Alert: Stop NC state legislation to give driver’s licenses to illegals

Immigration Reformers and Concerned Citizens,

It’s not gone.  Speaker Thom Tillis has just allowed H.786, to give drivers permits to illegal aliens   STATE legislation to come up for a vote on the NC House floor THIS  MONDAY.

At the State level the NC House is voting as early as 7pm Monday on the bad H.786 state legislation that gives legal driver’s permits to illegal immigrants and guts E-Verify provisions that were to protect new jobs in North Carolina for only legal residents.  

TAKE THE ACTION just below……

Tell your NC House member to vote AGAINST  H.786, the Reclaim Act, (but tell them why) it gives driver’s permits to illegal immigrants and guts E-Verify provisions that were to protect jobs for citizens.  North Carolina has the fifth worst unemployment rate in the entire nation.  Why would our NC General Assembly even consider making it easier for illegal immigrants to get jobs and then legally drive to those jobs that don’t belong to them?  Are Republicans going to choose illegal immigrants over citizens???

Find your NC House member at the weblink below by county and click on their name for contact info:

We will also continue to work to kill the national amnesty for illegal aliens……more to follow.

Send this email to your friends and associates.


Ron Woodard



(919) 460-8156

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11 years ago