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- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on Zelensky on US Soldiers in Ukraine
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- 173dVietVet on Who Really Won?
- Joe Blow on Common Sense
They have already lost the war.
It is a good day to die. So lets get this fight going.
Agree Thomas, time is up.
When food is unavailable and gas hits a national average of $8 per gallon all this mental illness horseshit will fade away as hunger trumps this bs!
No. This is a tribulation issue, in that it will be ongoing into the tribulation. Again, this has to do with one side governing, and the other side not understanding the social criteria needed to expand their views, beliefs and way of life.
As long as these “THINGS” exist, you have no society worth saving.
Kick it in the crotch. Proper identification will be instantaneous.
America did not care to cultivate men and women. Therefore, people came up with own genders, in conjunction with abundant funding from various venues, as well as the social infrastructure, such as dating sites, community centers, support systems, and many other things that so-called heterosexuals lack (perhaps being barely heterosexual, not yet being swayed one way or the other). It’s striking that there’s no societal means of exploring heterosexuality. There’s really no visual or experiential, (in a day-to-day setting) aspects of it. It’s rather tucked away.
If you’re born with a pecker, your a male. If you’re born with a vagina, you’re a women. No amount of wishing or changing will alter that simple biological fact. Who or what you identify as does not make you into what you wish you were. If you identify as a tree, you will still not be a tree. get over it. Accept you as you are, nothing more, nothing less. There will always be those greater and those lesser than you. You are you for a reason that you cannot comprehend. Tough shit, it’s life, deal with it.
Just as an uncultivated male is as a beast in the field, so is sexuality, or it can be. Why do many people think that no training and education in a responsible setting is needed as regards to their biology and sexuality? That’s what’s led in part, to the hyper-sexual training in schools.