Airline pilot Latane Campbell interview: A pilot’s view of COVID policies

h/t WRSA
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Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

Good interview. I will not fly commercial because the whole commercial airline industry treats people with a total lack of courtesy. Also, I do not want to be on a commercial aircraft with pilots that have taken the clot shot and are more likely to have direct effects that include heart attacks and death.
Who is John Galt?

Carol Krug
Carol Krug
3 years ago

Excellent interview. Spot on target.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago

Like the Delta pilot who died in flight?
Co-pilot landed the plane without incident at an alternate airport.

3 years ago

I wish that you would stop saying that those pushing the genocide will “realize” that the jabs don’t work….. etc. THEY KNOW. This is being done purposely. Please tell the whole truth.