programs like VIPR actually serve to reduce the level of protection afforded citizens by the Constitution. And once VIPR has accrued a sufficient bureaucracy, it will be virtually impossible to eradicate.
Question: How can you convince sheep to resist?
Answer: When they realize that is their only recourse left.
Freedom lost to government is never given back, it is taken back.
look at this book for the kiddies