Al Franken Is Begging for a Democrat Fundraising

Before our end-of-quarter deadline tomorrow, pitch in $3 or more to help elect Democrats all across the country.

We have a huge fundraising deadline coming up in less than 36 hours, so if you don’t have time to read this email right now, please click here and help us meet our fundraising goal!

— Al

Dear Friend, 

There’s no wrong way to stand up to Donald Trump and stand up for our shared values — as long as you do as much of it as you can, as often as you can. It’s gotta be part of your everyday routine: eat, sleep, resist, repeat.

That said, I know you already have a million other things you’re supposed to do every day: exercise, moisturize, eat more leafy greens.

So here’s a way to fight against Trump that will take you less than 60 seconds: click here and make a contribution to help elect Democrats!

Democrats across the country are organizing every hour of every day to stop Trump and defeat the Republicans enabling him. Contributions from folks like you — even donations of as little as $3 — are what keep our grassroots machine running, day in and day out.

But today is especially critical, because we’ve got a huge fundraising deadline staring us right in the face — it’s less than 36 hours away!

So while we need you to stand with us every day, we really need you today. As in right now.

I know you’re busy, but it won’t take long: please click here to make a contribution right now.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Or donate another amount.

Thanks — and don’t forget to moisturize.


P.S. — This deadline is coming up quick — less than 36 hours to go. Frankly, I was hoping you’d have clicked on a link and made a contribution already. But there’s still time: click here to give!

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible.

This email was sent to If this isn’t the best email address at which to reach you, update your contact information. Our email list is the best way we have of staying in regular contact with supporters like you across the country and letting you know about the work Democrats are doing. If you like staying in touch, but want to receive only the most important messages, click here. Click here to unsubscribe from our supporter list, but if you leave, it will be harder for you to stay involved in the organization that you’ve been such a critical part of. This organization is powered by you, and we’d love to hear your ideas. Send us any comments, criticisms, or feedback here, or just reply to this email! Thanks for supporting our party.


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a follower
a follower
7 years ago

never saw a sales pitch i cared for. Typical car salesman, hurry, times running out etc. Sick.

Average Joe
Average Joe
7 years ago

i’ll scour the yard tomorrow to see if the dog has left his donation.

Y’all have a nice day.